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  • Vampires of Venus

  • by Anthony Pelcher

  • It was as if someone had thrown a bomb into a Quaker meeting, when adventure suddenly

  • began to crowd itself into the life of the studious and methodical Leslie Larner, professor

  • of entomology. Fame had been his since early manhood, when

  • he began to distinguish himself in several sciences, but the adventure and thrills he

  • had longed for had always fallen to the lot of others.

  • His father, a college professor, had left him a good working brain and nothing else.

  • Later his mother died and he was left with no relatives in the world, so far as he knew.

  • So he gave his life over to study and hard work.

  • Still youthful at twenty-five, he was hoping that fate would "give him a break." It did.

  • He was in charge of a Government department having to do with Oriental beetles, Hessian

  • flies, boll weevils and such, and it seemed his life had been just one bug after another.

  • He took creeping, crawling things seriously and believed that, unless curbed, insects

  • would some day crowd man off the earth. He sounded an alarm, but humanity was not disturbed.

  • So Leslie Larner fell back on his microscope and concerned himself with saving cotton,

  • wheat and other crops. His only diversion was fishing for the elusive rainbow trout.

  • He managed to spend a month each year in the Colorado Rockies angling for speckled beauties.

  • Larner was anything but a clock-watcher, but on a certain bright day in June he was seated

  • in his laboratory doing just that. "Just five minutes to go," he mused.

  • It was just 4:25 P. M. He had finished his work, put his affairs in order, and in five

  • minutes would be free to leave on a much needed and well earned vacation. His bags were packed

  • and at the station. His fishing tackle, the pride of his young life, was neatly rolled

  • in oiled silk and stood near at hand. "I'll just fill my calabash, take one more

  • quiet smoke, and then for the mountains and freedom," he told himself. He settled back

  • with his feet on his desk. He half closed his eyes in solid comfort. Then the bomb fell

  • and exploded. B-r-r-r-r!

  • The buzzer on his desk buzzed and his feet came off the desk and hit the floor with a

  • thud. His eyes popped open and the calabash was immediately laid aside.

  • That buzzer usually meant business, and it would be his usual luck to have trouble crash

  • in on him just as he was on the edge of a rainbow trout paradise.

  • A messenger was ushered into the room by an assistant. The boy handed him an envelope,

  • said, "No answer," and departed. Larner tore open the envelope lazily. He read

  • and then re-read its contents, while a look of puzzled surprise disturbed his usually

  • placid countenance. He spread the sheet of paper out on his desk, and for the tenth time

  • he read: Confidential.

  • Memorize this address and destroy this paper: Tula Bela, 1726 88th Street, West, City of

  • Hesper, Republic of Pana, Planet Venus. Will meet you in the Frying Pan.

  • That was all. It was enough. Larner lost his temper. He crumpled the paper and tossed it

  • in the waste basket. He was not given to profanity, but he could say "Judas Priest" in a way that

  • sizzled. "Judas Priest!" he spluttered. "Anyone who

  • would send a man a crazy bunch of nonsense like that, at a time like this, ought to be

  • snuffed out like a beetle! "'Meet you in the Frying Pan,'" he quoted.

  • Then he happened to recall something. "By golly, there is a fishing district in Colorado

  • known as the Frying Pan. That's not so crazy, but the planet Venus part surely is cuckoo."

  • He fished the paper out of the waste basket, found the envelope, placed the strange message

  • within and put it in his inside coat pocket. Then he seized his suitcase and fishing tackle,

  • and, rushing out, hailed a taxi. Not long after he was on his way west by plane.

  • As the country unrolled under him he retrieved the strange note from his pocket. He read

  • it again and again. Then he examined the envelope. It was an ordinary one of good quality, designed

  • for business rather than social usage. The note paper appeared quite different. It was

  • unruled, pure white, and of a texture which might be described as pebbly. It was strongly

  • made, and of a nature unlike any paper Larner had ever seen before. It appeared to have

  • been made from a fiber rather than a pulp. "Wonder who wrote it?" Larner asked himself.

  • "It is beautiful handwriting, masculine yet artistic. Wonder where he got the Frying Pan

  • idea? At any rate, I'm not going to the Frying Pan this year—I'm camping on Tennessee Creek,

  • in Lake County, Colorado. The country there is more beautiful and restful.

  • "But this street address on the planet Venus. Seems to me I read somewhere that Marconi

  • had received mysterious signals that he believed came from the planet Venus. Hesper, Hesper

  • ... it sounds familiar, somehow. Wonder if there could be anything to it?"

  • Something impelled him to follow out the instructions in the note. He spent the next few hours repeating

  • the address over and over again. When he was satisfied that he had memorized it thoroughly,

  • he tore the strange paper into bits and sent it fluttering earthward like a tiny snowstorm.

  • Larner was not a gullible individual, but neither was he unimaginative. He was scientist

  • enough to know that "the impossibilities of to-day are the accomplishments of to-morrow."

  • So while not convinced that the note was a serious communication, still his mind was

  • open. The weird address insisted on creeping into

  • his mind and driving out other thoughts, even those of his speckled playfellows, the rainbow

  • trout. "I've a notion to change my plans and go from

  • Denver to the Frying Pan," he cogitated. Then he thought, "No, I won't take it that seriously."

  • Anyone who knows the Colorado Rockies knows paradise. There is no more beautiful country

  • on the globe. Lake County, where Larner had chosen his fishing grounds, has as its seat

  • the old mining camp of Leadville. It has been visited and settled more for its gold mines

  • than the golden glow of its sunsets above the clouds, but the gold of the sunsets is

  • eternal, while the gold of the mines is fading quickly away.

  • Leadville, with its 5,000 inhabitants, nestles above the clouds, at an altitude of more than

  • 10,000 feet. Mount Massive with its three peaks lies back of the town in panorama and

  • rises to a height of some 14,400 feet. In the rugged mountains thereabouts are hundreds

  • of lakes fed by wild streams and bubbling crystal springs. All these lakes are above

  • the clouds. Winter sees the whole picture decorated with

  • bizarre snowdrifts from twenty to forty feet deep, but spring comes early. The beautiful

  • columbines and crocuses bloom before the snow is all off the ground in the valleys. The

  • lands up to 12,000 feet altitude are carpeted with a light green grass and moss. Giant pines

  • and dainty aspens, with their silvery bark and pinkish leaves blossom forth and whisper,

  • while the eternal snows still linger in the higher rocky cliffs and peaks above.

  • Indian-paint blooms its blood red in contrast to the milder colorings. Blackbirds and bluebirds

  • chatter and chipmunks chirp. The gold so hard to find in the mines glares from the skies.

  • The hills cuddle in banks of snowy clouds, and above all a pure clear blue sky sweeps.

  • The lakes and streams abound with rainbow trout, the gamest of any fresh water fish.

  • It is indeed a paradise for either poet or sportsman.

  • In any direction near to Leadville a man can find Heaven and recreation and rest.

  • Finding himself on Harrison Avenue, the main street of the county seat, Larner, after renewing

  • some old acquaintanceships, started west in a flivver for Tennessee Creek. The flivver

  • is a modern adjustment. Until a few years ago the only means of traversing these same

  • hills was by patient, sure-footed donkeys, which carried the pack while the wayfarer

  • walked along beside. The first day's fishing was good. Trout seemed

  • to greet him cheerily and sprang eagerly to the fray. They bit at any sort of silken fly

  • he cast. The site chosen by Larner for his camp was

  • in a mossy clearing separated from the stream by a fringe of willows along the creek. Then

  • came a border of aspens backed by a forest of silver-tipped firs.

  • It was ideal and his eyes swept the scene with satisfaction. Then he began whittling

  • bacon to grease his pan for frying trout over the open fire.

  • Suddenly he heard a rustle in the aspens, and, looking up, beheld a picture which made

  • his eyes bulge. A man and a woman, garbed seemingly in the costumes of another world,

  • walked toward him. Neither were more than five feet tall but were physically perfect,

  • and marvelously pleasing to the eye. There was little difference in their dress.

  • Both wore helmets studded with what Larner believed to be sapphires. He learned later

  • they were diamonds. Their clothing consisted of tight trouserlike garments surmounted by

  • tunics of some white pelt resembling chamois save for color. A belt studded with precious

  • stones encircled their waists. Artistic laced sandals graced their small firm feet.

  • Their skin was a pinkish white. Their every feature was perfection plus, and their bodies

  • curved just enough wherever a curve should be. The woman was daintier and more fully

  • developed, and her features were even more finely chiseled than the man. Otherwise it

  • would have been difficult to distinguish their sex.

  • Larner took in these details subconsciously, for he was awed beyond expression. All he

  • could do was to stand seemingly frozen, half bent over the campfire with his frying pan

  • in his hand. The man spoke.

  • "I hope we did not startle you," he said. "I thought my note would partly prepare you

  • for this meeting. We expected to find you in the Frying Pan district. When you did not

  • appear there we tuned our radio locator to your heart beats and in that way located you

  • here. It was hardly a second's space-flying time from where we were."

  • Larner said nothing. He could only stand and gape.

  • "I do not wonder that you are surprised," said the strange little man. "I will explain

  • that I am Nern Bela, of the City of Hesper, on the planet Venus. This is my sister Tula.

  • We greet you in the interest of the Republic of Pana, which embraces all of the planet

  • you know as Venus." When Larner recovered his breath, he lost

  • his temper. "I don't know what circus you escaped from,

  • but I crave solitude and I have no time to be bothered with fairy tales," he said with

  • brutal bruskness. Expressions of hurt surprise swept the countenances

  • of his visitors. The man spoke again:

  • "We are just what we assert we are, and our finding you was made necessary by a condition

  • which grieves the souls of all the 900,000,000 inhabitants of Venus. We have come to plead

  • with you to come with us and use your scientific knowledge to thwart a scourge which threatens

  • the lives of millions of people." There was a quiet dignity about the man and

  • an air of pride about the woman which made Larner stop and think, or try to. He rubbed

  • his hand over his brow and looked questioningly at the pair.

  • "If you are what you say you are, how did you get here?" he asked.

  • "We came in a targo, a space-flying ship, capable of doing 426,000 miles an hour. This

  • is just 1200 times as fast as 355 miles an hour, the highest speed known on earth. Come

  • with us and we will show you our ship." They looked at him appealingly, and both smiled

  • a smile of wistful friendliness. Larner, without a word, threw down his frying

  • pan and followed them through the aspens. The brother and sister walking ahead of him

  • gave his eyes a treat. He surveyed the perfect form of the girl. Her perfection was beyond

  • his ken. "They certainly are not of this world," he

  • mused.

  • A few hundred yards farther on there was a beach of pebbles, where the stream had changed

  • its course. On this plot sat a gigantic spherical machine of a glasslike material. It was about

  • 300 feet in diameter and it was tapered on two sides into tees which Larner rightly took

  • to be lights. "This is a targo, our type of space-flyer,"

  • said Nern Bela. "It is capable of making two trips a year between Venus and the earth.

  • We have visited this planet often, always landing in some mountain or jungle fastness

  • as heretofore we did not desire earth-dwellers to know of our presence."

  • "Why not?" asked Larner, his mouth agape and his eyes protruding. His mind was so full

  • of questions that he fairly blurted his first one.

  • "Because," said Bela, slowly and frankly, "because our race knows no sickness and we

  • feared contagion, as your race has not yet learned to control its being."

  • "Oh," said Lamer thoughtfully. He realized that humans of the earth, whom he had always

  • regarded as God's most perfect beings, were not so perfect after all.

  • "How do you people control your being, as you express it?" he asked.

  • "It is simple," was the reply. "For ninety centuries we have ceased to breed imperfection,

  • crime and disease. We deprived no one of the pleasures of life, but only the most perfect

  • mental and physical specimens of our people cared to have children. In other words, while

  • we make no claim to controlling our sex habits, we do control results."

  • "Oh," said Larner again. Nern Bela led the way to a door which opened

  • into the side of the space-flyer near its base. "We have a crew of four men and four

  • women," he said. "They handle the entire ship, with my sister and I in command, making six

  • souls aboard in all." "Why men and women?" thought Larner.

  • As if in answer to his thought Bela said: "On the earth the two sexes have struggled

  • for sex supremacy. This has thrown your civilization out of balance. On Venus we have struggled

  • for sex equality and have accomplished it. This is a perfect balance. Man and women engage

  • in all endeavor and share all favors and rewards alike."

  • "In war, too?" asked Larner. "There has not been war on Venus for 600,000

  • years," said Bela. "There is only the one nation, and the people all live in perfect

  • accord. Our only trouble in centuries is a dire peril which now threatens our people,

  • and it is of this that I wish to talk to you more at length."

  • They were standing close to the targo. Larner was struck by the peculiar material of which

  • it was constructed. There was a question in his eyes, and Nern Bela answered it:

  • "The metal is duranium; it is metalized quartz. It is frictionless, conducts no current or

  • ray except repulsion and attraction ray NTR69X6 by which it is propelled. It is practically

  • transparent, lighter than air and harder than a diamond. It is cast in moulds after being

  • melted or, rather, fused. "We use cold light which we produce by forcing

  • oxygen through air tubes into a vat filled with the fat of a deep sea fish resembling

  • your whale. You are aware, of course, that that is exactly how cold light is produced

  • by the firefly, except for the fact that the firefly uses his own fat."

  • Larner was positively fascinated. He smoothed the metal of the targo in appreciation of

  • its marvelous construction, but he longed most to see the curious light giving mechanism,

  • for this was closer to his own line of entomology. He had always believed that the light giving

  • organs of fireflys and deep-sea fishes could be reproduced mechanically.

  • The interior of the ship resembled in a vague way that of an ocean liner. It was controlled

  • by an instrument board at which a man and a girl sat. They did not raise their heads

  • as the three people entered. When called by Bela and his sister, who seemed

  • to give commands in unison, the crew assembled and were presented to the visitor.

  • "Earth-dwellers are not the curiosity to us that we seem to be to you," said Tula Bela,

  • speaking for the first time and smiling sweetly. Larner was too engrossed to note the remark

  • further than to nod his head. He was lost in contemplation of these strange people,

  • all garbed exactly alike and all surpassingly lovely to look upon.

  • An odor of food wafted from the galley, and Larner remembered he was hungry, with the

  • hunger of health. He had swung his basket of fish over his shoulder when he left his

  • campfire, and Tula took it from him. "Would you like to have our chef prepare them

  • for you?" she said, as she caught his hungry glance at his day's catch. This time Larner

  • answered her. "If you will pardon me," he said awkwardly.

  • "Really I am famished." "You will not miss your fish dinner," said

  • the girl. "I believe there is enough for all of us,"

  • said Larner. "I caught twenty beauties. I never knew fish to bite like that. Why, they—"

  • and he was off on a voluminous discourse on a favorite subject.

  • Those assembled listened sympathetically. Then Tula took the fish, and soon the aroma

  • of broiling trout mingled with the other entrancing galley odors.

  • After a dinner at which some weird yet satisfying viands were served and much unusual conversation

  • indulged in, Nern Bela led the way to what appeared to be the captain's quarters. The

  • crew and their visitor sat down to discuss a subject which proved to be of such a terrifying

  • nature as to scar human souls. "People on Venus," said Nern, as his eyes

  • took on a worried expression, "are unable to leave their homes after nightfall due to

  • some strange nocturnal beast which attacks them and vampirishly drains all blood from

  • their veins, leaving the dead bodies limp and empty."

  • "What? How?" questioned Larner leaning far forward over the conference table.

  • The others nodded their heads, and in the eyes of the women there was terror. Larner

  • could not but believe this. "The beasts, or should I say insects, are

  • as large as your horses and they fly, actually fly, by night, striking down humans, domestic

  • animals and all creatures of warm blood. How many there are we have no means of knowing,

  • and we cannot find their hiding and breeding places. They are not native to our planet,

  • and where they come from we cannot imagine. They are actually monstrous flys, or bugs,

  • or some form of insects." Larner was overcome by incredulity and showed

  • it. "Insects as big as horses?" he questioned and he could hardly suppress a smile.

  • "Believe us, in the name of the God of us all," insisted Nern. "They have a mouth which

  • consists of a large suction disk, in the center of which is a lancelike tongue. The lance

  • is forced into the body at any convenient point, and the suction disk drains out the

  • blood. If we only knew their source! They attack young children and the aged, up to

  • five hundred years, alike." "What! Five hundred years?" exploded Larner

  • again. "I should have explained," said Nern, simply,

  • "that Venus dwellers, due to our advanced knowledge of sanitation and health conversation,

  • live about 800 years and then die invariably of old age. The only unnatural cause of death

  • encountered is this giant insect. Accidents do occur, but they are rare. There are no

  • deliberate killings on Venus." Larner did not answer. He only pondered. The

  • more he ran over the strange happenings of the last week in his mind the more he believed

  • he was dreaming. His thoughts took a strange turn: "Why do these vain people go around

  • dressed in jeweled ornaments?" Nern again anticipated a question. "Diamonds,

  • gold and many of what you call precious stones are common on Venus," he volunteered. "Talc

  • and many other things are more valuable." "Talc?"

  • "Yes, we use an immense quantity of it. We have a wood that is harder than your steel.

  • We build machinery with it. We cannot use oil to lubricate these wooden shafts and bearings

  • as it softens the wood, so all parts exposed to friction are sprayed constantly by a gust

  • of talc from a blower. "You use talc mostly for toilet purposes.

  • We use it for various purposes. There is little left on Venus, and it is more valuable to

  • us than either gold or diamonds. We draw on your planet now for talc. You dump immense

  • quantities. We just shipped one hundred 1,000-ton globes of it from the Cripple Creek district,

  • and the district never missed it. We drew most of it from your mine dumps."

  • Nern tried not to look bored as he explained more in detail: "We brought 100 hollow spheres

  • constructed of duranium. We suspended these over the Cripple Creek district at an altitude

  • of 10,000 feet above the earth's surface. Because of the crystal glint of duranium they

  • were invisible to earth dwellers at that height. Then we used a suction draft at night, drawing

  • the talc from the earth, filling one drum after another. This is done by tuning in a

  • certain selective attraction that attracts only talc. It draws it right out of your ground

  • in tiny particles and assembles it in the transportation drums as pure talc. On the

  • earth, if noticed at all, it would have been called a dust storm.

  • "The drums, when loaded with talc, are set to attract the proper planetary force and

  • they go speeding toward Venus at the rate of 426,000 miles an hour. They are prevented

  • from colliding with meteors by an automatic magnetic device. This is controlled by magnetic

  • force alone, and when the targo gets too close to a meteor it changes its course instantly.

  • The passenger targo we ride in acts similarly. And now may I return to the subject of the

  • vampires of Venus?" "Pardon my ignorance," said Larner, and for

  • the first time in his life he felt very ignorant indeed.

  • "I know little more than I have told you," said Nern, rather hopelessly. "Our knowledge

  • of your world, your people and your language comes from our listening in on you and observing

  • you without being observed or heard. This might seem like taking an advantage of you,

  • were it not for the fact that we respect confidences, and subjugate all else to science. We have

  • helped you at times, by telepathically suggesting ideas to your thinkers.

  • "We would have given you all our inventions in this way, gladly, but in many instances

  • we were unable to find minds attuned to accept such advanced ideas. We have had the advantage

  • of you because our planet is so many millions of years older than your own." There was a

  • plaintive note in Nern's voice as he talked. "But now we are on our knees to you, so to

  • speak. We do not know everything and, desperately, we need the aid of a man of your caliber.

  • In behalf of the distraught people of Venus, I am asking you bluntly to make a great sacrifice.

  • Will you face the dangers of a trip to Venus and use your knowledge to aid us in exterminating

  • these creatures of hell?" There was positive pleading in his voice, and in the eyes of

  • his beautiful sister there were tears. "But what would my superiors in the Government

  • Bureau think?" feebly protested Larner, "I could not explain..."

  • "You have no superiors in your line. Our Government needs you at this time more than any earthly

  • government. Your place here is a fixture. You can always return to it, should you live.

  • We are asking you to face a horrible death with us. You can name your own compensation,

  • but I know you are not interested so much in reward.

  • "Now, honestly, my good professor, there is no advantage to be gained by explanation.

  • Just disappear. In the name of God and in the interests of science and the salvation

  • of a people who are at your mercy, just drop out of sight. Drop out of life on this planet.

  • Come with us. The cause is worthy of the man I believe you to be."

  • "I will go," said Larner, and his hosts waited for no more. An instant later the targo shot

  • out into interstellar space. "How do you know what course to follow?" asked

  • Larner after a reasonable time, when he had recovered from his surprise at the sudden

  • take-off. "We do not need to know. Our machine is tuned

  • to be attracted by the planetary force of Venus alone. We could not go elsewhere. A

  • repulsion ray finds us as we near Venus and protects us against too violent a landing.

  • We will land on Venus like a feather about three months from to-night."

  • The time of the journey through outer space was of little moment save for one incident.

  • Larner and the other travelers were suddenly and rather rudely jostled about the rapidly

  • flying craft. Larner lost his breath but not his speech.

  • "What happened?" he inquired. "We just automatically dodged a meteor," explained

  • Nern. Most of the time of the trip was spent by

  • Larner in listening to explanations of customs and traditions of the people of the brightest

  • planet in the universe. There was a question Larner had desired to

  • ask Nern Bela, yet he hesitated to do so. Finally one evening during the journey to

  • Venus, when the travelers had been occupying themselves in a scientific discussion of comparative

  • evolution on the two planets, Larner saw his opportunity.

  • "Why," he asked rather hesitatingly, "did the people of Venus always remain so small?

  • Why did you not strive more for height? The Japanese, who are the shortest in stature

  • of earth people, always wanted to be tall." "Without meaning any offense," replied Nern,

  • "I must say that it is characteristic of earth dwellers to want something without knowing

  • any good reason why they want it. It is perfectly all right for you people to be tall, but for

  • us it is not so fitting. You see, Venus is smaller than the earth. Size is comparative.

  • You think we are not tall because you are used to taller people. Comparatively we are

  • tall enough. In proportion to the size of our planet we are exactly the right size.

  • We keep our population at 900,000,000, and that is the perfectly exact number of people

  • who can live comfortably on our planet." Arriving on Venus, Larner was assigned a laboratory

  • and office in one of the Government buildings. It was a world seemingly made of glass. Quartz,

  • of rose, white and crystal coloring, Larner found, was the commonest country rock of the

  • planet. In many cases it was shot full of splinters of gold which the natives had not

  • taken the trouble to recover. This quartz was of a terrific hardness and was used in

  • building, paving, and public works generally. The effect was bewildering. It was a world

  • of shimmering crystal. The atmosphere of Venus had long puzzled Larner.

  • While not an astronomer in the largest sense of the word, yet he had a keen interest in

  • the heavens as a giant puzzle picture, and he had given some spare time to the study.

  • He knew that from all indications Venus had a most unusual atmosphere. He had read that

  • the atmosphere was considerably denser than that of the earth, and that its presence made

  • observation difficult. The actual surface of the planet he knew could hardly be seen

  • due, either to this atmosphere, or seemingly perpetual cloud banks.

  • He had read that the presence of atmosphere surrounding Venus is indicated to earthly

  • astronomers, during the planet's transit, by rings of light due to the reflection and

  • scattering of collected sunlight by its atmosphere. Astronomers on earth, he knew, had long been

  • satisfied of the presence of great cloud banks, as rocks and soils could not have such high

  • reflecting power. He knew that like the moon, Venus, when viewed from the earth, presents

  • different phases from the crescent to the full or total stage.

  • Looking up at the sky from the quartz streets of Venus, Larner beheld, in sweeping grandeur,

  • massed cloud banks, many of them apparently rain clouds.

  • Nern noted his skyward gaze, and said: "We have accomplished meteorological control.

  • Those clouds were brought under control when we conquered interplanetary force, and what

  • you call gravity. We form them and move them at will. They are our rain factory. We make

  • rain when and where we will. This insures our crops and makes for health and contentment.

  • "The air, you will note, is about the same or a little more moist than the earth air

  • at sea level. This is due to the planet's position nearer the sun.

  • "We have been striving for centuries to make the air a little drier and more rare, but

  • we have not succeeded yet. The heavy content of disintegrated quartz in our soil makes

  • moisture very necessary for our crops, so our moist atmosphere is evidently a provision

  • of providence. We are used to breathing this moist air, and when I first visited the earth

  • I was made uncomfortable by your rarified atmosphere. Now I can adjust myself to breathing

  • the air of either planet. However, I find myself drinking a great deal more water on

  • earth than on Venus." In this fairyland which had enjoyed centuries

  • of peace, health and accord, stark terror now reigned. In some instances the finely-bred,

  • marvellously intelligent people were in a mental condition bordering on madness.

  • This was especially true in the farming districts, where whole herds of lats had been wiped out.

  • Lats, Larner gleaned, were a common farm animal similar to the bovine species on earth, only

  • more wooly. On these creatures the Venus dwellers depended for their milk and dairy supplies,

  • and for their warmer clothing, which was made from the skin. The hair was used for brushes,

  • in the building trades, and a thousand ways in manufacturing.

  • Besides the domestic animals hundreds of people continued to meet death, and only a few of

  • the flying vampires had been hunted down. The giant insects were believed to breed slowly

  • as compared to earth insects, their females producing not more than ten eggs, by estimate,

  • after which death overtook the adult. In spite of this they were reported to be increasing.

  • In the Government building Larner was placed in touch with all the Government scientists

  • of Venus. His nearest collaborator was one Zorn Zada, most profound scientist of the

  • planet. The two men, with a score of assistants, worked elbow to elbow on the most gigantic

  • scientific mystery in the history of two planets. A specimen of the dread invader was mounted

  • and studied by the scientists, who were so engrossed in their work that they hardly took

  • time to eat. As for sleep, there was little of it. Days were spent in research and nights

  • in hunting the monsters. This hunting was done by newly recruited soldiers and scientists.

  • The weapons used were a short ray-gun of high destructive power which disintegrated the

  • bodies of the enemies by atomic energy blasts. The quarry was wary, however, and struck at

  • isolated individuals rather than massed fighting lines.

  • Seated at his work-bench Larner asked Zorn Zada what had become of Nern Bela. In his

  • heart he had a horrible lurking fear that the beautiful Tula Bela might fall before

  • a swarm of the strange vampires, but he did not voice this anxiety.

  • "Nern and his sister are explorers and navigators," was the reply. "They have been assigned to

  • carry you anywhere on this or any other planet where your work may engage you. They await

  • your orders. They are too valuable as space-navigators to be placed in harm's way."

  • Breathing a sigh of relief, Larner bent to his labors.

  • "What other wild animals or harmful insects have you on this planet?" he asked Zorn.

  • "I get your thought," replied the first scientist of Venus. "You are seeking a natural enemy

  • to this deadly flying menace, are you not?" "Yes," admitted Larner.

  • "All insects left on Venus with this one exception are beneficial," said Zorn. "There are no

  • wild animals, and no harmful insects. All animals, insects and birds have been domesticated

  • and are fed by their keepers. We get fabrics from forms of what you call spiders and other

  • web-builders and cocoon spinners. All forms of birds, beasts and crawling and flying things

  • have been brought under the dominion of man. We will have to seek another way out than

  • by finding an enemy parasite." "Where do you think these insect invaders

  • came from?" asked Larner. "You have noticed they are unlike anything

  • you have on earth in anatomical construction," said the savant. "They partake of the general

  • features of Coleoptera (beetles), in that they wear a sheath of armor, yet their mouth

  • parts are more on the order of the Diptera (flys). I regard them more as a fly than a

  • beetle, because most Coleoptera are helpful to humanity while practically all, if not

  • all, Diptera are malignant. "As to their original habitat, I believe they

  • migrated here from some other planet." "They could not fly through space," said Larner.

  • "No, that is the mystery of it," agreed Zorn. "How they got here and where they breed are

  • the questions that we have to answer." Long days passed on Venus. Long days and sleepless

  • nights. The big insects were hunted nightly by men armed with ray-guns, and nightly the

  • blood-sucking monsters took their toll of humanity and animals.

  • Finally Larner and Zorn determined to capture one of the insects alive, muzzle its lance

  • and suction pad, and give it sufficient freedom to find its way back to its hiding place.

  • By following the shackled monster the scientists hoped to find the breeding grounds.

  • All the provinces of the planet joined in the drive. Men turned out in automatic vehicles,

  • propelled by energy gathered from the atmosphere. They came on foot and in aircraft. Mobilization

  • was at given points and, leading the van, were Zorn and Larner and their confreres in

  • the targo of Nern and Tula Bela. The great army of Venus carried giant searchlights and

  • was armed with deadly ray-guns. Headquarters of the vast Army of Offense was

  • in the targo of the Belas. Larner was in supreme command. Just before the big army set out

  • to scour the planet to seek the breeding place of the monsters Larner issued a bulletin that

  • set all Venus by the ears. Addressed to President Vole Vesta of the Republic

  • of Pana and the good people of Venus, it read: As is generally known, it has been the habit

  • of the nation's space-flying merchantmen to visit the sunlit side of the planet Mercury

  • to obtain certain rare woods and other materials not found on this planet.

  • One side of Mercury, as is known, is always turned from the sun and is in a condition

  • of perpetual night. In this perpetual darkness and dampness, where many rivers flow into

  • warm black swamps, the vampires have bred for centuries. Conditions were ideal for their

  • growth, and so through the ages they evolved into the monsters we have encountered lately

  • on Venus. During some comparatively recent visit to

  • Mercury the grubs of these insects have found their way abroad a vegetation-laden targo

  • left standing near the edge of the black swamps of Mercury. These grubs were thus transported

  • to Venus and underwent their natural metamorphosis here. Reaching adult stage, they have found

  • some place to hide and breed, and thus is explained the origin of the vampires of Venus.

  • This was widely read and discussed and was finally accepted as the means of the invasion

  • of peaceful, beautiful Venus by a horror that might well have originated in hell.

  • However, this did not reveal the breeding grounds, or remove the nation-wide scourge

  • of the horrible winged vampires, so the mobilization of all the forces of the planet continued.

  • As day followed day the hordes of fighting Venus dwellers grew in the concentration camps.

  • In the targo of the Belas, Larner, brain-weary and body-racked as he was with overwork, found

  • a grain of happiness in being in the presence of Nern and his beautiful, petite sister.

  • With Zorn, Larner was supervising the construction of a big net of strongly woven wire mesh,

  • in which it was hoped to catch one of the vampires. It was decided to bait the trap

  • with a fat female lat. Zorn, Larner and the Belas fared forth from

  • the concentration camp followed by a company of soldiers carrying the big net. Tula with

  • her own hand led the fat lat heifer. His eyes were filled with commiseration for the poor

  • animal. Thousands of soldiers and citizenry, in fighting

  • array, watched the departure of the little group.

  • In a glade the trap was set and the net arranged to fall over the monster once it attacked

  • the calf. From a thicket, in utter darkness, Zorn and Larner and the two Belas waited for

  • the possible catch. The whole nation stood awaiting the order to advance.

  • On the fourth night the vigil was rewarded in a manner frightful to relate.

  • A clumsy flutter of giant wings broke the stillness.

  • The four waiting forms in the thicket rejoiced, believing the fat lat was about to be attacked.

  • Onward came the approaching horror. The measured flap, flap of its armored wings drawing nearer

  • and nearer. Then, horrorhorrors! A feminine scream rent the air. Cries loud

  • and shrill arose above a hysterical feminine cry for help.

  • The monster had chosen Tula Bela for its prey! Zorn exploded an alarm bomb. A compressed

  • air siren brought the army forward on the run. Giant floodlights began to light up the

  • scene. The blood of Larner and Nern froze. The monster had borne the girl to the ground.

  • Its frightful lance and cupper was upraised to strike. Larner was the nearest and the

  • quickest to act. He grabbed for his ray-gun, swung at his belt. It was gone! In horror

  • he remembered he had left it at the base. He seized a short knife and threw himself

  • forward, rolling his body between that of the girl and the descending lance and cupper.

  • As the lance pierced his shoulder Larner, in one wild gesture of frenzy, drove his knife

  • through the soft, yielding flesh of the vampire's organ of suction.

  • Protected by no bony structure the snout of the monster was amputated.

  • The terrible creature had been disarmed of his most formidable weapon, but he continued

  • to fight. Larner felt the spikes on the monster's legs tear at his flesh.

  • "Don't kill the thing," he shouted. "Bring on the net. For the love of God bring on the

  • net!" Then he lost consciousness. It was daylight when Larner, somewhat weakened

  • from loss of blood, regained consciousness. The beautiful Tula Bela was leaning over him.

  • She whispered comforting words to him in a language he did not fully understand. She

  • whispered happy exclamations in words he did not know the meaning of, but the tone was

  • unmistakably those of a sweetheart towards her lover.

  • Finally, in answer to a true scientist's question in his eyes, she said in English:

  • "They caught the thing alive. They await your order to advance."

  • "Let us be on our way," said Larner, and he started to arise.

  • "You are hardly strong enough," said Tula. "Believe me, I am all right," insisted Larner,

  • and after several trials he got to his feet. His constitution was naturally strong and

  • his will was stronger, so he fought back all feelings of weakness and soon announced himself

  • ready to go ahead with the project at hand. For speed was all important, and the young

  • professor found himself unable to remain inactive. He rejoiced when Zorn told him that the big

  • insect that had attacked Tula Bela had been captured alive and had been kept well nourished

  • by lat's blood injected into its stomach. With Zorn Larner went to inspect the hideous

  • monstrosity and found it in leash and straining. It was ready to be used to lead the way back

  • to its breeding place. Its wings shackled, the lumbering insect floundered

  • on its way straight north. Ponderously and half blindly it crawled as the searchlights'

  • glare was kept far enough in advance to keep from blinding the monster.

  • True to instinct it finally brought up at early dawn under a high cliff of smoky quartz.

  • Here, in the great crevices, the drove of diabolical vampires were hiding.

  • As the light struck their dens, they attempted clumsily to take wing, but a interlacing network

  • of devastating disintegrating rays from the ray-guns shattered their bodies to dust, which

  • was borne away by the wind. The next few months were spent in combing

  • the quartz crags of Venus for similar infested areas, but only the one breeding nest was

  • found. The scourge had been conquered in its first and only stronghold.

  • So ended the greatest reign of terror in the history of Venus.

  • Leslie Larner was given a vote of thanks, and riches were showered upon him by the good

  • people of the sky's brightest star. His modesty was characteristic, and he insisted

  • that his part in saving humanity on the planet had been small.

  • Passage back to earth was offered him, but Nern and Tula Bela urged him to say and live

  • his life on Venus. This he finally agreed to do.

  • "If I returned," he said, "I would always be tempted to tell my experiences while away,

  • and there is not a jury in the world which would account me sane after I had once spoken."

  • That the story of Larner's adventure reached earth dwellers at all is due to the fact that

  • Nern Bela on a subsequent visit to the earth narrated it to a Colorado quartz miner. This

  • miner, a bronzed and bearded prospector for gold, stumbled on the targo in a mountain

  • fastness, and there was nought to do but make him welcome and pledge him to secrecy.

  • The miner surveyed the crystal targo in rapt wonderment and said: "And to think I am the

  • only earth man who ever viewed such a craft!" "No," answered Nern Bela, "there is one other."

  • And then the stirring story of Leslie Larner's life on Venus was told.

Vampires of Venus


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維納斯的吸血鬼--安東尼-佩爾徹。 (Vampires of Venus - Anthony Pelcher)

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    阿多賓 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日