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Okay, so the rest of these questions are, like, more personal.
So, um, the 1st 1 is, how did you and Zach meet?
Zack and I had just so much in common.
I was actually telling my grandma like, there's this guy and I just have so much in common with him were like equals.
We're the same.
We're just exactly like looking in a mirror and seeing each other.
And she's like, I don't know, I've heard opposites attract and I was like, Grandma, I've had enough opposite in my life.
So when Zac came along, it was just a breath of fresh air.
But that has nothing to do with how we met.
Um, we basically just had so much in common, like we even had the same major.
So there was.
I mean, we were just inseparable in college, so we ended up just getting married in college.
And so that's what we did.
And we didn't have any money.
I remember one time I just, like, jumped up in hugged him because I we were married.
And what we're having for dinner was another night of spaghetti with no meat.
Then we were just like so happy.
So, um, that's how we met.
And the rest is history.
What did you study in college?
And what is your day job?
Okay, so I studied graphic design in college with a minor in advertising.
I really loved all of the principles that I got from that.
A lot of the other stuff has just changed with time, so But the principles are what I'm really happy that I learned especially about, like, advertising.
So that was really cool while I was in college, I also this was the most important part, I think, is that I I was basically an apprenticeship level where I was able to, like, study and start my career at the same time.
So I've been in the industry for several more years than someone who just came out of college and started their career.
So that was really important.
And I would tell anyone else to do that.
But now I am working from home in like a corporate setting.
Still where I'm ah, Web designer and also I work on APP.
So I design APS and I've had a lot of crazy opportunities, acts in the same field, so we both have had really cool places that we could have worked for, like, almost worked for a place in Silicone Valley last year.
So that was something I really had to consider in search my heart for, but ended up thinking that this was better to kind of lay low and have more, like work life balance that I really need at this moment in my life.
That's where I am right now.
And I guess we'll see where we go next.
Are you really five wine?
Like Seriously?
No, I am 51 and 1/2.
I'm sorry.
Do you hate your height Sometimes How to start loving that I'm short still struggling.
So I think that high is most obnoxious during different things in life.
Like trying to see over the steering wheel or cleaning because then when I get up high, like on a ladder, I'm like, Oh, my gosh, I've only been cleaning like half my house like those air little things.
I think overall, I've chosen to embrace it because I'm not going to change it.
There's nothing I can do at this point.
Is your hair colored or have you ever thought about going shorter.
All right.
So I don't color my hair.
This is really just how it is.
It's like a chestnut brown.
And there's things I really like about it.
I didn't always love it like when I was growing up.
I'm really thankful for my hair color, so I just kind of let it shine.
I like that when I'm in the sunlight, it looks a little bit red like it just does its own thing.
I have embraced it.
I don't know what I'll do When I turned gray and I did cut it Ah, in 2013 I went with, like a bob, So I mean, it was short and I had cut off all of this.
I mean, in my hair was longer than ever Waas at that point.
And that was fun.
I regretted trying to grow it back out again because I took forever.
I still haven't grown it all the way back out yet, but yeah, I've got it.
And it was different, but I like it longer.
How do you maintain your clear skin?
Okay, this is another video.
I feel like I could do a whole rant about or not rant but like just my journey of, like, trying to have clear skin and I still don't fully like I I think right now, like I've had a little bit more sugar, I've been exactly watching my eat, and that shows up on my skin.
I think that I had really struggles with my hormones causing acne and, like I got even more frustrated because the doctors that I consulted to about it we're like, This is your life now.
I'm sorry, and you can take pills if you want, but I just I'm a little bit more of a nerd about this type of stuff.
Like I wanted to figure out why and like what my body was trying to tell me and stuff.
It turns out I have symptoms of Pecos, and I just manage that or try to regulate it through what I eat.
I mean, I nerd it out about this like I took my temperature every morning to figure out what in my life was starting to affect my hormones, and I figured out that I am like, allergic to chicken, more or less so whenever I eat chicken, my temperature's just go up and down and I can't control them like my cycles were just completely screwed up whenever I didn't eat chicken or meat, aside from like fish or eggs, like I can still have those fish and accepts things, But that was a trigger for me.
So how I maintain my skin is really through nutrition and assessing, like what my own body I can handle and what it needs and stuff.
There's also a book, and I'm not crazy about the title or anything, but it's called The Woman Code.
Just kind of looks kind of cheesier weird or something, but it helps you eat for like every week as a woman like to figure out what your body needs nutritionally and t eat kind of.
According to that and the times that I've really focused in and done that I've felt absolutely amazing.
So I'll leave that link down in the descriptions for you guys can find that advice for a 20 year old.
I think that I would have told my 20 year old self that everything's gonna work out and to not worry.
There's so much, though, that I wish I would have done a little bit better and one thing that has really helped me a lot is learning about finances.
Dave Ramsey.
His whole program has really transformed my financial life.
My husbands are together.
We've learned so much, and I think that especially, this might not be advice for a 20 year old.
But if you happen to be married, that it's really important to be on the same page about finances even before you're married, like it's super important.
And that's actually the number.
One cause of divorce is like financial money fights and stuff like that.
But also, I think why I'm talking about this for advice for a 20 year old is because when you're 20 year life like your finances have so much more compound interest and can be every little decision you make today, whether it's whether you're gonna go buy a coffee could really change your whole future by what the time you're 80.
And so just say, use like wisdom with that and see counsel for that day.
Ramsey's program is just absolutely incredible, like life transforming and gave me a ton of hope at that age where I was like Oh my gosh, I can see things better now.
I took his stuff when I was in college my senior year when I was, um, like, 2122.
And that was like, I was so thankful to learn that stuff at that age.
I also think while you're in your twenties, most people, that's really when you don't have a lot of other things going on like you're not married.
A lot of times, people don't have kids that age, so really chase your dreams, especially if you don't have any debt.
You have so much flexibility and freedom like this is a time in life where you can really just chase anything you really want to try or do.
It doesn't have to be a permanent thing that you're gonna do for life, but just to, like, try and flirt with different things in your life that you might want to pursue one day.
So I would just not wait around and just go ahead and try those things.
How do you stay fit?
Okay, this is a question that I'm just absolutely loved to answer, because when I talk about like my hobbies and stuff, I can't do that without talking about like trail running.
There is nothing more fun to me than like going really fast through a trail in the woods like it's so much fun and your feet get better at it.
I still have a scar on my anywhere.
I totally beefed it, But overall, like I've gotten better at it.
I'm so much.
I have so much more agility now and it's so peaceful out there.
So I go trail running a few times a week.
I try to go with often as I can, and then also I love to use the sweat up if I just him inside or the weather is not great.
That allows me to build a little bit more muscle, have more high intensity type of training.
I just allows me to always be able to have the opportunity to work out at home.
So that's what Hap is.
Awesome Favorite hobby.
Okay, so I love to do oil painting.
I've loved art since I was little like it's just something I've always done and has been such a part of me and who I see myself as.
The art is huge for me, and then I don't I really don't know what I'd do without it like it's that big.
But then also, I've really loved to read because I've never been that great at reading.
And it's something that I now do just as a hobby, kind of challenge myself and to have new life experiences just through books, artists you look up to dead or alive and why.
Okay, so I have a painting that someone made for me.
His name was Raphael, and I think he was based out of Fort Lauderdale at the time.
But this was years ago.
Like when I was little.
He was an established artist, and he gave me this painting and wrote on the back of it to draw every day.
I really don't know anything else about him.
I only met him once, and he gave me some brushes, too.
And he was just such an inspiration.
He actually created beautiful oil paintings of like the streets in Paris when they were rainy.
Raphael, wherever you are, I don't even know if you're alive.
Still, I mean, it was probably 10 15 20 years.
I don't know.
It was a very long time ago.
Um, but he was just absolutely incredible.
Inspirational to me.
What's the last movie you saw in theater?
Zach and I just yesterday went to go see, Won't you be my neighbor about Mister Rogers?
I wash Mr Rogers all the time growing up, and so it's just so interesting to be able to see, like why he made these videos, why he made these TV shows and why he actually fought for them to stay around in front of Congress.
So that was really cool.
And he also said some things that really inspired me, one being when he talks to the camera, he talks to one person, and that's really what I do to hear.
Like when I sit down with you, it's really just me and you.
Like I don't see more than one, maybe two people in the room that just makes me payable Thio share more, I think, or have more personal conversations.
And that's what Mr Rogers said, too.
I'll definitely Saito watch that it was an amazing film.
What inspires you to make art?
Why make art is because I feel like I it's a way of feeling, and when I feel on a deeper level that I'm able to spend more time and more patients on a piece of a painting.
That was another thing that The Mister Rogers show actually said is when he plays piano, it's like he enters into this country and it's a safe place for him to express himself.
If he's angry, he can play angrily or if he's happy or feels like crying like he's able to express that.
And so that's really why I love to paint or draw like.
I've always kind of expressed myself emotionally through that, and it's a great way like it's a great release and it's also a way where maybe someone else hasn't felt that way.
But when they see the painting or any piece of art, then they feel something that they didn't understand a different piece of life for a way of feeling.
It just evokes a feeling in someone else.
So would you like to live outside the U.
I think that if I was going to, I would probably choose the UK just because it seems like something similar or more familiar to me to the U.
I've only traveled a little bit outside the U S.
Like I went to Costa Rica and I've been to parts of Canada.
But, like I haven't Dunmore traveling outside the US than that the US is so big, like you could live in a different part of the U.
S and feel like you're in a different country.
But after, like following some people from the UK who have, like, beautiful old historic country homes, I definitely could see myself in that type of situation.
Plus, I've just read so much about Scotland and all that that I could see myself easily living there.
But moving to a difference in country, let alone like a different state of the U.
S will be.
So I see that is so brave.
So we'll see.
I honestly I'm open to anything, though I've always told Zach like I'm willing to move anywhere like I'm okay with any type of like future.
I'm okay with that.
Do you like to travel?
And if so, what country would you like to visit next?
I would love to go on like a multi country trip to Europe one day.
That would be so much fun.
I would definitely love to see France, but I think that if I die, and I haven't seen any of Europe.
I would be, like, really sad about that.
What genre would you choose to star in medieval fantasy or period dramas?
Ah, 100% period dramas.
Do you ever wake up in the morning and some days not feeling positive at all?
You know, I think that when I feel that way, it usually is because my routine is just really screwed up, and I'm really working on my morning routine right now.
Um, and I've already seen more benefits of Just like trying to go to bed earlier and waking up earlier.
Getting ahead on my day makes me feel more positive when I just can't get out of bed.
I realize it's because I'm spreading myself so thin and there's no bedtime in sight, so I feel like my mattress is the only relax ation I get.
So I've been trying to, like, change that and listen to my heart about that stuff.
What do you do when you feel sad or unmotivated?
This goes back to painting.
That's really where I express it as a type four on the angiogram.
Sadness is something that I don't like shy away from like, I just kind of listened to it and respect it.
Do you follow a specific faith?
Yeah, I'm a Christian, and I mentioned it's my last Q and A.
Everything's really good.
One place that I love to listen to is my friend's church out in Nashville is called the Access Church, and he has a podcast that's just absolutely incredible and inspiring.
So I'll link you guys down to his podcast so you guys can hear all of that.
But really, there's no short answer on like how I feel and the things I believe and just listen to his podcast, I think, is a pretty good representation of my own thoughts.
What's your motto when the going gets tough?
I think that one thing that Zach and I started doing in the last year is just to say we win, like whatever it is, any tiny little thing.
We're just gonna try to speak that like winning mindset into our lives.
And I started doing it to my parents to like any time that they've had some sort of like struggle with just life.
Then I'm like you it we win, and so that's what I've been saying a lot when the going gets tough, is just we win.
So I would definitely try that.
It is really fun morning routine.
Okay, so I'm actually going to do a video on this soon because it is something I'm really, actively trying to make better.
So definitely watch out for that.
But I'm working on waking up at 5 30 now, So wish me luck.
Favorite thing about living in Virginia.
So the countryside of Virginia is something just so incredibly beautiful.
It's a lot more mountainous than where I originally grew up from in North Carolina in the part of more thrilling and I lived in.
So I love to, like, go on the mountains and everything.
But also, Virginia's history is so old, especially in the landscape of the U.
And history has its good and bad parts.
But I love to be able to study that and knowing that, like I'm walking on the same brick road that X y Z walked on is just so cool on and fun to read about.
Like I read George Washington's biography, which was the longest book I'd ever read.
At the time, it was so cool because I was on my patio and I was looking out at Mountains of Virginia at the same time, knowing that he looked out on the same mountains.
And that's been just so much fun like, interesting to me to learn about and appreciate.
We've taken trips so like Monticello, and it's just really interesting to be able to see that side of history.
Obviously, there's dark parts about Virginia history, too, so that's something toe like Look at modern history, modern times and plague assess things that we could change and how people view our society 100 years from now.
So it's interesting to me.
Are there any goals you want to complete this year yet?
Oh, my gosh, you guys, I could do a whole video just about goals because I really believe that I've lived this.
So I know it's true if you write down a goal, even if you don't plan to see that goal for years, if you just like in 2018 I want to accomplish this, even if it's completely outside of your control.
If you just like write that down, you'll look back and see.
I completed that early.
Like that happened way earlier than I thought it would.
And so that's why Dio I kind of keep this like Legacy Journal of my goals and the things I've completed already.
So at the end of the year, I write down everything that we completed.
And then I make goals for the next year and with goals.
It's super important and not just say I want to drink more water like, say, I want to drink 60 ounces a day or say something kind of lower so you're able to achieve it every day.
I think once you learn how to win, that winning becomes achievable and you can set your sights on even bigger goals.
OK, last question is a biggie.
When are you the happiest?
There's different things I could think of is like when I'm excited or when something really awesome happens.
But when I'm the happiest is when I feel the most content and that's really one.
Things start toe happen.
The exciting things start to happen.
It's before that, like right before that, anytime I've been like super content about where I am, that's when things have kind of broken through.
So I would say that I'm the happiest when I choose to be content in my life because it is a choice I could choose.
So like think about all the ways that I wish that my life waas or decisions I should have made.
But if I'm just content with who I am Oh my gosh, Self acceptance has been such a learning experience and just contentment in my own life, where I'm at with the fact that I have a cat, an awesome husband and a tiny, quiet apartment with little birds outside.
Like I'm content right now.
Um, and there's places that I like to move to.
One day there's there's a nice car.
A nicer car would be awesome.
But I'm so content with the fact that we have a paid off car and just like Basic, you know, I'm so happy when I choose to be content, and that's very much it.
And I hope you guys like to this very long Q and A that I will have probably split into two parts by No, um, thanks for listening and following along.
It means so much to me.
Everyone who's listened and ask questions and just been a friend just means so much.
So thank you guys.