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  • - Hi Vogue, I'm Florence Pugh

  • and today I will be eating a bunch of British Foods.

  • [stately orchestral music]

  • [tea gurgling]

  • Yeah I'm ready, I'm just having a biscuit and tea.

  • This is an English breakfast,

  • a full English, as you would say.

  • You usually get this on the weekends

  • after you've had a big night.

  • This is a tomato, obviously, English sausages,

  • beans, black pudding.

  • Black pudding is made from the blood of pork, I think.

  • I didn't touch them for years

  • and then I had one in Scotland,

  • and it was amazing.

  • Fried eggs, sunny side up, obvi, bacon.

  • [silverware clanking on plate]

  • And eat away your hangover.

  • I'm gonna try the black pudding.

  • [sniffing]

  • Mmmmm, that's a good black pudding, and it's spicy.

  • It's fancy.

  • Sorry condiments.

  • Awww, is that the biggest Scotch egg I've ever seen?

  • What's in there?

  • I think it's pickled onions.

  • It is pickled onions.

  • I sometimes eat them raw.

  • I went through a phase of drinking

  • the vinegar out of the jar just raw.

  • Don't know why.

  • Oh!

  • They're really pickledy.

  • Okay, I'm gonna try the Scotch egg.

  • And it's steaming!

  • It's warm!

  • So a Scotch egg is a boiled egg,

  • and around it is breaded sausage.

  • And then it's deep-fried.

  • Come here ketchup.

  • A bit of ketchup won't hurt anyone.

  • Mmmmmmm.

  • My family and I are big on the food fronts.

  • And my dad is the king of the kitchen,

  • so at no point can you don the stove

  • when he's donning the stove.

  • [tea gurgling]

  • [slurping]

  • Thank you!

  • What is that?

  • Ohhh!

  • Is this a Cornish pasty?

  • A really tough one.

  • Achh!

  • Cornish pasty is usually a meat-filled pasty,

  • puff pastry and I think it was invented

  • by Cornish miners or builders.

  • I think basically it was a food

  • that would be able to be transported

  • in their back pocket

  • and they'd be able to take it to work.

  • I think that's correct.

  • If not, someone was quite clearly

  • pulling my pisser.

  • Numm.

  • That's a tasty Cornish pasty.

  • This is a shepherd's pie.

  • My mum makes the best shepherd's pie,

  • although my dad says that he makes the best shepherd's pie,

  • so between them they both think that they both

  • make their own best shepherd's pie.

  • We never say which one we like more.

  • Should I try the tzatziki on it?

  • I've never tried tzatziki on a shepherd's pie.

  • It's good.

  • Tzatziki goes with everything.

  • Most of the film sets that we've been on

  • at the end of the day's shoot

  • we'll go home and one person will cook.

  • So for example on Midsommar, Jack would cook a curry,

  • and I'd cook a ratatouille,

  • 'cause that's one of my favorite meals.

  • I got everybody into my mulled wine on Little Women.

  • They loved that.

  • But it's time for some more food.

  • Oh yay, fish and chips!

  • What's this?

  • Is this malt vinegar?

  • Oooo, it's malt vinegar!

  • Aww, this actually smells like a really good fish and chips.

  • I think my granddad would be proud.

  • My granddad used to work in the fish docks in Grimsby,

  • so he's like a big fish expert.

  • Yet again, ketchup.

  • Every single one of English meals deserves ketchup on it!

  • Okay, here we go.

  • [food crunching]

  • Ooo, that's a good crunch.

  • And then we're just gonna do a bit of this.

  • Okay.

  • Mmmmmm.

  • Fish and chips.

  • Aww that's good.

  • Mmmmm.

  • You hear the crunch.

  • In some fish and chip places,

  • you can take your own piece of fish to the chippy

  • and they will deep-fry it for you,

  • which is pretty cool, I thought.

  • My granddad does that.

  • Ah, sorry, I don't have any space.

  • I'm so excited.

  • Hang tight.

  • I'm gonna cleanse the palate.

  • [water plopping]

  • I plopped on my forehead.

  • Ah hahhhh.

  • Ooo, ahhhhh!

  • It's a snake and a

  • Snake?!

  • It's a steak and ale pie!

  • With a bit of mash.

  • I have no idea what goes into making one of these,

  • but usually they put a beer in there,

  • which is why it smells so good.

  • [sniffing]

  • Is this steak and kidney?

  • And I think that has melted butter dribbled on the top.

  • It does.

  • That's so naughty.

  • These are quite heavy foods.

  • It's good though.

  • Mmmmmm.

  • I don't drink water so I have tea.

  • So this is very new for me.

  • [stately orchestral music]

  • [bell chiming]

  • [laughing] What is that?

  • Oh!

  • Is that Branston Pickle?

  • Aw, it's Branston Pickle,

  • one of my most favorite condiments.

  • [bell chiming]

  • I don't know what it's doing with this, though.

  • I have no idea what this is.

  • [sniffing] Eww!

  • Haw, haw, haw.

  • Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot.

  • I'm stumped, I have no idea what that is.

  • What is it?

  • - [Man] Bubble and Squeak.

  • - Bubble and Squeak?

  • Well this is a fancy Bubble and Squeak.

  • The idea behind Bubble and Squeak,

  • is usually the day after a roast and there's leftovers,

  • mashed potato, cabbage, meat if you have it,

  • you put it in the pan and you fry it.

  • But this is fancy.

  • This is in a whole hot pan and everything.

  • Ooo!

  • I cook pretty much most evenings or lunchtime.

  • I really like it, I find it really therapeutic.

  • For example, I had a really stressful weekend

  • about three weeks ago,

  • and my friend was like, "Let's just go and order food

  • "and get a delivery."

  • And I was like, "No, I need to cook,

  • "and I need to chop onions."

  • But it's great, I love it.

  • Uh, nooooo!

  • I need a Tide pen.

  • Don't worry I have my own.

  • [bell ringing]

  • See that's the down side to having such big sleeves.

  • Yay, the magic of Tide pens!

  • It's actually working, yes!

  • And then you just let that sit for a bit.

  • Ahhhh, okay.

  • Is this a roast?

  • It is a roast.

  • Is it a roast?

  • - [Man] It's a Cornish hen.

  • I don't think I've had Cor...

  • Mmm?

  • Maybe I have.

  • Let's give it a go.

  • I learned years ago from Jamie Oliver,

  • that he has this really clever way

  • of cutting along the backbone,

  • and then there's a little ridge there

  • where you just nestle the knife down,

  • and you essentially can just push the whole breast off.

  • Thanks Jamie Oliver.

  • I love Brussels sprouts.

  • There's so much hate on Brussels sprouts.

  • I love them.

  • Mmmmmm!

  • This is my favorite dish so far.

  • Mmmmmm!

  • My little sister has this ongoing bet which is

  • whenever dad says we're having chicken, mom goes, "Again?"

  • This is like Tetris but for food.

  • [slurping]

  • Sticky Toffee Pudding.

  • Do you have any juice?

  • Can I have some juice?

  • Thank you.

  • Ribena!

  • Every person's childhood is full of Ribena.

  • [slurping]

  • Ahhhh!

  • Delicious!

  • Thank you for my juice.

  • Oh, this has potential to be really messy, go!

  • Mmmmm.

  • Mmmmm.

  • Yeah, that's tasty.

  • Dun da da da da da dun dun da da

  • Trifle trifle trifle

  • Quite possibly one of the most English desserts there is.

  • Mmmmm, aw that's good!

  • My mum usually makes a very boozy version of this.

  • So there's always a cointreau or like a sweet rum,

  • or a liqueur, and it always sits at the bottom.

  • So I'd shove my spoon in and then put it in my mouth,

  • and it would be just not fun for a child.

  • But as an adult, I'm appreciating

  • what she's doing a bit more.

  • [silverware clattering]

  • Thank you.

  • Oh my goodness, it's a Victoria sponge!

  • Mmmmmmm.

  • [bell ringing]

  • Guys, this is a magnificent sight.

  • Ahhhhh.

  • Ooo, that's a deep Victoria sponge!

  • This was the first pudding that I loved.

  • And I think it's because of the film Calendar Girls.

  • Helen Mirren was in a cake baking competition,

  • and she bought a Victoria sponge from the shop

  • instead of baking it.

  • It was a massive issue, lot's of drama.

  • And then I remember eating a Victoria sponge,

  • aww it's so moist, and realizing that I was eating

  • the same cake that Helen Mirren took from the shops.

  • So crumbly, hang on, excuse my fingers.

  • Mmmmmm.

  • That's a good Victoria sponge.

  • I think even my gran would be impressed.

  • And it's got two really big tiers.

  • And strawberries.

  • I wouldn't have been able to eat any of this

  • wearing the costumes in Little Women.

  • You're wearing a corset, and as beautiful as corsets are,

  • the design of them is to

  • make everything about a woman smaller.

  • And it's funny, because you quickly realize

  • that anything you put in your mouth,

  • you are using up breathing space [laughs].

  • So you end up having to weigh up

  • if you wanna eat food or if you wanna breathe.

  • It's very simple.

  • But they are beautiful, I'll say that.

  • I'm gonna be truthful, at the beginning of this session

  • I couldn't feel my stomach against the dress.

  • I now can.

  • Thank you guys for watching me eat all this food.

  • I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

  • Have a wonderful day.

  • Bye!

  • [stately orchestral music]

- Hi Vogue, I'm Florence Pugh


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弗洛倫斯-普格吃了11道英式菜餚 - Mukbang | Vogue (Florence Pugh Eats 11 English Dishes - Mukbang | Vogue)

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