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  • Hi, everyone, and welcome back to my channel.

  • It's been a while.

  • That was a fly that literally just flew past.

  • Then they're everywhere at the moment, especially when you're having work done in your house.

  • You have all of the windows and doors open, and it's just I can't deal with it.

  • I actually went to someone's house yesterday, and I was like, I am so glad that you have flies as well because I feel like my house is like a cesspit because there are so many flies on How you think.

  • I don't know, Too tired today.

  • I didn't wake up feeling refreshed, but when I feel like I made the best of a bad situation but only walked out, the sad thing is that your eyes look tired.

  • I was Thanks.

  • I've got two videos to sit down and film today, but I thought that I would kick off my filming frenzy with a video that's a little bit of a life update.

  • I feel like I've got a lot to tell you guys and a lot to update you on on.

  • Dhe, just talk about some things that I kind of like cropped up on DDE the house and releases.

  • And hey, look, there's lots of things that we can talk about, so ah, life update seemed pretty necessary.

  • So without rambling on at the beginning of these things, much more than I usually do, let's get in it to the first update, which I know that so many of you are so excited about.

  • Now, I don't think I realized how big this was gonna be when the opportunity was presented to me.

  • I had no idea that so many of you were gonna love this on.

  • So my cult beauty box, the Lydia Lee Smolin and Culp UT box is relaunching Andi.

  • I can't believe that there is the opportunity to relaunch this, especially after the amazing response that I had.

  • I can't believe that the first drop sold out in less than an hour and 1/2 and then we had, like, a pre presale thing, and it sold out in like, four hours.

  • My mind was just blown.

  • I was like, Oh, my God, is this gonna work?

  • Like I love everything in this box, but a You guys gonna love it as much as I do.

  • So it was really sort of like it was.

  • So I opening, but also so humbling to see that you guys wanted to get your hands on it as much as I loved making it.

  • So thank you so much for the response.

  • And I've got a couple of little things to read out during this.

  • So if you missed it, I launched my I called it the Globe box with Cold Beauty back in April.

  • And it was just crazy, like I literally it was the most insane thing.

  • I think the response was just it floored me.

  • I couldn't believe it when they were like, it's sold out.

  • I was like, No, it hasn't s so obviously.

  • When they came to me and said that they wanted to release the box, I was like, I absolutely I want to do this.

  • This is just so excited to get to do this all over again.

  • So that's basically why we are releasing the box, because it was just so insane.

  • And I know that so many of you want to get your hands on it, and you didn't get that chance purely because it just sold out so quickly.

  • So this is the perfect opportunity to get your hands on it for the second time around.

  • So the new launch date in the 23rd of July, on the same as last time, you will need to sign up thio the waiting list in my description box down below.

  • So I'll link it down there.

  • Now, make sure that you are spelling your email addresses correctly and make sure, but on the day you're checking your junk and your spam folders because sometimes they can end up there and I don't want anyone being disappointed.

  • This is so that the user experience when you're shopping is a good one.

  • I don't want the website to crash under the like traffic.

  • Not that I ever thought that that would happen, but yeah, I wanted to be a good experience in a nice shopping experience, so the emails will be phased.

  • But that is the only way that you can get your hands on it.

  • So make sure that if you are wanted to buy the box that you sign up via the link in my description box down below now the price of the box is £155 on.

  • That's a saving of 47%.

  • And there are so many amazing products in response on so many that I know that a lot of you have wanted to try.

  • So I'm gonna talk you through those on, tell you about them and why I love them.

  • Andi, just show you kind of how I would use things and also what to expect when you're kind of shopping for the box.

  • Basically.

  • So obviously this is the box.

  • If you didn't see it before, it's and it's beautiful, like blush pink nude.

  • It's like a map card, and then it's got foiled letters on the front.

  • It says the cult beauty box by Lydia Lee smelling, which was kind of a proud moment.

  • And if you haven't seen my office off, got it on one of the shelves, it was honestly like seeing this was just so cool.

  • And I had every a bit of a temper in designing this and coming up with the whole kind of look and feel of the box.

  • I wanted you guys to see it and know it was something that I really did pour my heart and soul into on, judging by your response is I think I achieved that.

  • So I felt very, very proud on Dhe.

  • Excited about this is the sleeve that the box is covered in, which makes it feel super special.

  • And then it comes in a little white box like this.

  • Inside, you will find my little pamphlet, which has all of the products that you find inside and a little bit about why I love them on a little little Of course, I was, like, the biggest picture of me ever.

  • And also just to let you guys know that copies.

  • He just asked for a picture of me.

  • But I really wanted this to be super special.

  • So I organized this shoot myself on dhe.

  • It was a cost to myself because I just wanted this to be perfect.

  • So I had this shoot with Kyle Galvin, especially to go in this book on dhe.

  • Obviously, I love the pictures, but yeah, I really wanted this to be done the right way, so yet you get that in there, and I saw lots of pictures of this on instagram as well, which was super special on Dhe.

  • Then we get into the product, it'll kind of come looking like this.

  • Except there won't be three of the dietary cc servers, But I'll get to that in a minute.

  • S o The first kind of product to touch on, I would say, is the Alfa hate liquid gold.

  • Now, this is one of those products that I am yet to come across someone that doesn't like it.

  • I mean, I'm sure there are people out there that don't but basically, this is probably one of my Holy Grail products.

  • In fact, this box is full of my Holy Grail products for the ones to keep my skin looking glowing on just beautiful all year round.

  • This is actually the skin care that I was kind of using in the run up to my wedding as well.

  • Andi.

  • That was how this whole box came about.

  • I actually worked with called beauty on my skin Care for my wedding.

  • That was just an opportunity that they came to me with Andre were like, we'd love to help you with your skin care before your wedding, and it just did so well that we were like, Let's let's do something like this.

  • So it's really cool, but I actually have, like my entire family on this.

  • I have all of my friends on it.

  • It basically is a liquid resurfacing products on dhe.

  • It's one of those products that you just feel working on your skin on.

  • You notice the benefits instantly.

  • You I usually just do it before I go to bed at night and wake up the next day.

  • And I'm just like, Oh, my God, I love this product so much.

  • Eso that is the Alfa hate slick with gold.

  • And then I'm gonna pop the box axes hunting my arm.

  • So have if then you will have a choice off the by Terry Frightening CC serum in three shades.

  • Now, this comes in four shades, but one of the shades I'm gonna be honest.

  • I don't know anyone that uses it.

  • Andi, I don't want to put an option there that not really anyone use.

  • And honestly, I think that but the majority of skin types this will work really well.

  • This little spectrum here because this isn't like it's not like a foundation or concealer.

  • This is just the kind of complexion.

  • Breitner.

  • There's kind of like a shade for every kind of sort of spectrum of color.

  • So there's the the lighter skin tones, the medium skin tones and then the kind of darker skin tones.

  • I tend to go for the darker skin tones because I faked has and I actually I don't wear foundation anymore because this is just the number one product that I have basically in my makeup bag.

  • I love it so much, and I've used it for years.

  • So we have rows elixir, which I would probably say is for the lighter skin tones.

  • If you're that kind of English rose, then this is gonna be really, really good for you.

  • The apricot glow.

  • Now, this is the color that carry uses.

  • So a lot of you really interested in that?

  • And this one actually sold out first.

  • But I think that people were a little bit worried about going for Sonny Flash.

  • So what?

  • I'm gonna do it, Sonny Flash is the one I use.

  • So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna quickly show you me applying each of these colors.

  • So first up, this is Rose Elixir on my skin tone on.

  • Then we have a prick, a glow on dhe.

  • Then we also have Sonny Flash on.

  • That's what all three of those look on my skin, so don't worry too much.

  • There's not like huge difference is this is just a complexion right now.

  • If you use fake tan and you like it quite dark on dhe exotic, then I always think that that Sonny Flash would do you well, but that will hopefully help you with picking that one.

  • Next up.

  • We've got Luna.

  • This is the 15 mil version, but you do not need a lot of this product, so you will really get a lot of use out of it on Dhe.

  • It's a great introduction to retinal.

  • This is one of my favorite retina.

  • Lt's I can use this in uses in users, and it never irritates my skin.

  • But it is one of those products is like a bit of a powerhouse.

  • It's gentle, but it does what it says it's going to do.

  • And it does really brighten up your skin on just leave you with the most beautiful complexion.

  • So this is one of my favorite products on dhe.

  • I recently worked with Sunday Riley, and again I told you that I loved this product because it is the one product from Sunday, Right?

  • Either I have used for years.

  • I'm now finding Maur.

  • But this is such a great one.

  • It is very, very expensive on Dhe, even like this one is, I think, £62.

  • And then this, I believe, is like 40 something pounds.

  • I just those alone almost like the price of the box.

  • So yet it's This is such great value for money.

  • Then we also have the indie Lee Seo Q.

  • 10.

  • Tona.

  • This is beautiful.

  • I love using this both morning and night.

  • If I'm having like one of those days where I'm really looking to, like hydrate my skin, I'll use this morning and night.

  • Sometimes I'll do it a week just to really put them wish to back into my skin.

  • It's just like a drink for my complexion, basically, and I love it.

  • It's funny because it's not one of those products that you instantly see a result from like you would with the Alfa hate.

  • But I continue to use it because I definitely long term noticed so much.

  • I've gone through so many bottles of this is unbelievable.

  • So I read enough this and then we have the armory visa cleansing foam.

  • This is just a really a beautiful cleansing foam on.

  • This was perfect when I was struggling with my dermatitis.

  • It didn't irritate anymore.

  • It was gentle.

  • I can even like, use it on my eyes and it just wasn't It didn't hurt, and I can't be bothered to use like my cell of water at the same time.

  • But mostly it's just super gentle sea.

  • Be easy.

  • I pop it on the shelf in my shower on.

  • I use it in the morning to instead of like over the sink, because it's easier to just not not get soggy sleeves and stuff like that.

  • And then finally, we have the illuminating moisturizer with diamond radiance from tat Top again, one of the most again, one of the most beautiful skin care brands, and everything is natural, and this is one of those products that again gives you that kind of illumination to your complexion.

  • What's really hydrating?

  • It's kind of like what I call my 7 a.m. alarm clock.

  • I love it so much so that's everything that you get in the box on Dhe like I said.

  • It's such great value for money, and I guarantee you that the majority of the resale boxes are gonna be going to people that already bought the box because it's such great value for money.

  • And the products are so good that you kind of do just want them in your routine all the time.

  • Andi, I repurchased like I don't just get freebies.

  • I repurchases products myself very, very often.

  • Yes, that's everything that's in the box.

  • Remember, if you do want to shop the box, you can sign up by the link in my description box.

  • But as I mentioned previously, one of the most amazing things that I experienced from the launch of the box was then seeing you receiving them.

  • That was so exciting.

  • And like how far and wide they went, they went to California.

  • They went everywhere because you can get free international shipping, by the way, which is insane.

  • But reading all of your instagram posts and your tweets and your block post, I could not believe how many of you actually did block post on my box.

  • That was insane.

  • So I kind of wanted to read out some of the some of my favorites from the people that used the products on dhe loved them as much as I did.

  • So this was from Gina Patrick and she tweeted meet us on Twitter on.

  • She said, Glow day has finally arrived and I don't know what to use first.

  • Congratulations, Lydia.

  • The box on products are stunning off to get my glow on.

  • Hashtag Lydia times call Petey And then Richelle, both of these girls, just other lovely.

  • Is that always tweeting me on Twitter.

  • They're so nice.

  • I've tried all of the products and I'm so in love with everything at Lydia email and did such an incredible job The beautiful packaging, the amazing products I'm in love.

  • Best purchase of the year so far.

  • Hashtag Lydia Times Co beauty.

  • Oh my God.

  • Then we have another from May Zhang.

  • I think that's how you say it.

  • If I'm not saying it right, I'm so sorry.

  • Okay.

  • This Lydia times called Beauty Collab is double.

  • My inner skin care junkie is doing backflips very impressed with the packaging and the size of the products for the price that I paid.

  • And yes, I will do if you great job Lydia and Co Petey.

  • And then it was a little raccoon doing handclaps.

  • Then we have Peter and he pops it up on Instagram.

  • And he said, This beauty box is everything.

  • And then some.

  • Thanks, lady.

  • E mailing for the great Collab.

  • My face glows with joy and then one more Because literally I could just do this all day.

  • This was from Eileen.

  • And it says, finally, a beauty box with all of the products that I actually want.

  • The products are lush and such good value for money as well.

  • Love, love, love.

  • Hashtag Lydia Times copy t.

  • So, yeah, those that a few of the reviews that I saw on screen grab just because they meant so much to me.

  • So thank you so much.

  • And all of the information about the box on the re launch will be in the description box of how you sign up.

  • So make sure that you head down there if you have, like, miss any of the information in the video cause I know that I talk a lot.

  • So with that launch out of the way, I can now talk about the kind of elephant in the room I obviously have cut my hair on.

  • I'm sure he probably mentioned it in my previous videos that have gone out before this one, but I kind of just wanted to talk a little bit about it.

  • Not that it's like huge news or anything, but yeah, I kind of wanted to talk about, like, the new style and how I'm doing with it on what kind of like prompted it because obviously I've cut a fair few inches off of my hair.

  • It was literally down to my bum, but I booked him with death.

  • Peanut, have my glass done on my hair.

  • She always does my my color on dhe.

  • She was actually gonna be cutting my hair this time as well.

  • If you haven't seen my hair journey, I'll pop a link in the description box and you can see everything that I've kind of gone through on the color correction I went through to get my hair.

  • This color is works.

  • I know that I get a lot of questions about my hair color, but basically I just realized that I was spending more time with my hair in a bun on top of my head then I was wearing it down because it was getting to that stage where it was like such an effort to do it.

  • But also it was just kind of in the way, and it was just like everywhere, basically.

  • So I've been thinking about cutting a fair amount of it off.

  • I've not ever cut my head like this much in one go before.

  • Usually, I like do it in stages.

  • But now was that just cut it off?

  • It's fine.

  • So I realize that And I also actually only grew my hair in the first place for my wedding.

  • So I kind of wanted to just get back to a more manageable length on just something a little bit more sophisticated.

  • I guess as much as I love my mermaid hair, I just wanted something a little bit, just like cleaner.

  • I don't have any layers cut in.

  • There's a little bit of shaping around the front of my face and stuff like that.

  • But in terms of like layers, I'm just not really a layers person.

  • I like quite a blunt cut on.

  • I really like a lot of like bigness through it.

  • I like it too.

  • to show they're like Wait and the thickness of my hair So I really, really like her.

  • And I'm just loving how, like quick and easy is I'm still learning, though, about like where to put my waves and like the kind of styles that seek my hair because it's obviously just such a change.

  • Usually, I, like, go into it a lot like Smooth and I learned as I go.

  • But now I'm kind of like just getting used to it and signing in the products that work on.

  • I'm still loving the I G K salt spray stuff.

  • Our public, too, in the description box so good, the only salt spray that I used it really helps with, like giving my hair texture.

  • I just kind of didn't want to hide behind anymore.

  • And I think the most noticeable thing is that, like my hair doesn't cover my boobs anymore.

  • And I think I used to use it to cover them quite a bit because I don't wear a bra.

  • I don't like bras.

  • They're just a bit uncomfortable.

  • I think the only day that I actually wore a bra was like my wedding day on Dhe.

  • It's Yeah, it's just kind of like I felt like I was using it to, like, hide things and like we all have nipples at the end of the day, like it's one of those things that we all have men on dhe women on.

  • I just don't know why I feel so weird about it.

  • So I kind of want Thio quite taken away that comfort blanket now and hopefully I can just learn, like touching them.

  • But they're there because I have them.

  • You probably have them to you.

  • So yes, that's a little bit about my hair on DDE.

  • So far I'm loving it.

  • And so far everyone's been so lovely about it.

  • Just saying that it's a little bit more like sophisticated, a little bit smarter.

  • So yeah, I thought that I would kind of update you on that as well and then also moving on Thio the house.

  • Now you would have been seeing my house update videos.

  • And to be honest, I'm so shocked that it has been so quiet for the majority of this filming because it it's a madhouse.

  • Right now we have so much going on.

  • But I realized today that we actually only have one more room that we're looking at kind of tackling this year.

  • And that's obviously are badgering because we've done nothing in there on those curtains and that wallpaper is killing me.

  • Um, so I spoke Thio Jess, who is our interior designer and has helped us with the whole house.

  • So I like, take no credit really for anything because she has just been amazing.

  • Always pop her details in the description box whenever I'm doing any house stuff, because she is literally amazing and her instagram Oh my God, The inspo on the account is amazing.

  • So if you just want to follow her like home, Ryan spoke.

  • I'll pop it.

  • Have Studio Blair account in the description boxes?

  • Well, basically, I sent her over today, just saying that we need to kind of start moving on our bedroom because we're having paneling in there and stuff like that.

  • And so that's now in motion.

  • I've also paid the deposit on my dressing room as well.

  • It was kind of reaching the point where I I need to be in this room so much to film and to you work on dhe.

  • Just get stuff done that.

  • I couldn't kind of, like, sit around and twiddle my thumbs and hope and idea kind of came to me.

  • So I took a lot of your advice, so that is basically done on in motion.

  • I think it's in, like, four or five weeks now.

  • It's four weeks that's supposed to start.

  • It could be less.

  • Apparently, they said today it could be less, but that's going to start really soon, and I just kind of basically got someone in that's gonna come and literally they've designed it.

  • They are building it.

  • They are putting the lights in and they are painting it.

  • Anything they're not doing is the floor on Dhe.

  • That's kind of what I needed, because I just can't project manage this right now.

  • I've got so much stuff going on, like other things that are coming in the future.

  • So, yeah, it's just I needed, like the kind of ease of things, aunt.

  • Hopefully that will provide me with that.

  • And hopefully I won't be out of this room for too long because I don't want to be like in our spare bedroom.

  • Like Ali has been for like the past two months, So yes, we have a madhouse.

  • Same carpenters in.

  • We've got the painters in.

  • We had the gardener and all of the guys in yesterday on dhe.

  • It can just get quite hectic on, especially with the hallways being done.

  • I think the hallways so far has been the most like difficult.

  • I think the kitchen will probably trump that when we had the kitchen done.

  • But so far just having our like, all of our hallways just so dusty and clotted on dhe.

  • It's been two weeks that they've been like that because we've gone for a really beautiful contrasting would work on walls on Yes.

  • Oh, it just was one of those things that you like Sugar.

  • I didn't realize that this is gonna be quite so annoying, but I know that it's gonna be worth it.

  • And today is the day where they finish up the hallways.

  • I think our lights are coming on, and that should actually be finished.

  • So I just need to find some friends to put some, like either artwork or some like wedding photos up in the hallways.

  • But really, really exciting stuff.

  • Seeing the house come together and actually finally having things like show you rather than like Oh, we filled some holes in the wall there.

  • House update on Then finally, as I mentioned, there are things coming in the future that I'm really excited to tell you about Andi just really looking forward.

  • Thio kind of had that huge like my cover came out on my bag, launched on dhe, my beauty box village, and it was like, Oh, I kind of needed to take some time like to myself to just have a little bit of before it all got crazy again.

  • So with the box launching literally in a few days, I do have other things coming up in the future as well on it's just a really exciting time again.

  • So that's basically kind of where we're at at the moment, and I'm still gonna be continuing to do like House update videos.

  • Andi, I will be doing room tours on dhe, just showing you all of the finished products as well.

  • Whilst we're kind of like finishing things off, we did have to admit defeat on a few things because if I haven't already told you are, Internet is now amazing.

  • Like I uploaded my last flog in six minutes and it was 35 minutes long, so that was a really kind of amazing thing.

  • And but the only problem was we had Thio paid quite a lot of money to get this all sorted and installed.

  • We now have the kind of Internet bounces around our home like they would have in offices.

  • So we have one in Ali's dressing room, one in the kitchen on one in my office downstairs, and they all bounced Internet around our house.

  • That's actually in our loft.

  • So it's It was kind of a big insulation, and it costs a lot of money and a lot of money that we weren't planning on spending.

  • So we did have to kind of sit down and say So maybe we're not gonna be able to get everything done this year, and we are gonna have to look at budgets on dhe move in the direction of maybe doing some things next year in the hope that we can afford them as well.

  • We also call our TV fixed on my gosh.

  • I don't think anyone realized there was a time when none of our TV's worked our phones didn't work on our Internet didn't work.

  • We felt like we were completely cut off from society.

  • So our TV's now we're our phone lines apparently work, but they really don't.

  • I don't know whether it's the phones, but our phone lines have not been checked in years because they're like there's no roads to it.

  • But at least we have mobile phones and stuff that work now, so we could make like Internet course.

  • But obviously we wouldn't have it any other way.

  • And we love this house so much that we take all of those things on the chin.

  • It was just a shock that how much these things cost on dhe.

  • So we are like looking at budgets for next year and probably like the living room and the games room on dhe.

  • I mean, I don't I still haven't decided whether I'm going to do anything to the guest bedrooms.

  • I'd kind of love that the guest bedrooms to have some kind of different feels to them because as much as I love all of the graze around the house in those particular rooms, I think that we could have a little bit of fun and when we have guests over, create a little like I don't know, theme to each of the rooms and just have a bit of fun with them so that they really enjoy staying in them.

  • But that's something that will look at another time.

  • So, yeah, next year will be living room where we'll hopefully finally get a fireplace on games room on potentially some bathrooms like our understands cupboard.

  • I won't have a lot of fun with, Like, that's gonna be that little like room, no understands covered my cloak room toilet on this desk up just to cover.

  • That's great fun with balloons.

  • Yeah, I wanna have, like, loads of fun in the cloak room toilet and just be one of those rooms that people open up and don't expect.

  • And just like, wow, how I got this is so cool.

  • Like dark colors and gold fixtures.

  • I don't know who will play with it.

  • We'll see how it goes.

  • But anyway, I have rambled on so much that I think this is already like an hour of footage.

  • So I actually was kind of thinking myself, What am I gonna talk to them about?

  • Turns out everything So anyway, I will.

  • I hope that you're excited.

  • And obviously any of the information I have spoken about in this video we'll be in the description box on Dhe.

  • I'm just so, so excited for everything that's happening and really, really grateful for everyone.

  • That has kind of, like, stuck with me throughout everything on dhe.

  • Just really, really happy at the moment, so yeah.

  • Anyway, I will see you in my next video.

  • Thank you so much for watching by.

Hi, everyone, and welcome back to my channel.


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