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good morning you beautiful people I just drank coffee so excited for my existence
on this planet Earth so today we have a really really awesome day today we are
actually working with a photographer who does amazing like family photos she has
a really cool style so we're doing kind of a mummy and baby photo session I
wanted to start with a huge thank you to secret deodorant for sponsoring this
video and collaborating with me so I don't know if you guys know but secret
came out with a new deodorant which is aluminum free deodorant which is huge it
also died free and it's clear and no parabens which is awesome I'm really
excited to see such a big brand to come out with that hello he said I wanted
mama how can he get young here we have good shooting we have a photo shoot max
mommy and baby's gonna have photo shoot you have a baby already he's like I was
a bird you guys know that I always kind of on a hunt for more ingredient
conscious brands and I'm not perfect by any means but it's really awesome that
there is a company as big a secret that comes out and gives this option for
everybody because these can be found in every drugstore everywhere
well the most important thing as in did this experiment where I put that theater
and on and then put like a black shirt and you know how there's a lot of
deodorants that leave the white marks this doesn't happen it's clear and
doesn't leave any marks I'm using the rose water I'm gonna put a link in the
description box yes I told you I just had coffee so I do have a long day today
just making sure I'm ready to attack Oh next hello to Maxie boo the six month
old Maxie who is growing so so fast I don't know what to do with you
so Maxie turned six months I feel like it flew by I don't even know what
happened I think the combination of still waking up at night and having two
other kids totally erased sense of time for me
but this little monkey is so if true could boy he eats we already started
giving him solids and he turns around he has new sounds that he makes right Maxie
would you say Bubba and Gina got excited are you ready are you ready boy
everything is so interesting I know the world looks so nice for you so many
new things to see and learn
let's go max eek you ready it's that it's a bird oh excuse me what is this
magical place
this is maximus is very excited to be here
what is this gorgeous place can I move in buddy
what's his name Salem oh yes
so I just want to tell a story how the universe is there for you if you believe
in it because I slept for three hours last night and I was planning to do my
own hair and makeup and then Ashley message me in the morning was like oh
you're shooting with my friend I can come over and hang if you want some hair
and makeup that's like yes bring them all the concealer you have please Oh
Salem Q I see that like you love everything shabi just like it's you
could squirted yeah like a smushed face I know ah the holes in there like not
close you know there's no that's my favorite back
he's ruling an intimate nore thank you for being here today
can I see your ID jacket you get it girl gold digger we're all batteries gorgeous
oh my god I'm gonna move enough okay so we're going for a very natural soft feel
so this is gonna be I'm gonna show you the lighting here won't do justice I'm
so excited the first look is a supernatural we're doing with Maxie
booth beautiful artist here with the red lip
is doing an amazing job you obviously know and this beautiful
lady supplied this dreamy location I'm moving in where do you see do that again
maybe those pants whatever pants yeah the baby one I feel like I'm trying to
save her kind of the moments with him but it's hard when there's so much going
on as a veteran he still wakes up at night once at night is like usually but
sometimes it would be two three four at this age to have like growth spurts
eating there's so many different things going on so I kind of don't get used to
anything I usually make sure to establish a firm routine at around 1:00
but I am thinking about sleep training him just because I feel like he really
doesn't need to eat at night anymore but then I also don't want to do it because
I feel like that one time at night is literally the only time we have just to
be one-on-one quietly without distractions here comes the prince
oh my god
he's already very curious and he just wants to do everything and go everywhere
I feel like he's trying to run after his brothers already so I think that he's
actually gonna start moving pretty soon the boys are really really good with him
Jake is obsessed with him he just so wants to be involved and help with his
little brother Ben is a little iffy about him he's not a little Wow
what is going on this is yucky for us
and we're getting rest it was pretty easy baby I think is the third one
they're like I don't have much choice here so I'm not even gonna bother to be
high maintenance Wow look at this guide are you gonna start crawling soon I know
I know okay
he's like staring right off he's a little bit
they're really great having you part of this family you brought so much Sun and
light and laughter into our lives and thanks for picking us to be your mama
and papa and now we're gonna go feed this guy Oh
boo-boo could pick up a thicker