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  • As you can imagine, 400 years ago,

    如同你想像的,400 年前,

  • navigating the open ocean was difficult.

    在一望無際的大海上航行 是件困難的事。

  • The winds and currents pushed and pulled ships off course,

    風和海浪把船往前推、 當然也往後拉,

  • and so sailors based their directions on the port they left,


  • attempting to maintain an accurate record of the ship's direction and the distance sailed.

    試著要精準地記錄 船的方向、和航行距離。

  • This process was known as dead reckoning,

    這個過程被稱做航位推算, (直譯:死亡估計)

  • because being just half a degree off could result in sailing right past the island that lay several miles just over the horizon.

    因為只要有半度的誤差,就會和小島擦身而過, 儘管這小島就在地平線那端而已。

  • This was an easy mistake to make.


  • Thankfully, three inventions made modern navigation possible:

    所幸,有三樣發明 讓現代航海變為可能

  • sextants, clocks and the mathematics necessary to perform the required calculations quickly and easily.

    六分儀、時鐘、以及 能提供快速簡單算法的數學理論。

  • All are important. Without the right tools, many sailors would be reluctant to sail too far from the sight of land.

    三者都很重要。沒有正確的工具, 水手們就會對太遠的航行感到猶豫不前。

  • John Bird, an instrument maker in London,

    John Bird,一位倫敦的工具製造者,

  • made the first device that could measure the angle between the sun and the horizon during the day,

    製造了第一個可以在白天 測量太陽仰角的儀器,

  • called a sextant.


  • Knowing this angle was important, because it could be compared to the angle back in England at the exact same time.

    知道這個仰角是件重要的事, 因為可以拿它和同時間、英國上的太陽仰角相比。

  • Comparing these two angles was necessary to determine the longitude of the ship.

    比較這兩個角度對於知道 船隻所在的經度非常重要。

  • Clocks came next.


  • In 1761, John Harrison, an English clockmaker and carpenter,

    1761年時,John Harrison,一位英國的 時鐘製造者以及木匠,

  • built a clock that could keep accurate time at sea.

    建造了一具在海上也能 保持時間精準的時鐘。

  • The timepiece that could maintain accurate time while on a pitching, yawing deck in harsh conditions

    這個就算在船隻左右顛簸的惡劣環境下、 也能維持正確時間的計時器

  • was necessary in order to know the time back in England.

    對於知道何時返航回英國 是重要的。

  • There was one catch though:


  • since such a timepiece was handmade, it was very expensive.

    因為這樣的計時器是手工製造的, 所以非常昂貴。

  • So an alternate method using lunar measurements and intense calculations was often used to cut costs.

    因此,為了節省開銷,月象觀測配合大量計算 就成了常見的替代方案。

  • The calculations to determine a ship's location for each measurement could take hours.

    利用計算來判斷船所在的位置, 要花上好幾小時。

  • But sextants and clocks weren't useful unless sailors could use these tools to determine their position.

    然而,六分儀和時鐘,在水手們知道如何利用它們 來判斷方位之前,是沒太大用處的。

  • Fortunately, in the 1600s, an amateur mathematician had invented the missing piece.

    所幸,在十七世紀,一位業餘數學家 發明並補足了前述的缺陷。

  • John Napier toiled for more than 20 years in his castle in Scotland to develop logarithms, a calculation device.

    John Napier 在他位於蘇格蘭的城堡中,鑽研 20 餘年, 並發展了「對數」這個計算工具。

  • Napier's ideas on logarithms involved the form of one over E and the constant 10 to the seventh power.

    Napier 對於對數的想法,涉及了自然對數 e 的倒數 以及 10 的七次方這個常數。

  • Algebra in the early 1600s was not fully developed,


  • and Napier's logarithm of one did not equal zero.

    而 Napier 的對數代入 1 時, 並不等於 0。

  • This made the calculations much less convenient than logarithms with a base of 10.

    這使得它的計算, 比起以十為底的對數,不方便許多。

  • Henry Briggs, a famous mathematician at Gresham College in London,

    Henry Briggs,一位倫敦格雷沙姆學院 有名的數學家,

  • read Napier's work in 1614, and the following year made the long journey to Edinburgh to meet Napier.

    讀了 Napier 在 1614 年的著作後,隔年就 不遠千里地到愛丁堡拜訪 Napier。

  • Briggs showed up unannounced at Napier's castle door

    Briggs 無預警地出現在 Napier 城堡門口

  • and suggested that John switch the base and form of his logarithms into something much simpler.

    然後建議他將原本的底數 換成較簡單的數字。

  • They both agreed that a base of 10 with the log of one equal to zero

    他們一致認為以十為底、並將 log(1) 設為 0

  • would greatly simplify everyday calculations.


  • Today we remember these as Briggs Common Logarithms.

    這就是我們今日所知的 Briggs 常用對數。

  • Until the development of electric calculating machines in the 20th century,

    一直到二十世紀 發展出電子計算機之前,

  • any calculations involving multiplication, division, powers, and extraction of roots with large and small numbers

    所有涉及大小數字的乘法、除法、指數、以及根號, 這些運算

  • were done using logarithms.


  • The history of logarithms isn't just a lesson in math.


  • There were many players responsible for successful navigation.

    有許多人對成功的航海技術 做出貢獻。

  • Instrument makers, astronomers, mathematicians,


  • and of course sailors.


  • Creativity isn't only about going deep into one's field of work,

    創造力並不只是在 自己的領域內不斷深入,

  • it's about cross-pollination between disciplines too.

    也應該是不同領域 之間的相輔相成。

As you can imagine, 400 years ago,

如同你想像的,400 年前,


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