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  • like farmers like battlefield 50 nice.

  • Oh, yeah.

  • Do you have your got training mode footage?

  • But I got glitch intimate.

  • Let's see this.

  • I wonder about this.

  • All right, So this is, um this is a war zone gameplay training.

  • This is training motor, right?

  • So if you guys like the training mode, this is exactly what it looks like.

  • This is from ah, from my boy over here, man.

  • How do I have not had mod or V I p on.

  • Listen, we'll we'll change that right now, brother calls.

  • I got you, baby.

  • What is this game?

  • Oh, dude, it's called it a war zone.

  • It's the battery out for full duty.

  • Look at this.

  • This is a training mode.

  • I got you dumb.

  • I got you.

  • Fucking the door will grow.

  • Imagine.

  • Gunships!

  • I'd be so mad.

  • I'm just I'm really curious.

  • Oh, hit it.

  • Weapon on a case of love you.

  • This is basically look at the subtitles.

  • I love it.

  • Dude.

  • Dude, I did not realize that that there was actual, like, people dropping in and actually being able to play this.

  • You have a cat off.

  • Lucky him, and he's just he's vibing today, man.

  • Is it free?

  • It is completely free to play guys completely, Completely afraid of free to play some class of weapons used.

  • Same ammo, which is nice.

  • Oh, yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • So I would assume pretty much like all the all the airs and whatnot.

  • Fuck the ideas of Kill Street.

  • Yeah, the kill streaks.

  • We're gonna kind of suck.

  • Okay, so right there, hold up.

  • If we actually go back, you can kind of see right there.

  • Ah, there it is.

  • So this is assault rifle slash L m G.

  • So they kind of took out like the 556 or the whatever, you know, whatever.

  • Whatever.

  • The 56205 the ammo.

  • Whatever.

  • 337 They made it just assault rifle.

  • And l m g, which is really nice block C.

  • I'll give you a kiss.

  • Right on the lips, brother.

  • Any day of the week.

  • Thank you so much.

  • I appreciate the follow baby.

  • Appreciate.

  • Appreciate your simple, like fortnight ammo.

  • Exactly.

  • That's what they need.

  • All right, so there's a re supply contract.

  • All right.

  • Nice.

  • Okay, I'm a sub, and that'll followed.

  • That's always how goes books You actually just get to the sub is well, fucking dope, man.

  • How you doing today, boss?

  • Next objective.

  • Okay, so when you get a contract, you can actually Okay.

  • Heartbeat sensor.

  • Oh, do that sick.

  • Push it up tight.

  • That's sick.

  • Okay, so the heartbeat sensor, we'll go back here.

  • All right, Dom, Literally.

  • You chill before I kiss you, bro.

  • All right, so all right.

  • You can see there's an uncommon Now look when he opens up this heartbeat sensor, basically, look at that.

  • So you can basically, if there's like somebody camping in a building or not, you can use this heartbeat sensor right here, and you could actually tell exactly where they are.

  • That's so nice.

  • That's nice.

  • I wonder, though.

  • Can I get a confirmation if there's a, um if there is a light, cold blooded a mod or ah, cold blooded class where you can kind of just, like, stay away from the heartbeat sensor that because I'd be interesting as well, I wonder.

  • I'm from breaking some plain words on 100%.

  • Man, not home in my town isn't on my spicy.

  • It's on every council multi council.

  • Just like how I called didi modern warfare's, but it's just not Oh, look at that.

  • It's a legendary Ram.

  • Seven.

  • Wait, What is that?

  • Yo, Sim.

  • Thank you so much, man.

  • Appreciate your brother.

  • How you doing today?

  • Um, we'd That's not a ram.

  • Seven.

  • That's an a K 47 but it's a legendary.

  • I wonder what the All right.

  • So basically, I guess it has Ahh.

  • Double weapon expiate as X.

  • Is that double weapon X p double X p.

  • And more money.

  • More currency for your system.

  • By the way, Those guys, if you guys are new to the stream right now and you guys are watching this.

  • Ah, this is war zone.

  • Game play.

  • This is the ah, this is the war zone.

  • Training a motor.

  • Right?

  • Um, those air for completing the contract.

  • Okay, so when you do this Oh, do.

  • That's so weird.

  • What's It's so weird to me.

  • So weird.

  • This this separate client of free to play?

  • Yes, it is, Yes.

  • 100% Thermal silence.

  • A k.

  • Sounds like an attachment to me.

  • Yeah, What's I'm very confused about?

  • That, I guess, are a So what I'm thinking here is they say there's no attachments.

  • I guess chaos made.

  • It might have just messed up when he was talking about it.

  • I would assume that there's no attachments for you to put on your gun.

  • But the gun that you use has has said attachments.

  • That's what I'm assuming right here.

  • Yep, There it is.

  • There it is.

  • There's a ram's wait that was definitely not in a K.

  • So it's a thermal Silence ram.

  • Seven.

  • Oh, that's interesting.

  • Looks good for a free to play 100% dude call.

  • Did he never never fails when it comes to their battery.

  • Els.

  • I love to black out and I'm gonna love this.

  • There's a gas mask.

  • All right, that's nice.

  • Least he swapped the attachments.

  • Did he?

  • Though we normally we did he Let's see this street starring Yeah, the streets kind of suck.

  • No, I don't think he did.

  • Tactical flash.

  • It says the flash.

  • There's a certain medical syringe and a gas mask.

  • Okay, Circle defense.

  • Oh, I wonder if that's gonna be used.

  • I called is I hate you, God damn it.

  • So there's no stamp.

  • There's Tim.

  • I mean, I guess like the medical supplies probably like the step.

  • Wait, no there ist, um because that's what he just grabbed before earlier.

  • This is supply station, our supply station.

  • This is basically the equipment that you convey by as well, So armour plate bundle, air streaks.

  • Um, Chiltern a cluster.

  • Oh, that's disappointing.

  • That is so disappointing.

  • Okay, so u A V is 4000.

  • I wonder how much it's gonna show unless it's just kind of like a sweep of like, a general location.

  • Um, cluster strike is 3500.

  • That sucks.

  • I'm actually gonna have is 21 k.

  • That's not bad, actually.

  • How do you get this game play?

  • One of my friends is actually he dropped into a, um into a ah into a game mode and he got blitzed footage.

  • But we actually just watch an unlisted video from chaos, Chaos, silencers, while on the actual war zone game Play itself like this is the training mode right here.

  • So ah, he says that you can the max you can have his 21 k for the supply station like your currency, and this is how much they cost.

  • So, basically, chaos was right about the cluster strike.

  • The u A v all the precision airstrike.

  • Everything being very cheap and probably being spammy needs to be longer than 15 seconds.

  • Let's see this.

  • Actually, that's not the Max.

  • You could probably get more, but there's a limit in training mode.

  • Okay, but okay.

  • Okay.

  • It's so weird to me, man.

  • All right, let's see how this works.

  • Okay, so it's basically like how the actual called duty mostly player goes.

  • That's a shame.

  • Oh, man, that's tough.

  • People are gonna get paste, man.

  • Pull up a seat for you.

  • She'll tear it.

  • Oh, man.

  • Meth E.

  • You might not want to show this.

  • You get band riffed.

  • The, uh, embargo basically got lifted unintentionally because of twitch the ah.

  • So what happened?

  • What?

  • The woods, which is?

  • They accidentally showed game the actually show the ad.

  • So, basically, once that happens, the the embargo is basically lifted.

  • Yeah, it's all fair game right now, which is crazy crazy to think.

  • Thank you, Twitch.

  • To which we love you men.

  • We love you not banning my favorite eager Elin ity and doing this.

  • Oh, fuck.

  • Hold up.

  • I want to see exactly know banning here yet.

  • I mean, hopefully not.

  • And how we're gonna watch the streams.

  • When?

  • When the game comes out.

  • See, this is a party man has been banned Fucking a rib.

  • I'm gonna I'm gonna stop it as soon as it hits you a B.

  • We're gonna pause the video and we're actually check it out itself.

  • Sorry.

  • So it shows enemy looking.

  • That's not very That's not very helpful.

  • But let's see U A V Look up way.

  • The beginning flyover way is the U A v showing enemies or is it using?

  • Showing Okay, Never mind.

  • Your TV is like a low local scanning dar.

  • Okay, a cent.

  • A local censored art.

  • Okay, Perfect.

  • Perfect.

  • My streets, man.

  • They got it.

  • They gotta ruin br somehow, I guess, Man, we need sniper footage.

  • Yeah, I don't think, um Tool, Do you have any, uh, any sniping game plan?

  • This curious?

  • A really, really wonder.

  • Based, like the old M w three survival.

  • We had to buy armor and streaks.

  • Yeah, that's what I'm thinking right now.

  • Honestly.

  • Think so.

  • I can't remember.

  • Let's find out.

  • We're about to find out right now.

  • Drop Get ice is the drop kit.

  • Oh, Okay.

  • Hold up.

  • Let's quickly go through here.

  • Right now do you have to have a model?

  • We're gonna play it.

  • Nope.

  • Completely free to play, guys.

  • You don't have to download MW at all.

  • Okay.

  • So you can have, like, inside vehicle, Second wind holdout SMG running gunshot, the snipers.

  • So right here is the peak.

  • Am the ride shield, and then you have perks as well.

  • So you have quick fix over killing shrapnel and okay, Yeah.

  • All you need is PlayStation plus Xbox Live or be a PC.

  • Free to play nerd.

  • And you're golden.

  • Don't actually go through each of these right here.

  • And then the car 98 level one.

  • I guess you can level up your sniper, but that doesn't make sense to me, All right?

  • Anyways, um, it's free to play.

  • No, no, It says you do need in the, um, in the ad for the, uh, the switch ad.

  • It says all you need is position.

  • Plus, that said, those are just the fall classes.

  • You can custom also make this class is custom.

  • Whoa.

  • Okay, that's interesting.

  • Okay, that's exciting.

  • The weekend quake scope in as long as we're gonna drop.

  • Kid, that's exciting.

  • Hello.

  • Hello.

  • Is this thing on Yo, Bosio.

  • What's up, baby?

  • How you doing today, man?

  • You know, it's officially coming out.

  • I believe it's coming out.

  • They're either gonna pull the trigger today, which I highly doubt because it's a Monday, or they're gonna put our They're definitely pulling the trigger Tuesday, no matter what, it's coming out Tuesday.

  • I'm a cool guy.

  • Oh, gee, red circles guy.

  • Right.

  • So here's the armor plates medium.

  • Okay, So no wonder the fuck is this man?

  • God damn.

  • Yo, what's up?

  • Silent.

  • How you doing today?

  • Man?

  • Says March 10th.

  • That's today way saying you're living in the damn.

  • You're living in the future, brother.

  • It is.

  • It's the ninth right now for us.

  • So it's definitely coming out.

  • Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday.

  • You're a good man.

  • Just running.

  • Ready for tomorrow.

  • Uh, how are you doing?

  • I'm doing amazing.

  • Thank you for asking, but they're honestly sounds a meal for real.

  • It's Monday for your damn Yeah, man, I'm living damn pass out here, bro.

  • I'm brain dead.

  • Seconds it good.

  • And were you?

  • It's called teamwork.

  • Okay.

  • So you can drop.

  • You can literally drop anything.

  • You could drop your money.

  • You can drop armor bullets, and I'm not exactly sure what that thing in between.

  • The money and the armor plates are looking so damn fine.

  • I'm a kiss you right on the lips, bro.

  • Don't fucking me, man.

  • Ah, If I have a full game play if you want a link, what is it for?

  • Actually, is that the?

  • Is that the chaos?

  • Silence or video?

  • Listen, definitely link it.

  • I'm definitely not on.

  • Watch it.

  • I'm I'm rearing to watch that shit, man.

  • I would love to get more out of here itself.

  • Revive token.

  • Oh, that's actually sick.

  • All right, So you can self provide us.

  • Well, that's exciting.

  • Uh, yeah.

  • Chaos is video idea to our bed.

  • What is that?

  • Something?

  • A battle that's so exciting, Men.

  • That is so exciting.

  • Go back a few seconds and I showed it.

  • Wait, What was it exactly?

  • All the self revive.

  • Okay, let's see it.

  • Look, we'll go back here a second, and then we'll watch the chaos Media one more time.

  • In case you guys, you knew and you haven't seen it already.

  • Kind of go through and just make sure you know is also its whatever kind of made Oh, true.

  • Yeah.

  • I'm definitely gonna actually click on that as well.

  • To make a profile picture like Mars.

  • God damn it.

  • I was right before you drop armor.

  • Okay?

  • Careful with teamwork.

  • You might win.

  • All right, so here one sec, will see this real quick.

  • Wait.

  • Understood?

  • You could draw in your inventory for your team.

  • This is called teamwork.

  • Okay.

  • Okay.

  • I see.

  • Yeah, it is a cell for by token.

  • That's crazy, man.

  • It's so crazy to me, so yeah, basically, they said they'd l Guys, I hope you're as excited as I am for this is this is this is actually so quick.

  • This is not for night.

  • This is not for tonight.

  • I don't think so.

  • At least that's so exciting.

  • I wonder how much on when you drop how much ammo you have in your pistols.

  • Well, let's quickly see this.

  • So he's gonna drop right here.

  • Ah, you can cut your parachute.

  • L one.

  • So look around.

  • Okay.

  • I didn't realize you were alive.

  • Didn't know it's all good sizzle.

  • Don't worry about it.

  • All right?

  • So you get about 30 40 bullets in your pistol to start off, okay?

  • Dude, that's so nuts, man.

  • I'm interested.

  • But I have no idea, man.

  • I mean shit, Yes.

  • We're gonna find out tomorrow as nice man.

  • That's so nice.

  • I wonder if when you drop from buildings, you can actually parachute as well.

  • Or if you die.

  • I don't think he didn't show it all.

  • Chaos didn't kill.

  • Freed is the same.

  • I don't see anything in the kill feed.

  • Although, let's quickly let's go back and let's see the gameplay of him killing the guy.

  • Let's see if there's anything with this right here.

  • Yeah, same thing.

  • Same exact thing is as before.

  • So that's exciting.

  • The BR montages.

  • Oh, my gosh.

  • Can't wait.

  • This is basically this is basically ah, Battle Royale, guys.

  • Now, if you guys do wanna link to the video, if you guys Listen, I didn't I didn't give you this link, Remember that I didn't give you a link.

  • Uh um No, seriously, if you want you like thistles, the most exciting part right here, like going into the gulag showers.

  • Let's quickly that's full screen.

  • This real quick, man.

  • Ah, that's a complaint right now.

  • Remove kill streets have removed the idea of legendary weapons.

  • And please make it based on Rajan's guns killing ability.

  • I mean, pretty much.

  • It seems like it.

  • How did I get a watch streak?

  • You gain your kill streaks through, um, currency.

  • So you just go to AA airdrop like the Like how it was over here in this gameplay.

  • Yeah, This right here, the drop kit or whatever this is.

  • What is this?

  • Right here?

  • We'll go back a second.

  • I got you guys right.

  • Supply stations.

  • So you go to a supply station, and basically anything you need is right here.

  • So here's your armor plate.

  • Here's gas mask, precision airstrike shelter, a cluster strike, U A v ah, ammunitions box and dropkick marker.

  • And then the dropkick marker you drop and you get a get a chance to get us a legendary weapons.

  • That's exciting right there.

  • Well, who e mailed me this link in my spam folder?

  • You always know what it looks like.

  • Men.

  • Is there any bullet drop?

  • Can we get confirmation on bullet drop or not?

  • I'm not sure if you did test.

  • That's Ah, Legendary room seven only had three attachments, which wasn't bad at all.

  • True.

  • True.

  • Emma.

  • Great.

  • Yep.

  • Yep, yep, Um, yes.

  • So if you have any idea on the if there's any, um, any bullet drop that being nice is Well, I'm not sure if you tested it, cause I know in the training zone, there was a lot of Ah, a lot of you know, this is boring.

  • I don't know, man.

  • I like it.

  • I like it a lot.

  • That's so sick, man.

  • So it even tells you, like when in the gulag it says how many rounds you have until you fight.

  • Um, that's so exciting.

  • You could throw rocks at people captured prisoner.

  • Oh, my God.

  • Level up from the supply station.

  • Get better stuff through contracts.

  • That's exciting.

  • Method of sniping montage is gonna be fucked.

  • I can't wait.

  • Especially if you have custom classes like Holy shit.

  • Damn men.

  • Whoever is one be wanting.

  • If you have a partner that died with you, you could be spectating him while he is fighting his one V one.

  • And you could trick shots of being saying I love it.

  • I love it.

  • You can throw rocks.

  • Damn, man has to go log work waiting for your turn.

  • How does it exactly work?

  • Throw down on the unity which actually stuns them.

  • It help your teammate out in there would be one.

  • Now with that was there's all kinds of different versions of the gulag, so it's not going to be the same every time.

  • And if you will come back here, you drop back.

  • All right?

  • So, basically, when you if you win the one, the one you think the video for people to watch, you know, I did already.

  • I did.

  • There were, um Yeah, basically, if you, uh if you win the one of you one, you go back to fighting peace would be open on this, I think Oh, did 100%.

  • I'm just trying to figure out exactly how you get into the gulag.

  • That more here in a minute.

  • The gulag.

  • You've heard it.

  • You just I'm curious.

  • So let's see this eye for the first time For the first time when it gets to a certain part of the match, this is not possible.

  • But until then, okay, if you die, you go into the gulag and you are going to one V one for your life and being able to come back with your team.

  • But it's not just that.

  • Okay.

  • All right.

  • So that's basically how you do that, then.

  • So that's exciting.

  • So when you die, um, I don't know if it was over here.

  • I think we did skim past it, and I was showing you guys like the layout of it.

  • Um, when he showed, like, the maps they're holed up.

  • I think we have a right here.

  • All right, So when he drops down, what they said was, there's all kinds of different versions of the Gulag, so it's not going to be all right.

  • There we are.

  • So there's the There's the gulag right now.

  • So there's 16 people in the Q right now.

  • There's a 15.

  • I assume there's a 20 minute time limit for the gulag.

  • Said to go away.

  • The winner mash in the gulag, return to the war zones.

  • That's exciting.

  • All right, so that's basically how that works.

  • And that's exciting.

  • When he died during set, Simon sets in the gulag.

  • If you wanna wanna be one of response without having to brought it out, if you die, though, you have to get brought out by it through supply stations.

  • Okay, Okay.

  • So basically, after after the gulag.

  • Um Ah.

  • And either you have to get out about it, OK?

  • OK, yeah.

  • So basically, in the beginning of the match, if you if you're here for this time limit and you you die, you go to the gulag, then you have the one V one.

  • So it's gonna have a lot of skins.

  • I know.

  • I don't think it's gonna have a lot of skins.

  • Is basically whatever you have in modern warfare right now.

  • That's what Ah, through what Chaos said.

  • Yeah, that's a sky swell Comm do war zone tomorrow.

  • Super excited, Super super excited.

  • But I don't know, man.

  • I guess we'll find out exactly how it goes when we see you know when I am.

like farmers like battlefield 50 nice.


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使命召喚:戰地-訓練模式!(第一印象) (CALL OF DUTY: WARZONE - TRAINING MODE! (First Impressions))

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