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Depression can be a devastating condition. It can be the result of a physical medical
condition causing a flux within the chemicals of the brain, or can be triggered from an
emotional trauma. It is capable of lowering your quality of life, but it can also have
a negative impact on your friends and family as well.
So we've made a list of 10 tips and tricks that have been known to help you beat the
daily blues.
Tip#1 Exercise, Exercise, Exercise Overwhelming scientific research has shown
that people who exercise regularly benefit with a positive boost in mood and lower rates
of depression. When you exercise, your body releases chemicals called endorphins. These
endorphins interact with the receptors in your brain that reduce your perception of
pain. It is our body's natural pain killer. Exercise can also boost self-esteem, reduce
stress, decrease anxiety, and improve your nights sleep.
Tip # 2 Control your diet. It's proven that your body is way more productive
if it processes healthy food, especially foods high in fatty acids such as almonds and other
nuts. Fish oil is a vital component to your diet especially while depressed. This is because
fish is an excellent source for Omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin B12 which are both great
in getting you to feel better. So keep the junk food to a minimum.
Tip #3 Don't dwell on your age. Getting older is a natural part of life and
thinking only about the negative things will keep you depressed much longer than you have
to be. Take preventative measures to keep yourself in good health as you get older and
focus about the positive things ahead.
Tip #4 Maintain Balance Hip fractures are one of the biggest reasons
of depression among the elderly. This usually happens because they were unable to keep their
balance and agility. So, as you get older be sure to practice simple balancing exercises
like standing on one leg to help keep you on both feet.
Tip #5 Seek Help if You Think You Need it. Depression is treatable in many different
ways ranging from medications to different types of therapy. Taking the initiative to
better health means taking the first step, so seek out the help if you think you need
Tip #6 Cut down on Caffeine We know that cup of java in the morning is
a requirement to get you going in the morning, but having too many cups can potentially make
you jittery and anxious, which typically worsens conditions for those suffering from depression.
This also refers to teas and sodas as well.
Tip #7 Eat Carbs that Boost Serotonin Serotonin is the "feel-good" brain chemical,
and its levels are boosted when you eat low-fat carbs like a baked potato, popcorn, or your
favorite pasta dish. So keep that in mind next time you hit the kitchen.
Tip #8 Take a Break From Stress Meditation is a fantastic resource in helping
you to forget about the realities you have to deal with everyday. Yoga classes are also
a fantastic form of meditation and exercise. But there's other things like simply listening
to relaxing music, taking a long hot bath, or simply just closing your eyes to day dream.
You'll feel more calm and in control once you're back in the real world.
Tip #9 Reach Out to Others! No, calling your friends and spilling your
guts out to them isn't what we're talking about this time. By reaching out, we mean
you should check out different volunteer opportunities such as volunteering at your local soup kitchen
or participating with non-profit organizations to help out those who are less fortunate.
Seeing what others are going through that aren't as fortunate as you are can help
change your perspective on a lot of things.
And here's your bonus tip: Get some quality sleep!
Whether you're getting too much or too little, you need to get yourself into a solid routine
so that your body can get used to the sleeping patterns. Getting quality sleep will do a
lot more for your body than just fighting depression.