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  • LeBron Avery said that he felt like the sense of urgency wasn't quite there from the beginning

  • Obviously guys turned it on in the fourth quarter when when you sense that that's happening

  • is there are there things within the game you try to do wood to just

  • Turn that it as opposed to just when it happened in the fourth. Wow. We just got to be better

  • You know, we got to be better

  • They played some good basketball

  • And they made us pay an office rebounding a lot of too many offensive rebounds

  • We got some careless turnovers in that first half allowed him to get a lead

  • Especially in that third quarter so which is gotta be better and stay even-keeled no matter what's going on

  • LeBron in other news not sure she had a chance to take all this in yet, but the huge run by your son's team to

  • Advance to the state championship game and to wonder if that makes you feel a little better after a loss. No, absolutely

  • Absolutely, you know the lost things for sure

  • but the way they were I mean down team with two minutes to go and

  • higher to

  • Hit a game winner at the buzzer

  • Sending them to the state championship. That's what uh basketball is all about. So proud of you know, my son and his ballclub

  • Trailblazers, man, I'm

  • Excited. I need to see I don't know when the game is defiled. We don't have a games

  • For both you LeBron that play that you drove and found Anthony even though he didn't make it is it valuable to have

  • Those kind of opportunities like game to see what you guys can do together

  • And then Kali you're the type of guy who likes to take a little a second shots

  • What do you think of that that sequence? Oh, yeah just was the way to play was drew up

  • you know, I had an opportunity to

  • you know break down a defense and need to look for my shot or you know find a teammate and I mean a

  • great, look a great opportunity to win a game and

  • You know, we just missed it. You know, that's what the game is about. Uh, sometimes you take too good

  • You know you make her miss League at times

  • But we had a hell of a look and you know if the matter who was over there ad or you know

  • He stepped up took it missed it, but it's okay if cool is over the air

  • kcp Danny whatever the case may be the same pass would have been delivered on time and on target and

  • with the results LeBron did down the stretch there were

  • Possessions where you both drove and went straight to the basket or drove and then kicked out when those possessions begin

  • Are you ever looking for?

  • Anything in particular is it purely about just reading and making that last-minute decision?

  • no, I'm never predetermine my moves predetermine my play it's all read and react, you know if I have an

  • opportunity to score

  • And I see the defense staying at home. Then I look for that opportunity

  • If I see the defense is shifting over or they bring it to to the ball

  • I know I got a numbers game when a weak side knows four on three

  • Um, so, you know, she's been in those position so many times throughout my career

  • I can literally close my eyes and know what my guys gonna be at and be able to read and react this so

  • That's what also that's what all boys don't

LeBron Avery said that he felt like the sense of urgency wasn't quite there from the beginning


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