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  • mommy's walking around the office in a bra what else is new okay so let's turn

  • around why the park is there oh I'm an

  • independent woman who can zip her own dresses I'm gonna go get some modeling

  • jobs max yeah we're very busy family here what do you think we're doing

  • they're buying jewelry at 10:30 a.m. I think I want to go upstairs this is

  • where the very expensive stuff that if you spill coffee on them bad news you

  • know that happens to me all day what is this man out

  • I know they closed just for us that's the beauty of coming so early

  • okay lots of colors which makes me super excited this is very like out of my

  • comfort zone yellow usually not a yellow type and I'm doing my little like change

  • room video this is my setup as you can see I did not bring the shoes from home

  • this was here so thank you holds let me show you how this magic is done very

  • sophisticated stuff going on here hello this is me I'm gonna be twirling

  • huh a little bit some pretty outfits cute right put on your shoes watch you I

  • think your brown ones would work I mean that Theo giggle yeah oh my god I feel

  • so like contact oh my god you know what I noticed that

  • people that have long nails use their nail salon isn't talk and I just wonder

  • if it's going to affect my children in any way you don't have long nails not

  • talking no if I guess I don't get the whole punished don't think you're like a

  • magician

  • you swear this is when people get married so they'll have someone to help

  • them zip their dresses I did it I'm an independent woman who can zip her own

  • dresses okay on my way to get my hair done because I've been putting so much

  • dry shampoo I don't think I have the manpower to clean all of whatever's

  • going on in there also I'm sick of walking around with the slick bun so I'm

  • about knowing when to lesson I learned in life feel ready to run for president

  • today we are doing an experiment experiment experiment we're

  • experimenting taking you to a public mom you like only one mole I know I made a

  • certain area of that mom I just don't like public places don't make me out to

  • be a prima donna we need to buy some clothes for maxi as I grew up every day

  • how do I do a search on this thing

  • to the right to the right no one's looking at us it gets weird to hold the

  • camera in front of your face 2019 people okay go now go towards our child ages

  • I'm testing you I'm testing you it's like for you babe you're strong I know

  • jakie white would you want that house what's so special about it there's a

  • room there there's room in every house no that's someone's driveway go home

  • okay let's go back to 7:00 p.m. today I like the water okay let's go but we need

  • to go first home because I need to change my shoes it's not comfortable

  • I can't walk far in these these are just for walking a little bit of them sitting

  • down okay so let's turn around yeah the park

  • is there okay so we also need to take a blanket for him just in case

  • I don't want him to get cold you guys are such good brothers really

  • come let's go much heads I don't want to watch a man get cake Dada Dada

  • oh that's nice man you want a jacket

  • nice what do you want to be nice okay interesting

  • yes yes I am hello you know I gave birth to three children right ready want to

  • know you can't put that high go Gina go Gina Gina can you do 20 you have to go

  • like this Oh squat yes Vinny you carry this Benny

  • this is like how much you weigh you're supposed to push okay

  • mmm good job and Benny is rooting for you oh good boy mark careful too too

  • deep with the side this is Sookie knee yeah cuz he's a health-conscious guy he

  • knows what's up he knows what's good for me

  • it looks like cucumbers but it's not cucumbers oh oh this is a good

  • explanation to have my Wednesday's going I decided to take a little break from

  • filming to come outside and enjoy the weather it's getting nice but like it's

  • taking way too long to get nice there's some other days this week it's gonna get

  • colder anyways no one wants to hear about the weather in Canada what the

  • most depressing subject to talk about this rental house doesn't have any

  • pillows so I'm shooting a water eat in a day which is a video I haven't shot in a

  • long time I'm just eating my little snack for today I have my matcha tea

  • latte and this yummy how do you call this thing

  • date I'm eating a date with almond butter and just like trying to get

  • comfortable well this thing's stuck in my blood

  • wanted to come out and read but I want to give my eyes a little break from

  • everything so this isn't be taking a break you guys

  • take two of Valyria relaxing outside the bird will come again my date will be so

  • upset

  • I'm gonna go get my book we need a card because we have lots of things to take

  • this you can sit here if you want like this no your legs need to go here

  • oh now you like this store Thank You sweet idea okay so first things first

  • wait first is walnuts because we're but we already hear the walnuts are here

  • that's what I do

  • don't worry I was yummy bear no baby that's not what

  • you want that's not it what is it why you don't need DZ guys I've never seen

  • someone this excited about supplements we can only buy one what is okay and you

  • can share both of you okay put it back please so you either share or we can buy

  • it

  • what are you prefer to do wonderful decision we did it I did mom

  • it's a beautiful ending to this shopping experience

  • oh hi Pam let's go we're going to put it in the car

  • come Jake and this is the end it's almost 7:00 raining outside just a night

  • I feel like all my vlog start like this whatever I didn't save no one cares

  • today we have a shoot day we are doing some piece of content it took so long to

  • put the get down I can't wait to move to the new house when Jake and Ben has them

  • in separate bedrooms because they are just they keep like

  • annoying each other and then no one can sleep anyways beside that everything is

  • great I'm just gonna have a good breakfast do coffee and go it's me

  • pumping myself up there's a subway thought their day and I like wanted to

  • throw up it was so strong people eat hot dogs inside it's like a social

  • experiment guys I love the subway pad mmm I love the subway in the summer I

  • always use the subway when I come down here this serious it's not serious I

  • know when I was pregnant I took the subway yeah you did actually true like

  • twice as I was sweating a lot it was very hard for me anyways I'm really

  • proud of my capability video for the subway day is the redhead who shot two

  • videos I know it's funny I like the drugstore side one better

  • really yeah very like I can't even tell I can forget

  • it we shot two videos today and I'm super excited for them I'm so very very

  • tired I couldn't sleep last night because I don't know why I don't sleep

  • anymore it's really taking a toll on my life right now this guy's chilling here

  • Hey Oh max are you ready tomorrow we have music class and we have a casting

  • I'm gonna go get some modeling jobs max yeah we're very busy family here what do

  • you think we're doing I have a book club IG live book club in

  • an hour I'm so excited for our first book I'm so upset about my book club

  • thing tried to go live today and it didn't work at all

  • then I crashed and fell asleep by accident and I mixed my own book club

  • edgy life you're dealing with professionals over here you guys I have

  • to figure out how to sleep-train max I am so exhausted between waking up with

  • him and one of the boys always gets up at night for some reason there really is

  • a lot so you need to figure that out I ran so fast after my workout took a

  • quick shower got dressed we are starting our music class today with max I just

  • started wanted to do some activity where it's like only me and him so that'll be

  • fun I haven't done one in a long time like I only did baby class with Jake

  • because that was a new mom and I wanted to meet other new moms which is kind of

  • the reason why this is a thing like I don't think kids are really I mean

  • there's so little they don't understand the hell's going on yeah I just wanted

  • to find like activity that only max and I can do so that's what we're doing now

  • we have a really like busy day today with max after that we have a casting

  • for a modeling job for max and myself which is really cute so I'm really

  • excited for that it's just me and him today Maxie it's only you and I babe hi

  • are you ready

  • ok we are done our music class now we have our cash game max Bob asleep how

  • nice for him I'm just gonna do a little quick touch-up have a raging pimple that

  • is ready to come out and shine hello hi you have a nice nap you ready to get a

  • model face on they like cheekbones what about them cheekbones kick

  • no chicken no honey if he's drooling it means isn't a good man mommy's walking

  • around the office in a bra what else is new so we finished the fitting maxi was

  • a great wingman he was like smiling winking he was winning them over we

  • actually shot with this company when I was pregnant with Max I think it was

  • like the last shoot I did with him before he was born

  • yeah I'm so excited I forget to do the shoot again with Maxie

  • I love taking you to places you're such a cool dude you're just chilling just

  • encouraging mama I was like trying on the bra and showing them to the client

  • and he's like okay good me like get it mama

  • okay so we're done here now we get to go home and have a lunch and just relax

  • we're done for today okay my love we need to go to school

  • good job baby that was very cool all right all right

  • the boys know I have time to get ready you have the busy day today I did have

  • time to wash my hair this morning because I look up extra early so I feel

  • like I'm her super come first for this week so yay it's still raining it's

  • still cold it's still winter you know

  • a show which announcer

mommy's walking around the office in a bra what else is new okay so let's turn


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A2 初級

明亮的眼睛,胖胖的大腿,媽媽的生活和更多的東西|2周Vlog (Bright Eyes, Chubby Thighs, Mom Life and So Much More | 2 Week Vlog)

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