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  • Well -- if you want to finally get a puppy, go on vacation, and borrow a car from your

  • dadall you need to hear is one magical word.

  • 'Yes.'

  • No matter how hard it may be to get an approval, you will be prepared for everything after

  • this video.

  • Here’s my list ofpeople persuaders”: 1) Smile!

  • This is the first impression people get from you at the start of any conversation.

  • Be the one who sets a positive tone.

  • If you frown, people will naturally try to defend, and this subconsciously sets them

  • against you.

  • When you smile, you show the other person that you're happy to talk to them, and that

  • makes them relax and be more attentive to you.

  • 2) Give all your attention and be respectful This works even as setting a good example.

  • If you pay attention to all the other person has to say and to their mood, they'll want

  • to show their positive sides too.

  • They will also listen to you and respect your needs.

  • 3) Don't hide that you need something.

  • 'How was your day?

  • The weather is good today, right?

  • Have you heard the news?

  • And by the way, I want a pay raise.'

  • you can see how fishy it sounds.

  • People are smart and you won't trick anyone like that, so the first point you make in

  • a conversation should be about what you want to get.

  • But!

  • Here is a trick to this rule:

  • 4) Get your priorities straight.

  • If you know for sure that your roommate won't let you throw a party and skip your turn to

  • clean your place, start with the one request that is less likely to get approval.

  • The second one has a lot more chances for success.

  • 5) Make a deal.

  • Present your idea as a collective goal that will benefit the other person too.

  • If it's not possible, make an offer from your side.

  • But make it look like you're just being respectful, some people will resist any attempt tobribe

  • them.

  • 6) Earn respect.

  • It's easy to do: never be late, do your part on time, and never miss deadlines.

  • Being punctual and honoring your commitments can't go unnoticed, and people tend to respect

  • this kind of attitude more than any unnecessary heroic efforts or even personal favor.

  • 7) Show your interest.

  • During my days in school, the teacher would often ask the class if someone had any questions.

  • And after an awkward pause, the teacher would become all gloomy.

  • After that, it was impossible to get a 'yes' from them.

  • Asking questions and offering suggestions is a good way to show your interest.

  • It adds value to both the discussed matter and the person you're talking to.

  • 8) Ask for advice.

  • This way you will make the other person feel important and respected.

  • After all, people like to help others.

  • Just avoid whining about your problemsno one likes that, so keep the conversation positive

  • and constructive.

  • 9) Dress for success.

  • Like it or not, people always form their first impression from the most accessible source,

  • which is how you look.

  • Choose a style that will be appropriate for this kind of conversation.

  • No need to discuss your relationship wearing a suit, you know!

  • 10) Remind them that they can say 'no' anytime.

  • Don't push too hard with all the persuasion thingit may make people feel uneasy and

  • stressed.

  • When you leave a choice, you show respect and willingness not to put a person in a bad

  • position.

  • 11) Be thankful.

  • Even if no one's asking anything back from yougive a nod of appreciation to them.

  • Even a small token gift will do great!

  • When you're known as a grateful person, your reputation will start working for you.

  • 12) Establish contact.

  • Start with eye contact.

  • Don't be afraid of looking someone in the eye while asking for something.

  • You're just showing that you're honest to them and people usually appreciate it big

  • time.

  • People won't trust you if you hide your eyes from them.

  • Even if you're talking with someone you don't knowmake a note on their eye color first.

  • This will give a reason to establish eye contact and also make a compliment!

  • 13) Get on the same page.

  • Find something you both share with each other.

  • Maybe you have a similar hobby or same everyday problems, or you both are fans of comic books

  • anything will do.

  • Remind a person about that and build your arguments upon these points.

  • Just stay on a positive side and don't delve into the problem territory too much.

  • 14) Maintain a good posture.

  • Don't cross your arms and don't lock them with each other.

  • It's a defensive position that shows this conversation is a nuisance for you.

  • Most of the time you'll immediately see the other person copy this posture, and from this

  • point, your conversation is probably already going nowhere.

  • Another trick is to mirror the posture of a person you're talking to.

  • This will help to hit it off with anyone!

  • 15) Call them by name.

  • It's a fact that people like the sound of their names spoken out loud.

  • Saying someone's name in a conversation is the key point in establishing trustworthy

  • relationships.

  • 16) Make it personal.

  • This requires a careful choice of words.

  • Start a conversation with something like, 'You know how important it is to me…' or

  • 'I've been thinking about it for a long time…'

  • Show how important it is for you to get what you need.

  • We often think that our desires are easily ignored, but it's not always the case.

  • If you're honest about it, people will listen.

  • 17) Choose the right moment.

  • Don't bother people in their spare time, but also don't distract them from working or studying.

  • For example, a good moment to ask for a day off is right before the working day starts

  • or just after it ends.

  • The first option is better because they will be well-rested and more relaxed than at the

  • end of the day.

  • 18) Humor is your best friend.

  • A good joke that suits the situation counts as two good arguments.

  • People are reactive, they reflect what they receive like a mirror.

  • If you send something positive like a reason to laugh at them, they will respond with a

  • good mood and a relaxed state.

  • Both of these things are your keys to win people over and get that puppy home at last!

  • 19) Facts are much more reliable.

  • Nothing is worse than starting an argument with a joke that went right over someone's

  • head.

  • While you're making your point try to lean on statistics, facts, and authorities.

  • It's much better if the authorities mentioned are those close to you and the person you

  • speak to.

  • Like the most monumental point in an argument with your siblings is the word of your parents

  • this kind of thing.

  • 20) Facts are cold, stories are relatable.

  • Statistically, people pay much more attention if someone starts to speak from words like,

  • 'My grandfather always told me…' or 'My favorite teacher once said…'

  • Whatever you say after that will automatically gain more meaning.

  • Make a simple short story around the point you're trying to make and people will tend

  • to agree with you.

  • 21) Use simple language.

  • Not because people aren't smartjust the opposite.

  • Respect them and their time, give information to them in the most accessible form.

  • You'll be able to make your point clearnothing bad can come from that.

  • 22) Keep it simple and don't overdo anything.

  • Wow, that's a long list of tips.

  • But don't worry, you don't need to follow every single one of them at the same time.

  • The most important thing is to stay true and act natural.

  • Keep your ears open and adapt to the situation at hand.

  • If the person you're talking to is moody today, don't bother them too much with positivity

  • and laughs.

  • If they want to relax and have funfacts and statistics will probably only irritate

  • them.

  • And good luck with that puppy.

  • Hey, if you learned something new today, then give the video a like and share it with a

  • friend!

  • And here are some other cool videos I think you'll enjoy.

  • Just click to the left or right, and stay on the Bright Side of life!

Well -- if you want to finally get a puppy, go on vacation, and borrow a car from your


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A2 初級

20+心理技巧,讓人總是說 "是"。 (20+ Psychological Tricks To Make People Always Say Yes)

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