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  • hi guys welcome back to my channel today I wanted to share with you three easy

  • ways to get the healthiest hair of your life big statement I know before we

  • continue I wanted to say huge thank you to functional Beauty for collaborating

  • with me and sponsoring this video thank you so much now back to our three ways

  • to get that healthy hair we're talking about the reason you're all here for

  • number one healthy washing habits it's time to really talk about how you wash

  • your hair so first of all I'm sure that all of us know that it's not very good

  • to wash it as often I opt to wash it twice to three times a week max okay Who

  • am I kidding I do like one two twice a week with the help of dry shampoo also I

  • did notice it once I stopped washing it as often the first few weeks it was like

  • getting oily a lot but then it started regulating itself like the oil coming

  • off on the scalp and it got better I get a lot of you guys asking me what I do

  • when I work out to be honest dry shampoo I don't know how often you sweat or how

  • much you sweat that conversation we can have after in the comments are we going

  • there sweat raped what is your sweat grade 10 when you are

  • using your conditioner I really recommend to rinse the conditioner off

  • and just kind of finish your washing hair routine with cold water it will

  • basically steal everything in and lock the moisture in it kind of the same with

  • the skin you know how when there's hot water or you in a hot shower or steam

  • your pores open it's the same with the hair so I love finishing my hair washing

  • ritual with some cold water it also literally boosts your energy like

  • seriously a lot of us I'm sure buy so many different products that hopefully

  • will make our hair goals happen but they don't I don't know about you but I have

  • at least six different shampoos that are halfway empty

  • that are just sitting at the bottom I shower doing nothing at all here is

  • where function of beauty comes into the picture function of beauty is basically

  • your own customized shampoo and conditioner it's really silly for us to

  • think that the same product is good for everybody

  • just like with our skin just like with everything else in our body it's very

  • unique and what your hair needs might not be what my hair needs so you can

  • actually get shampoo and conditioner that are customized formula just for

  • your needs no two formulas are the same which is awesome so all you need to do

  • is to go on their website and you fill out this like two-minute questionnaire

  • and it ask you what are your hair goals so for me I really wanted to focus on

  • hydration I wanted to focus on shine I have a lot of fries which means that my

  • hair needs more hydration so that's what I ought to I also picked the color pink

  • I love the bag that it has function it says I don't know if you can see

  • function of Valyria so you literally get a customized bottles just for you this

  • is also 100% vegan - no parabens no sulfates and GMO free which I know is

  • important to a lot of us these days and it's cruelty free so I've been using the

  • formula for a few weeks now and I do feel a difference in my hair it's just

  • lies better there is not a lot of freeze which before I used to have like you

  • know that like schmancy stuff here yeah so it obviously is a sign for me that

  • this works and look it chimes did you see the shine yeah get it girl so that's

  • the formula that I created for myself and I'm excited to see what you guys

  • gonna create for yourself this is also gonna make sure that no one's gonna

  • steal your shampoo and conditioner if you have a sibling you know what I'm

  • talking about I got you guys a little treat with function of beauty they were

  • kind enough to give 20% off my subscribers first order so if you want

  • to check it out go to the description I'm gonna have the link and you can take

  • it from there I trust you know what to do let me know

  • the comments what colors you chose and what are your hair goals number two

  • using heat less frequently than we usually do I know this is hard

  • especially if you have straight hair anyone wavy and if you have wavy hair or

  • curly hair anyone straight hair we always want what we don't have but I get

  • it you want to experiment you're one of the different things if you're sexier

  • with some way to sexy with sleek hair I get it for all of you out there that

  • come out of the shower and blow-dry your hair right away um I know they're

  • obviously days that you don't have the time to let your hair air-dry but this

  • is really ideally the way you should dry your hair but I have a hug because what

  • I do I look kind of like 50% I'll come out of the shower I'll dry my

  • hair with the towel and then I'll go get my coffee has my breakfast basically let

  • my hair air dry 50% and then I'll use a blow dryer to dry the rest of my hair

  • that way I can kind of control still how it's going to look but I also make sure

  • that the hair is not as sensitive to the heat because it's already half way dry I

  • do like to use the hairdryer on a more cooler temperature there's usually three

  • kind of temperatures either like hot warm and cool so if you can go down from

  • the hot and take it to the warmer cool you're already doing a big step for the

  • sake of your hair I'm sure a lot of you already use different serums and creams

  • that will protect against heat which is amazing you're doing great I learned a

  • little hack with creating waves to your hair without using heat yeah it's really

  • all about the product you want to use either and curling serums or creams out

  • there to promote the curl or sea salt spray which is something that I love to

  • do there's a lot of those like mermaid hair sprays on the market let your hair

  • air-dry hold the product then you basically take a piece of your hair you

  • curl it okay we're getting there this might take you longer if you as talented

  • me okay it really doesn't have to be so pretty and then you use a pen and you

  • basically use that look at that scroll didn't do anything you basically use

  • that technique on the rest of your hair otherwise you can also do braids which

  • still works I like to do section of braids but also make sure that when I do

  • make the braids I don't make them too tight because I don't want this type of

  • curl so what I'll have to do is take the braids and loose it and that will make

  • sure that my waves are a little more it will make sure that my waves are a

  • little more flowy and soft and that is kind and then the last way you can get

  • the healthiest hair of your life is working on your brushing technique okay

  • so first thing is I don't recommend to brush your hair on wet hair that hair is

  • more prone to breakage which is what we're trying to avoid so I know it's

  • really hard to come out of the shower and let your hair dry and not brush it

  • especially when you know there's going to be so much knotting involved what I

  • like to do is again that 50% dry situation and then I brush my hair also

  • I've mentioned it a few times something that you want to start doing and teach

  • your friends and daughters and other women in your life is to always brush

  • from downwards upwards that way you don't pull on the hair and it doesn't

  • break and then it's all about the brush that you use it's really important to

  • use quality brush and they're not expensive you can find good brushes that

  • won't break your hair you want a wider brush that will be able to not pull on

  • the hair and create more damage you want to find a brush that's made from boar

  • bristle brush something that would really work with your hair and not

  • against your hair and then last but not least is don't forget to clean your

  • brush every two weeks and I'm not saying just like to take out the hair from the

  • brush because I know like every three days or so literally

  • talking about sanitizing the brush cleaning it letting it air dry and just

  • give it a new start you know that thing goes through a lot every single day

hi guys welcome back to my channel today I wanted to share with you three easy


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3個方法,讓你的頭髮變得最健康。 (3 Ways To Get The Healthiest Hair Of Your Life)

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