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Hey, what's going on, guys?
In my last video, I broke down my picks for the best and worst kits of 2019.
So go back and check the video if you missed it.
But in this video, it's the end of the decade.
So we need to talk about what are some of the best kids that came out from Bandai over the past decade of gum pla.
And there's a lot.
There was a lot of kids to go through, and so I will only be going through some of picks that had here for the best, not the worst and things like that.
So this is basically gonna act as a sort of like my list of 30 kids 30 ish kits that I think you guys should own from the past decade.
I would really recommend you guys tone from the past decade Now.
Some of you guys, of course, will disagree with my picks, and some of you will probably bring up kits that are also very good that you think other people should own.
Or you guys may disagree with some of these pics or some of the designs that I picked out.
You may not like it.
Also, that's why I say they're recommended.
I think you should only if you're a fan.
Obviously, I think they'll be the case sometimes where it's a really fantastic kid, but you just personally don't care for the design it all.
In that case, I think that that tends to happen happens to me, too.
So before we get into it, let me just let you guys know the criteria that I was thinking of when it came to considerations for which gets, I wanted to include on this list or not.
And so the first thing was looking at Is this quality in terms of just build quality, the steam lines?
How was the sticker representation like?
How good is the color separation versus use of stickers like that?
The articulation as well?
These are things that you know are gonna depend that matters more or less to some people.
Maybe some people don't really care that much about the articulation of a kid.
Don't care too much about seam lines in the kit.
You don't have any problem having to remove someone's in the kid.
That's fine.
But this is just for the General audience.
Let's try to remember that and for the general audience, we have to take into consideration from these things as well as the price, the price of other things to consider.
Does the price seem worth it for the kid and all these?
I think you'll see.
For the most part, the price is generally very much worth it for what you get in the box with the kid and then that also kind of includes than the accessories and options.
So what sort of weapons accessories option parts to get included.
The kids.
This basically means, like, Did you get everything in the box that you would have expected to get with that kid in the boxer?
Was there something's missing?
Or some things that you wish would have been included that maybe weren't included, things like that.
And then finally, just the design.
Overall design proportions, details of the kids.
Does it look cool?
Doesn't look how it should.
The proportions look good.
Everything is that gonna look cool up on your shelf post or not post in action pose for a standing pose.
Just the overall design of it doesn't look good.
That's the most important thing, of course.
So those are some of the criteria.
And I also wanted to do my best to include kind of at least one kid from each of the lines, these two different lines.
So it wasn't necessarily a requirement when I was going into this thinking like, Okay, I wanna have at least one kid from each time but end up kind of being that way.
So we're gonna start off here and go through just a couple of SD kits first.
Why don't we?
Because there's really only a couple of this one I actually kind of struggle with because number one I just s tickets is not something that I really personally get too much into.
Some people do.
I think a lot of people probably aren't that much into them.
But there are a couple of tickets that I feel like definitely should be on this list.
And the 1st 1 is the SD neo Zeon for 2000 yen.
This gives you a much smaller, much more affordable version of the neos young than the gigantic H two You see version, which is just a very huge and a lot of people probably don't have the space, don't have the money for that gigantic kit and just it's, you know, it has own pros and cons.
But this one gives you a nice, small little compact version.
And it's not like super obnoxiously SD if you're not really into, like, the whole SD aesthetic and then plus the fact that it has pretty much everything that you would want their has, um, all the weapons you would expect for the Shin Anju on then it also has, like, the psycho shard ring effect parts for as well, which for the HD.
You see, kid, that was a separate people, and I add on exclusive So the fact that it has everything in there and it's a pretty cool kiss, just as it is, I think that one definitely deserves to be on the list of If you're gonna own any s tickets from past decade, that should be one of them.
The other one is the SD cross silhouette, our 78 to Gundam and across the frames.
This is just the box set that comes with across the frame in the box is the one I would particularly recommend, but this is gonna be representative, sort of of the SD crossed a little line in general.
So this one is 1400 yen for this.
So definitely not a bad price to cost you 15 bucks or less.
Hopefully for this and the CS Frames is a really cool gimmick for this part.
Separation is quite good for an SD kit, especially in the head of the color separation.
The head is really nice.
You have just kind of the basic weapons that you would expect to have with this kit.
And they all look pretty good with this.
And so I think, specifically for the Ark 72.
I think this is probably the best bestie version of that.
But just if you're not really super into SD, I think the SD cross the limit line is one that you could probably get into, at least for a couple of.
If there's a design the particular like, for example, the nightingale would be another one that I would recommend another example where the 100 scale version of the kid is very expensive and very huge.
This is a much more manageable, small, compact little version of the nightingale that I think also doesn't really cross too much over into the super cheap be aesthetic that maybe some people don't like about SD kits.
Uh, the SD crustal, a version of the Nightingale, still has a really cool look basically of the original Nightingale, for the most part, not moving on into the RD 100 line.
Now there's a couple pics I have here from the RD 100 line as well.
And it's a line that in general I think a lot of people have very mixed feelings about some people love it.
Some people hate it.
Some people are just kind of depends on the kit.
But for those people who do want to try out the line, here are the two that I would recommend you guys to check out, the 1st 1 being the deejay and the second being the Babu.
And they're both list priced at 3500 yem now amongst the line.
What made the deejay in the booth the ones that I would pick for being the best ones of the past decade?
That is because I think they're the best representation of the line as fitting the bill of being a 100 scale kit of at least a sort of obscure designed.
These two are probably a couple of the least obscure ones, actually, to be honest, but they're meant thio look like master grades without being master grades.
And these ones are both really super nicely detailed.
And the bottle even has the full transformation gimmick as well.
So they look like on the service that they could be master grades.
And that's pretty much the goal of the lion, right?
So the really nicely detailed.
They have some pretty good color separation on there as well, for the most part on both of them.
And then these two, I think, don't really suffer as much as other kids in the line in the weak points of the line, which usually tends to be in the articulation and just the stability of the kids.
A lot of the kids in line do suffer from having some particularly weak joints.
You have it up on action based understand you'll have legs dripping down and not being able to hold up the weapons and things like that.
They just are not really as strong as they should be.
Not all of them for sure, but definitely some of them the line do have that problem.
These two particular kids don't really have that problem, which is good now.
If you weren't into the designs of these, I would also recommend the GPO for gerbera.
Gundam is also a good one.
If you prefer more Gundam type thin.
That one's also good.
Also a 35 100 yen for this price.
For this, the list price is the same and also a good kid.
It has a little bit of trouble holding the big gun, which is a shame because super cool gun is just very kind of live it tricky to get it to actually hold it other than that still really cool kit.
Now let's go from small to Big Two Biggest and talk about the perfect grade Xia.
So the perp, a great Xia is not only, I think, probably the best perfect great of the decade.
It's probably the best perfect, great just in general just because of what it is.
I think the perfect grade line, aside from just being really big, needs to have, you know, a ton of really cool gimmicks, and it needs to really feel like it's a big mike super premium kit, and this one is.
And I'm specifically talking about the lighting model because I think this kit without the led is still really good.
But you really need for the full effect.
Melodies now, unfortunately led is going to make the prices skyrocket to a massive 32,000 yen, which makes it definitely the most expensive one on this list and one of the most expensive Bend I kids Gump Lick.
It's that they make.
But like I said, this is for someone who wants a big, super cool looking, really premium kit.
It's definitely one that I would recommend if someone came to me and said, Hey, I want a kit for a centerpiece that is just going to be looking really awesome and huge and super nicely detail that has armor opening gimmicks and led gimmicks and all of them.
The unicorn is all right.
It's definitely not a bad choice.
But the reason why I would give the ex Eo one up over the unicorn is because I think the led gimmick is just a little bit more cool with the Xia, to be honest, even though personally, I prefer the unicorn, the XY.
It's, I think, led unit.
It was kind of the next stage after Unicorn, and they really did it even better.
And they were really great thing about the exit is that it can actually pose.
Where's the mask?
The perfect grade.
A unicorn is still big in a heavy.
That's really hard to oppose it in anything other than just a standing pose the extra on the stand.
You can actually put it in a bunch of different cool poses, which is great.
So if you want to have a standing there, if you want, have opposing some action.
Put something.
You could do that with this kid, and it still looks really good with all the ladies and everything lit up everything.
It's just a really awesome kit.
So this is one if you can swing the money for this one.
This is definitely what I would recommend to have in your collection for sure from the past 10 years or just past 40 years.
It's a really great kid.
Now let's take it back down smaller to the really great line and talk about some of the best real great kids and a real grade line has had a kind of, ah, up and down road along the way.
I kind of start off a little.
Well, I'm sure they had some really great kids, had some okay kits and they had some kids.
I think people work maybe getting a little bit less interested in the line.
But over the past couple years, especially, they've had some of the best kids out in the line, for sure.
And probably some of the best complicates out in the past decade in general, coming out in the RG line.
So the first thing we have is the real grade Sasa be.
This one gave the masquerades as Beaver Car run for its money for the best version of this house of E.
I think that while the master grade, it has the huge, massive appeal of just being super detailed and super large and has some really cool art armor separating gimmicks and things like that.
What the real grade has is that it has much better articulation if you want to have asked.
Cosby actually pulls up in some cool action pose, re creating a scene from animators.
You can do that so much more easier with the real grade version and the real grade version.
Also, it's a little bit twist on the design.
The design is just a little bit different in some certain areas.
So if you prefer one of the other that real grade, if you've already built the master rated the real grade doesn't feel like you're building the same kid again in just a smaller scale.
It definitely feels different and feels fresh and fun in its own way.
And for a 45 100 yen, it's definitely cheaper than the masquerade as well.
And while that is definitely one of the most expensive real grades in the line, I think it's definitely worth it's definitely a worthwhile price for that gets a large kit to the sesame is pretty big and selling 1.44 scale.
It's still going to be a pretty sizable kiss.
The list price, I think, definitely warranted.
In that case now, excellent is the real great unicorn.
Also, the HDC unicorn and the mask green unicorn both came out around a decade ago, around the time actually both came out.
I think before they would have been able to be on this list before 2009 if I remember correctly on DSO.
While both the H G and the Master grade versions, I think are both still find, I think people give them a little bit too much black.
I think they're not that bad.
I can most definitely say the real great is the best version of the Unicorn today.
No, it doesn't have the lighting gimmick like the PG, which, if that's what you wanted to definitely go for the PG, although it's gonna cost you quite a bit more if you wanted a much cheaper version here.
This is at 3800 yen for the real grade version.
For this, it fully transforms, which is amazing in one or 44 scale.
It's very solid, and the details on it look good.
If you want a really nice, detailed version of the master grade doesn't have a whole lot of surface detail on it.
Now I think for purple, for me personally, the Unicorn doesn't need a lot of service detail on the actual armor because the detail comes from the separating panels and everything in my personal opinion.
But if you wanted it more detailed.
The real grade version has that, too, and it's just really fantastic kiss.
So definitely recommend it.
If you want a kid of the Unicorn and just for a good, solid build, I think this is especially unique in the past decade worth of gum plot in that it's a 1 44 scale kit that has this full transformation in it.
That's just really cool and really interesting.
It's a bill that's not like any other build in the line.
Of course, having this full transformation, there's that's really fun.
Unique build on the next one Here is the really great new Gundam.
Now, this one I have here on the list just because I think that this is just a really good example of what the real great line should be.
1 44 scale kit with fantastic armor separation, really cool inner frame, A really nice articulation and just a really cool look to it.
And it has all of that.
So it's basically like a 1 44 scale version of a master grade.
That's what the RG line was set out to be.
This one does that perfectly.
It stands equal to the master grade kit just in terms of overall quality and details and everything.
I think it's just as good as some people might still prefer one version over there for a difference.
You know, minor reasons.
They prefer some ankle gimmick or something on one.
Get over the other.
Something like that.
You could really nit pick it a lot.
But someone came to me and said they wanted to try out the real grade line they didn't want, like the transforming gimmick of the Unicorn.
But they wanted a good, solid Gundam type kit from the really great line.
This is definitely the one that I would recommend, but there's one more real great that I do want to also talk about here as well, and that be the real grade Double O Rizer, and this woman was a little bit toss up for me between the devil, a riser or the quant.
And the reason why I went with double arises because I think it just comes with a little bit more in the box.
You have so much in there with the Double O Gundam and then the rise of unit, which you can separate on its own.
And you have a bunch of different weapons with this kid, of course.
So you have tons of different weapons options, posing options.
The kid has really solid the detail on this fantastic.
The clear parts look amazing.
And so it's just a really great, really great kid, especially if you're a fan of Double O, or even if you're not a super fan of double O like me.
When I built this skit, I wasn't really expecting to really like it that much.
But I loved this kid when I built it, and that was coming out in a time when I wasn't really into the real grade line all that much personally.
But this one really made me enjoy the kid quite a lot.
So while the master grade kit of this, I think is still pretty good, the rial grade kit is just has just that much higher level of detail and finesse.
I think to it, and so amongst, like the double O kids, the sea tickets, the alternate universe, really great kids to come out in the line.
I think this is probably the best one of the bunch, for sure.
but all right, let's move on to a high grades because there's a ton.
Bandai puts out more high grades than any other line.
And so we have to consider h Do you see?
There's all HD build.
Fighters build fighters.
Tribe are blood orphans all of the age basically all came out after 2009.
And so we had a ton of high grades to consider A So I tried to include some of the best kind of from across the spectrum of HD here on the line.
So we're gonna start off here with h g.
You see, John revived.
This was my pick for the best kid of the year when this came out just because such a good kid.
Now this one also, I think you could interchange with different kids in the revive line.
All of the HDC revive kits were all very great Kids.
There are 72.
Of course.
The Gundam the goof gonna mark to Cuba later.
Zeta on then.
Some of these are also unlike not technically revived kids, but kind of like the Zeta the ground Gundam Yoshiki Also the mega shiki, A variant of the shaky.
All these kind of kids are revived kits or kind of based on revive kids or couple evolution project.
Whatever they renamed the name to these updated versions of the HD You kids, we've got aced.
You see, kids that we've got in the past year have been fantastic, but especially the gun, because the gun was a kid that took a design that I didn't like at all.
And maybe love this kid.
I really loved the agency gown revive kit.
Plus, it's only 12,000 yen, so it's very affordable, and it's just such a cool build.
It's basically has nothing in the way of stickers, the articulation of his fantastic posing.
This kid is fantastic.
You compose it super well and pretty much the same point could be made for the rest of the revive line there as well.
And that's why I love that line of kids so much and why I'm a little disappointed they're not doing any more of the revive kids anymore, as they did at that point in time.
Specifically but begun especially, is one I would particularly recommend to you guys.
No, the next one here is HD.
You see Moon Gundam so Of course, when the moon gonna came out, everyone was blown away by it on.
It's a fantastic it's so there's good reason to be blown away by this kid's.
The details on this kid are amazing.
It's a good size as well.
It's a pretty large HD kiss.
A few maybe didn't really like H G kids or 1 44 is Kitchen, one of 44 scale kids in journal just for how small they were?
This one is definitely a little bit larger.
She might like it a little more.
The articulation, the weapons, the gimmicks on this having like the blades in the back of the arms as well.
And you have the cool heat beam saber, sort of like beam acts.
Looking sort of saber of a unique take on the sabre doesn't have to secure your standard boring beam saber a little bit different.
Ellison has cool rifle and, of course, the funnels on the back.
And this get unfortunately, is a little bit higher for NHC Kid coming in a 3000 yen.
That's pretty expensive for each ticket, but it does also include a stand in there as well.
So you have to figure That's about 500 yen worth of that.
So about minus the stand.
You know, the kid being about 2500 yen is not so out of the ordinary for ah, pretty large, pretty, highly detailed in Hialeah, you know, pretty well engineered kids.
I mean, there's a good amount of parts going into the engineering of this gas.
Well, so other price, I think, is pretty high for an HD kit, but it does feel pretty worthwhile.
A lot of people bring a point that you can buy.
You know, most of the real grade kits for around the same price or less.
And they have, you know, generally a lot more detail.
Lot Maur articulated in her frame things like that when Yes, that's true.
But I think you know, generally, if you actually weighed the amount of plastic in there, compare itching to do them, you can see why the cost is gonna be about the same cause.
That kid's very large.
It's got some large parts in there, and it's got a good number of parts in there.
The next one here is probably gonna come as a little bit of a surprise to you guys, and this is a little bit of a curveball.
I just wanted to throw in there because I think it's so unique.
And I was really sort of really impressed with this kid.
Was the H G ball twin set.
You wouldn't really think too much of it.
And you just think, Oh, gee, ball like that's boring, Not cool at all, But I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.
I was really surprised how much I enjoyed this kid for just being a little wasted.
Kids of the ball is two of them in the box, and you have the different options for the cannons.
You on the top as well.
S o what?
Whichever version you build, you'll have some cool leftover weapons parts that you can use for some different customs and things like that for a 1300 yen just for the set of two of these.
It's great.
I mean, they're great little kit if you want to build them out, but you can use them for customs.
You want to make, like some other different custom, using some, both using them for diagram, a space time of things like that, which is ultimately what?
I ended up using mine for pretty nice detail, nicely articulated for you know, the articulation that they have on them.
And you got, like, the cool, clear part there for the window in the front.
You can customize them, and so they're really great little kids, especially if you want to use them for something more than just snapping up putting on your shelf.
If that's what you're doing, you might find it maybe a little bit boring.
But if you're gonna really use them for something, doing some work on them, painting them up, especially putting them instance for drama, then they're really, really great little kids.
Uh, I'm surprisingly so, so definitely recommend checking us out of you having if you just kind of written them off like I'll not really too interested in that.
Check him out.
I think he'll be expressed.
All right, Next one.
What I think is probably the best in the HD build fighters line was theeighty Bill fighters try burning than them for a couple of reasons.
This one came out at 80 million, which was a little bit higher on the G line of for the Price of that.
But this one came with a ton of really cool stuff in the box.
Now the base gonna itself doesn't have any actual weapons in the box which some people may not like about that about being like a martial arts style mobile suit.
Of course, it's not really gonna use any weapons or shield or anything like that.
So what this kid did so well, Number one was the articulation.
The articulation of this kid is fantastic.
If you want to do this in actual like martial arts opposes it, does them super Well, you have tons of really cool hand options in the box for doing as well.
Doing different sort of martial arts poses on then all like the flame effect parts are really cool.
So you have the clear parts which, if you want to build a stuffed with just the blue clear parts, it looks good.
If you want to do a little fall, the flame parts all lit up or you can mix and match of some parts lit up, and then you have, like, the effect parts for like, the feet or the fists for like the kind of flame blast sort of.
For those, the effect parts on this are amazing.
This is a kit that is just so fun to pose with effect parts for it.
And so it's a really great get very minimal seam lines in this case as well.
It's a pretty good, solid build.
And so we've had a sort of martial arts type mobile suits on the past, like the God got him a shining gonna seem like that, for example.
But the kids didn't really feel like they were really particularly engineered to really push that martial arts aesthetic.
But this one was kind of the 1st 1 I felt really pushed that martial arts aesthetic with the kit, and you were really able to recreate that in super cool ways with just the kid itself and all the effect parts and right thing.
It's a really fun build on the next one.
Here is also sort of from me build fighters, divers line is the figure is standard diver NAMI Now, because this isn't the figure is standard line.
I was considering whether I wanted to include or not, but it is from a Gundam seriously included.
This basically as this is definitely banned eyes.
Best moose make it for sure.
Uh, so, like, we have the different versions of the Philomena, and there's also a couple different kids of Janko out now.
And so we have a different girl robot mash up most of my kids that band eyes may, but this one is far and away the best one.
The diver NAMI is the best one of the bunch, and they all cost right on the same price 2400 yen for them.
So there's not really gonna be much difference between that in terms of different versions.
But if you wanted to build one of Bend Eyes Girl kids, this is definitely the best one.
The weapons and option parts that has on our super cool.
You have different option parts with hair color.
If you wanna change that without having to paint, that's nice on the weapons.
Being modeled after kind of Gumpel a Tools and Things was really cool gimmick to that, So it's really fun.
Build definitely the band ice best effort in the genre so far and again just something different and unique for people who wanted to build something that was out of the ordinary definitely fits that bill, so I would definitely recommend that one.
Now the next one here is the H G, the origins aku to now there's a bunch of inversions of this one.
And so I'm specifically talking about the type C six slash our six coming in at 1800 yen for this one as well.
Now this one, I think, is definitely one of the kids.
You know, The original shards custom version kicked off HD origin line and it was such a fantastic kid.
There's a couple of minor gripes that would make, especially just in the steam lines in some areas on this kid, the form and the shoulder in particular.
But if you wanted a 1 44 scale version of his Aku one or Czako, too, then the origins versions are so good.
The articulation of this amazing the detail on them is look is really cool as well that a ton of cool detail they always come with a good handful of weapons as well, particularly the C six are six version has the most in the way of option parts and weapons.
I think on it you have like the anti ship rifle.
We have bazooka.
You have the sock a machine gun.
You have different option parts for the chest.
You have the option making head either kind of commander type or not.
And so there's different other versions that will also give you a little bit different accessories.
Things like that scene might want to go for a different version that maybe best suits what you want out of the kid.
But in general, I think the C six version is probably the best.
Now if you didn't want the origin version, I also wanted to make a special mention here of the A.
You see Saku to F to, which came out very early on in the decade in the past decade.
But I think it's still definitely one of the best one of 44 scale versions of the Saku Yeah, today, this one's cheaper 1500 yen.
That's certainly not as detailed, but it's still a really, really solid again.
Probably, I would say, very good, if not the best version of H G Saku that we have.
You know, it's it's definitely comparable to the origins Aku has, and there's pros and cons between the two.
So if you maybe wanted like, the best HD Saku, maybe you didn't quite like the look of the origin in reverse.
Maybe prefer the look of the F to a little bit more than go for the f do is a really great fantastic, I think still holds up super well, despite its age.
Still really fantastic kids.
So definitely check out one of those.
If you wanted one of the best HD Zach was in general or especially just of the past decade, those are gonna be the best two options.
Now, the last thing, of course.
I want to make a mention of a solid grunt on the other side on the FSF side, or just kind of the non antagonise side, that protagonist site.
And we're gonna talk about here the HT shall doll custom, which maybe is pretty random.
You think?
Where'd that come from?
Yes, Shall doll custom, I think, is such a fun cool kit.
It's basically sort of like it's comparable to the HDFC Revive kits.
And so it's using that kind of thing sort of similar technology and that the articulation is super good on its pretty minimal in terms of steam lines on this one as well.
It's just a Superfund solid, simple kit, and this one is under the one that I think you could also replace with different variations of.
It's got a few different variations in HD Age Line G excess, the Shelled All Rogue, for example, or a couple different variations of this that will have their own pros and cons to them as well.
But similar price point 12,000 yen 1200 yen for this, also very cheap.
So should be 10.
12 bucks for this kid shouldn't really cost you a whole lot.
And she's a super fun, simple little grunt kid, I think, is a good representation of the H GH line, which the H G age line in general has a lot of really great kids in there.
Actually, I've only built a few of them, but I know from the ones that I've built on what I've seen on some other ones in the line, that a C age line has a lot of really great kids, and it actually that shouldn't be overlooked.
Even if you're not a fan of the Siri's.
Definitely recommend this And so that's why I wanted specifically to point out this kid, because I think maybe a lot of people would not really pay much attention to it, because it's from age.
They don't really like it.
But as far as just a super solid fun to build a cheap, relatively simple H g kid of like a nice little grunt kid, this one is super cool.
But I do also want to make special mention of one more H g k here, and that is HD armload.
Orphans graze like with the shelled all customers sort of representational of the entire Lion General because they see our blood orphans line in general is all mostly pretty good.
It's a really great edged HDs in line.
It was kind of hard to choose which one I think, would be the best representation of the line.
Now there's a lot of Gundam types that I think of people would have probably chosen more like the Lupus or Lupus rex, the radar or maybe some other difference and non good um, types like the groom go to the Regine lays.
I also think are really great examples, really great kids as well so those are all really good.
But the reason why I like the greys, especially because it was such a good grunt.
Kids and such a really fun simple, just like the shuttle custom.
It's fun, simple, cheap.
This one's even cheaper at 1000 years for this price of this, so shouldn't really cost you much more than $10 for this kid.
It has almost nothing in the way of See, Mine's just a little bit on the legs.
That's pretty much it.
It's got some cool weapons.
It's got the big giant ax, essentially like of our blood orphans version of a Czako, too, basically, but it's such a really fun cool build.
I think you could very easily enjoy building multiple of this kid if you already have one built it, painted it.
I would imagine you'd probably wouldn't be against building and painting another one if I had to guess so.
Well, some of the Gundam type kids in the line like I mentioned the Lupus and the Vidar are also really good as well, and I think you could definitely be mentioned those as well.
But the reason why I put the greys over those because those have Maur stickers and more steam lines on them.
The grace doesn't really have any stickers, for the most part, suffer like I, uh, And so for those other kids, Well, like Vidar and the Lupus are both really good examples of Gundam types kids.
And they're both fantastic kids.
Lupus, especially, doesn't really come with a whole lot in the box, just like the one weapon, and has some pretty bad steam lines in some parts of it.
Sticking things so good get.
But I think the grace is definitely the best option If you wanted to check out the Gambler Orphans light.
And just from the HD kits from the past decade, which again is the theme of this video, Right?
Uh, this one as well has, like, the full inter frame and for the most part, almost entirely full inter frame, which was kind of like a big thing for an h G kits.
So that was a big step.
The bend I made, especially in a grunt kit like that.
And so it was really cool.
Uh, and then on kind of a special no, I do want to also mention the 100 scale, none grade gray sky as well.
If you want a one of the 100 scale our Blood orphans kits, I think the gray skies probably the best one just because, like with HD version, it's really fun build.
You have virtually no seam lines on.
It's virtually no stickers on it on this one gives you a bunch of really cool option parts in there as well for making different versions of the Greys kind so you can mix and match some parts with that.
And so you have some nice variation in the box and four, just around 3000 yen for this list price.
It's not very expensive, either, and just a really cool kid and easily not only just my personal favorite, but I think probably the best quality build of the 100 scale Amble orphans line.
Now let's finish up with the master red lines.
So keep being 100 scale.
Got my picks here for the best master a kid's of the decade, and this one was especially tough, and I feel like it probably could maybe cut one or two from this list of master white kids that want to go over now, but I really don't want to.
Uh, because these are all really fantastic.
It's that I think I would recommend for all of you guys to own the 1st 1 Here is the master grade dual Gundam or 4200 yen?
There's almost nothing to complain about.
This gun, Um, it's all positive.
You have really cool options.
If you want to build this just as the dual Gundam or if you want to build it with full of assault shroud, you got that option there, the weapons that it has a really cool the details proportions.
The stability of this kid is amazing.
It has one minor flaw in that.
The front skirt of the assault shroud is a little bit tricky to get it to stay on.
Sometimes it's a minor thing, but other than that, it's just It's such a funky and, I think, amongst the master grade of seed line kits that we've had out doors and like the with the strike, a strike version remastered on dhe ages the duel, the blitz, the buster, all great kits.
But I think among them the duel is probably the best just because it has the most solid, and it gives you the best options in the boxes well.
But another best friend see the kid that I think definitely deserves.
Specific mention on this list is the master grade Freedom version two point.
Oh, for 4500 yen.
This gives you a really amazing bill Now.
A lot of people may not like the fact that it's a little bit different from the enemy.
It's not very enemy accurate.
They definitely changed the design, but I personally like that I like that.
They gave a cool kind of twist on the design.
They made it a little bit more edgy looking, I guess.
But the changes they made to the design, I think, worked really well.
So what is being a two point?
Oh, you wanted to look different from the original master again.
So I appreciate that they know only rebuilt the whole kit for just making the inner frame just much more articulated and just the overall so much more detailed.
But they also just changed the appearance of the Gundam as well, just making some changes just to the overall aesthetic and the look and details of the design.
And so I appreciate that they did that.
The 2.0, I'm not sure I would necessarily say that.
I wish they do that for all the 2.0 Gundam kids because like if they would have done something like this for, like, the masquerade F 91 version to point out, I'm not sure if it would have worked quite as well.
But the fact that they did it for this design, I think it worked really well, and it came out really good.
And it's just one of the best master grade gets in general, I think the master grade Freedom 2.0 eyes such an amazing kit.
It works everything on.
It works really well.
The way that it connects to an action base is a little bit awkward, and I think a little bit uncomfortable.
Don't really quite like that, but other than that, it's it's a fantastic it.
The next one here is the master grade gym sniper.
To now, this one is kind of the the first in a line of Casey, the gym sniper custom and also the gym command.
And so the different premium Bandai variance as well which I think we're also really nice.
But the gym sniper too.
Especially because it because it was like the 1st 1 amongst this line of them, I think especially great.
No, of course he had the sniper rifle.
You have the bull pop machine gun for us?
Um, cool weapon accessories.
You have the shield, which has stands that can stand on its own as well.
And the inner frame is not using the new inter frame.
In this case, that was using much of the inner frame from the original Master Gundam 2.0, kit.
But that's still really fantastic in her frame.
So utilizing that inter frame to make some really cool new grunt kits was an amazing decision on Ben.
Nice part.
It worked out really well.
They did it really nicely.
The design of reporting the details on this looks fantastic as well Has some cool gimmicks.
The way that the neck moves to look down the side of this night rifle is fantastic.
If you want it of if you're a fan of grunt designs or phantom like sniper type designed, this kid is amazing.
And for a 38 100 yen, you know less than 40 bucks for that could definitely recommend that anyone.
So now the next one here is the master grade age one normal.
This is another one that maybe some people weren't necessarily expecting.
But what I think is so great about age one normal is that this is sort of a new take.
Essentially, is this a new take on the arxiv?
Need to go how?
It's, you know, shares like the original design aesthetic in a way, in terms of like the color placement kind of the overall design of it being just a Gundam in like the same colors.
Everything has the shield has the rifle.
And then So it's just a really fun and solid Caswell for solid, really great details and very open kid to custom painting as well.
I think I've seen this painted and just about every color scheme imaginable, and it looks great if you want, like a nice, great, super nicely detailed a master, a kid.
He wanted to try out doing some custom painting on doing a custom paint scheme on then this is one I think is very easily custom painted, and I think it just has a design in general that is just kind of open to mass appeal, like with the original gonna.
Now some people may not like certain things about it, and so we will don't necessarily like the original Ark 72 condoms design, but I feel like this design is just It's not boring.
It's not vanilla, but it's just that kind of has a good just general appeal to it.
And I think so.
That makes it pretty cool.
The next one here is the Master grade justa for 4500 yen.
Now this one was another one that I was a little bit on the fence about just because personally, while I know the justice, such a great kid, it's not one that I really personally am in love with, but I know a lot of people are, and I can definitely understand why a lot of people are.
And the really cool thing about this is just that's like why I kind of tend to call like a super ground.
It's a grunt, technically, I guess, but definitely feels Maur Maurer than just your standard grunt.
It's definitely more than your standard Jim, or even like Jim sniper smell like that, so it just has a super cool look.
That build is really nice.
The articulation is fantastic.
It's very large as well.
It's a pretty good size kids, definitely larger than your standard grunts to know.
The details on it are fantastic, especially on the weapons, as the shield, which has the missiles built into the shield and the beam rifle is really cool, really interesting, designed for the beam rifle as well.
The great thing is that this is one of those masquerade kits that takes an led unit.
So if you just get one of bend a little led units, you just pop it into the torso and light up the head of that.
That looks really cool as well.
There are a handful of mastery kids that do that, but I think this is one of the better looking ones for sure, because rather than just lighting up mano y, it's lighting up the whole advisor there in the head and it looks really awesome.
One solid up.
So definitely a mass rape kit.
I think a lot of people would agree, is when you have to have in your collection the only unfortunate thing is that the Justice Cannon Master grade kid came out.
P van dyke it on.
It's pretty expensive, but it's also a really good variant of them.
Now the next thing here is a toss up.
So we're gonna talk about the original granddaddy gun.
I'm here.
So we have the masquerading Gundam Aversion 3.0, at 4500 yen and then also the master grade are exhibiting zero to Ganem the origin version at 100 yen more 454,600 yen.
So, uh, they're both great.
And I get asked this question for relatively often which version when I recommend between the two of them and it's really hard, and they're both such fantastic versions of our 72.
And so I had to say, What's the best version of the Ark 72 to come out in the past decade?
I think it would be a toss up between either one of these two versions.
The HD revive kit is great, but I think people would probably have I prefer a little bit more to the build, and that's why I think going the master a row is the better way to go.
But between the two, what is the difference and which one would ultimately recommend?
Personally, I prefer of the origin version.
But with the 3.0, here's what you have.
With three point you have a little bit more intricate inner frame for the 3.0, you definitely have a little bit more in the way of surface detail on the armor with a three point.
Oh, and it's more, of course, in line with just the original look of the Gundam, especially actually looking more like the 1 to 1 scale version of the Gundam, which was previously on display there in Tokyo.
It's definitely modeled to look at the same as that.
And so if you wanted this a super great amazing build of the gun now and you want it to look like the Gundam like without looking to different, then this is definitely the way to go.
If you don't mind it looking a little bit different, then I would say go for the origin version of the nice thing about the origin version is that it also mean basically all the same boxes of 3.0 tix it still takes his well, fantastic in her frame.
Really great movement.
Articulation, armor separation.
The part separation is all really good.
This one you can also put in led in unit into it.
But where I think why I prefer the origin version Just because I actually kind of prefer the look of the origin version just in general.
But aside from that, the reason why I would usually tend to prefer the are the origin version is just because of the accessories.
It has some effect parts in It has a cool effect parts for the Vulcans on the wrist and on the missile on the torso and then also has a second version of the beam rifle.
So aside from just the standard kind of original gonna be mindful it has a second beam rifle as well, which is a little bit different, has the shield, which is mounted upside down, which is also a little bit different.
So if you wanted like a really cool Rx 782 but just a little bit different and coming with some cool effect parts and some cool accessories, then I think the origin version is definitely a fantastic, amazing mastery kids.
So it's so hard to recommend one over the other because they're both so good and just a little bit different ways.
If you wanted to live in more traditional, go for 3.0, if you want it a little bit less traditional, more interesting with the unique, I guess in a way, then go for the origin version.
Now another two point out that I want to talk about here is the master great Kakashi key to point out the doubt that you actually get to point.
It's probably banned ized, uh, best to go at doing a plate of just a standard release plated kids.
No, it doesn't have a super shiny chrome Mickey plating that they have had different versions and on different other kind of gold condoms and mobile suits.
But it had a little bit kind of different look to the goal that it was a little bit more dull, so it just looked really good.
And they, of course, molded the kit in the way that they knew that was gonna be played it.
So it's all under gated.
You don't have a bunch of nut marks.
Gate marks around on the areas where it should be gold.
That was all done really well.
He have just, of course, a fantastic inter frame of this one as well.
Fantastic color separation with you have little little red bits and little bits of frame just looking off through the armor and here and there and the design of it.
It's a super solid build.
Supposing this and really cool action poses works well.
You have to be mindful of the clay bazooka.
Well, this is the most expensive master grade that I've got on the list here, coming in at 6800 yen for this because of the plating.
Unfortunately, it's gonna be a little more expensive, but it's one that if you're especially a fan of the cheeky, then definitely want it's worth picking up.
But if you're especially also a fan of buying and kids and just building it up and putting up on your shelf when you don't really necessarily have to worry about painting, you won't really feel bad if you don't paint it and you just want to put it up on your show as it is, this looks fantastic.
Does that is straight up out of the box, Build it up, put up on the shelf.
It looks great, the gold on there.
Even if you wanted to go in and do a little bit of detail painting on some of the frame or some areas like that, you also have some cool options for the eyes you have, I think, three different versions for the how you wanted to have eyes on the kid.
That was really cool as well, so it had its share of Lou's cooler gimmicks built in.
And just overall, the build quality is amazing on this kid on it.
So it's exactly what it's another really great example of what a 2.0 should be being miles ahead improvement over the original kit, but also being a little bit different in what it is.
And I think just especially the coding, was kind of such a cool feature of this kit that I think was different from past versions and what I think b