字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 How to meditate for beginners. 新手該如何冥想? In this video, I'm gonna teach you everything that you need to know, from where to meditate, how you should meditate, how you should sit, if you should listen to music or not. 在這支影片我將鉅細靡遺的教你冥想的一切,從地點和方法,到坐姿以及是否要伴隨著音樂。 I'm even going to tell you how to turn off your brain. 我甚至會教你如何停止思考。 Where should I meditate? 該在哪裡冥想呢? Experts will tell you that you can meditate anywhere, but in my opinion, I think you should just pick a very quiet place where nobody can bother you. 專家會說在哪裡都行,但在我看來你要挑一個安靜且無人打擾的地方。 So this could be a bedroom, or a car, or a local library. 可以是房間、車內或是當地的圖書館。 Even a forest could work, just somewhere that's very quiet and very peaceful. 只要是一個能使你內心平靜的地方都可以,當然也包括在某個森林裡。 How long should I meditate for? 我該冥想多久呢? I would recommend going for about five to ten minutes. 我會建議你大概冥想 5 到 10 分鐘。 But it's really important to set an alarm because if you don't, you will always be thinking to yourself: Has it been ten minutes yet, should I stop? 但設置鬧鐘就成了很重要的一環,如果不這樣你將會一直在心裡想「時間到了沒?」、「我該停止了嗎?」 And the whole point of meditation is not to think. 而冥想的重點並不在於思考事物。 Also, quality is better than quantity here. 此外,質量遠比數量重要。 In my opinion, being totally present and mindful for ten seconds is way better than being a little bit present and mindful for ten minutes. 在我看來,專注的 10 秒比心不在焉的 10 分鐘要來得好。 So longer is not necessarily better. 因此時間長並不一定是好的。 What should I do with my body? 那我該以什麼姿勢冥想呢? Most people will tell you that you should not lay down when you meditate, but I don't fully agree with this. 許多人會說不要躺著冥想比較好,但我不完全同意這個說法。 I personally meditate twice a day, once in the morning then once before I go to bed. 我一天會冥想兩次,剛起床時和就寢前各一次。 The only reason why I meditate at night is to help me sleep. 我在睡前冥想的原因僅僅只是幫助我好入睡而已。 So at night I will lay down. 因此在夜晚的冥想我會是躺著的。 But in the morning, I will always sit because I don't want to fall back asleep. 早晨的冥想我必定會坐著,因為我不想再次睡著。 But if you are only planning on meditating one time per day, definitely do it sitting, and I would recommend doing it in the morning. 但如果你一天只要冥想一次,一定要是坐著的,且時間我會建議你在早上。 How should I sit? 我該怎麼坐? For total beginners, I would recommend sitting in a chair with your eyes closed, head facing forward, straight back, feet flat with your hands just relaxing on your legs. 我會建議新手坐在一張椅子上,眼睛閉上、臉朝前、背打直、腳平放在地上,手放鬆地放在腿上。 You will see Buddhist monks sitting cross legged with their feet facing up. 你應該看過僧侶是以腳朝上的盤腿坐姿在冥想。 This is the proper way to meditate. 這是最適當的冥想姿勢。 But I've personally noticed that a lot of newer people find this position to be very uncomfortable. 但我發現很多新手對於用這個姿勢冥想感到非常不舒服。 I still think you should try it, but I would highly recommend just sitting normally in a crisscross position with your legs. 我認為你還是要試試看,但我強烈建議你就以平常盤腿的坐姿坐著就好。 But if that's not comfortable, just sit in a chair. 如果這樣不是很舒服,那就坐在椅子上。 Once meditation becomes a daily habit, then we can try moving towards the Buddhist monk position. 一旦冥想變成日常習慣,你就可以慢慢改變成僧侶使用的盤腿坐姿。 Should I listen to music? 我該聽音樂嗎? This one is really up to you. 這真的是取決於你。 But for beginners, I would suggest listening to a very calm, relaxing piano song or maybe just something like nature sounds. 對於初學者,我會建議你聽放鬆身心的鋼琴音樂或是一些自然聲音。 I personally use an app called "Relaxing Melodies." 我個人使用的是一款叫「睡眠與瑜伽」的應用程式。 And no, this is not a sponsorship, and I listen to a song called "Eternity." 這不是業配,我都聽一首叫作「永恆」的音樂。 But meditating without music is totally fine as well. 但沒有音樂也是可以冥想的。 You have to just figure this out for yourself. 你應該自己去試試看哪個比較適合你。 Okay, now it's time for the really important stuff. 接著,我們來談很重要的一點。 What should I do or what should I think about when I meditate? 冥想時,我應該做什麼或是想什麼呢? There are many different meditation techniques, but the one that I usually practice is something called mindfulness meditation. 冥想有分很多種技巧,但我最常使用的是一種叫做心感靜坐的方法。 This is one of the most powerful meditation techniques in the entire world. 這是世界上最強大的冥想方法之一。 And the whole idea around it, is to just focus on your breathing. 而這個冥想技巧主要就是要你專注在自己的呼吸之上。 When you are sitting down, you need to inhale through your nose, then exhale through your nose. 當你坐下時,你應以鼻子呼吸,鼻子吐氣。 But the key thing here is that you have to focus all of your attention on your breath. 但最重要的是你要全神專注在你的呼吸。 Like the sensations of the air hitting your nose, how the air fills your body and lungs, the slight pause between your inhale and your exhale. 去感受氧氣進入你的鼻腔,流進你的身體與肺部,還有你吸氣吐氣中的間隔。 This focused attention is the thing that will get your brain to stop thinking. 全神貫注在這之上能使你的大腦停止思考。 Now, many new people who try meditation will say things like, "I'm still thinking", "I have an itch that I keep scratching", "I can't do this, meditation just doesn't work for me." 許多新手會說「但我還是無法停止思考」、「我覺得身體癢所以一直抓」、「冥想好難,我做不到」。 It's completely normal and to be expected to experience all of that stuff. 這些都是很正常的。 I've been meditating twice a day for six years, and I still get itchy on my face, thoughts still come into my brain. 我每天冥想兩次的習慣已經持續了六年,我依然會感覺到臉很癢,有時也無法停止思考。 But if you keep breathing, and you trust the meditation process, those thoughts and those itches will eventually go away. 但如果你繼續努力且相信冥想的作用,那些想法與癢感總有一天會消失的。 However, if you really are struggling not to think then you can use my little breathing hack. 如果你還是無法做到停止思考,那你可以試試我的呼吸小訣竅。 When I inhale through my nose, I will stick my belly out a little bit as if I'm filling up my belly with air. 當我吸氣時,我會微微挺出我的肚子,好似它被空氣填滿一樣。 This is actually known as belly breathing, and it's actually the most relaxing way to breathe. 這叫作腹部呼吸法,這是最放鬆的呼吸法。 I know this sounds like incredibly simple and a bit silly, but I promise that if you try this, you will feel so much better, even throughout your day-to-day life. 我知道這聽起來有點蠢,但我保證只要你嘗試這麼做,你會感覺越來越好,甚至是在你的日常生活中。 Now it's time for the million dollar question. 接著到了一個重要卻難以回答的問題了。 How can I actually get this habit to stick? 我該如何保持這個習慣呢? The best way to build this habit is to establish a habit trigger. 最好的方法就是建立一個習慣誘因。 A habit trigger can be anything that triggers you to think about the habit that you're trying to build. 習慣誘因可以是任何能讓你想到這個習慣的事物。 For example, I have a friend who wanted to start developing the habit of listening to audio books every single day. 舉例來說,我有個朋友想要建立每天聽有聲書的習慣。 So every single time that he ate food, he would listen to an audio book, his habit trigger was eating. 因此每當他在吃東西時,他就會開始聽有聲書,他的習慣誘因就是吃。 So every time he ate food, he immediately thought: "Oh, it's time to listen to another audio book." 每當他開始吃飯時,他就會立刻想到「是時候要聽另一本有聲書了。」 So if you're meditating in the morning, I would recommend you using something like the shower as your habit trigger. 如果你想在早上冥想,我會建議你以洗澡當作習慣誘因。 So right after you shower, it's time to meditate. 這麼一來,淋浴完後你就知道是時候該冥想了。 Or maybe you can tell yourself that you can't have your morning cup of coffee or even your breakfast until you meditate. 或者你也可以跟自己約定在冥想前不能享用香濃的咖啡或是美味的早餐。 And if none of that works, you can always just place a big sign on your door that says, you can't leave the house until you meditate. 如果上述方法都不管用,你可以在門上貼著「冥想前請勿離開」的標示。 If you want to feel inspired and amazing about meditation, then watch my video where I talk about the shocking benefits of meditation. 若你想進一步了解冥想的驚人之處,你們可以觀看我介紹冥想好處的影片。 And when I say shocking, I really do mean they are shocking. 而我說的驚人,是真的驚為天人。 So feel free to click the screen now and I'll see you there. 歡迎去觀看那支影片。
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 冥想 習慣 新手 坐姿 思考 停止 想擁有更好的生活?教你如何靜心冥想 (How To Meditate For Beginners (Animated)) 14299 672 doris.lai 發佈於 2020 年 07 月 09 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字