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  • This is a flu.

  • This is like a flute.

  • Corona virus is spreading in the United States, the number of cases has risen to 732.

  • We're going to be pretty soon that only five people and we could be in just one or two people over the next short period of time, the CDC said.

  • People should avoid crowds.

  • Also, you should avoid shaking hands.

  • My uncle, he was at M I T.

  • He taught at M.

  • I.

  • T.

  • Was a great super genius.

  • I like this stuff.

  • I really get it.

  • They could have vaccines.

  • I think relatively says we're talking about a vaccine may be a cure.

  • I think the reason expectation is between a year and 18 months.

  • Honestly, anybody that wants a test could get a test that has been a lag and the ability to get tested.

  • You take a solid flu vaccine.

  • You don't think that would have an impact or much of an impact on Corona.

  • No, it will go away to stay calm.

  • It's going to disappear one day.

  • It's like a miracle.

  • It will disappear.

This is a flu.


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