字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hello? 喂? It's you again? 怎麼又是你? Gosh, this is the third time today. 天啊,這是你今天打來的第三通電話了。 No, I don't care if this is my once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get the Sucker 3000 vacuum cleaner. 不用,我一點都不在乎這是不是我這輩子唯一一次可以得到 Sucker 3,000 吸塵器的機會。 Please just stop harassing me. 拜託不要再騷擾我了! Sexual harassment is a type of bullying intended to hurt or intimidate someone. 性騷擾是一種以傷害或恐嚇一個人為目的的霸凌行為。 It can include making sexual jokes, comments, or gestures to or about someone. 對一個人開黃腔、作出帶有性意味的評論和動作,都可以算是性騷擾。 Spreading sexual rumors in person, by text, or online. 此外,親口、傳送訊息或在網路散播性謠言, Writing sexual messages about people on bathroom stalls or in other public places. 在廁所隔間或其他公共場合亂寫關於他人的性訊息, Showing someone inappropriate sexual pictures or videos. 向他人展示不當的色情圖片或影片, Touching, grabbing, or pinching someone in a deliberately sexual way. 故意用帶有性意味的方式觸碰、抓或掐一個人, Asking someone to send you naked pictures of herself or himself. 要求他人把他/她的裸照發給你, Pulling at someone's clothing, 故意拉扯他人的衣服, And brushing up against someone in a purposefully sexual way. 冒犯性的方式觸碰他人身體都是性騷擾的行為! If you are being harassed, don't blame yourself. 如果你被性騷擾,不要責怪自己。 The idea that someone was asking for it because of something they did, said, or were wearing is false and unacceptable. 那些「一定是因為你做了什麼、說了什麼或穿了什麼才會被騷擾」的檢討被害人的想法,是不對且不能夠被接受的。 It often can be helpful to start by telling the person doing the harassing to stop. 被騷擾的當下,你務必要求騷擾者停止對方的行為。 Let him or her know that this behavior is not okay with you. 讓他或她知道你無法接受這種行為。 If that doesn't stop the harassment, don't just ignore the behavior. 如果他依然冥頑不靈,持續冒犯你,千萬不要忍氣吞聲! Usually, ignoring it won't make it stop. 忍氣吞聲非但阻止不了事情的發生,還會讓情況越來越糟。 Instead, tell a trusted adult about it. 你要做的是,告訴一個值得信賴的成年人。 Telling someone sooner leads to faster results. 儘快告訴別人你的遭遇,事情就能夠得到更快的解決。 You should keep a record of the events that have happened. 向他人求助後,不要忘記保留和事件有關的所有證據。 That way you'll have them if your school or family has to take legal action. 這樣一來,當你的學校或家庭要將對方的行為訴諸法律途徑時,你就有證據可以保護自己。 Remember, no one has the right to sexually harass or bully anyone else, no matter what. 請記住,任何人都沒有權利性騷擾或性霸凌任何人。 Until next time. 下個影片見。 Don't forget to visit me at amaze.org or go to my YouTube channel to watch more. 你可以到 amaze.org 或我的 YouTube 頻道搜尋更多關於我的資訊和影片。 Bye. 再見。
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 騷擾 行為 觸碰 影片 訊息 證據 「性騷擾」到底是什麼? (What Is Sexual Harassment?) 9215 332 Jade Weng 發佈於 2020 年 07 月 25 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字