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  • Hello, everyone, and welcome to another video.

  • Now, in the last one, I built this I 5 25 100 K gaming system.

  • It featured the legendary quad core Eight Gigs of RAM and in Our Nine Nano, a tiny but still capable AMG Fury based card over clocked this machine to 4.2 gigahertz right from the start.

  • And it's how I tested out the performance and gaming capabilities.

  • A renowned over clocker.

  • The eye five can go higher, but the roided up Intel stock caller may not be the best choice for such an endeavor.

  • That said, there were other looming factors that ended up shattering my five gigahertz dreams.

  • So last time, as I said, I boosted the clock speed straight up to 4.2 gigahertz from 3.3.

  • This is significant as it is, and it's no trouble on this, said 77 chipset motherboard.

  • It's a simple is changing the number 33 under the clock ratio to 42.

  • There we have it 4.2 gigahertz.

  • This made a noticeable improvement over stock speeds in Cebu based situations like Sina Bench, where the multicourse score went from 981 to 10 73.

  • I also went back and re tested Battlefield five at a later stage in the tank mission, where we saw our average and percentile figures improved by a respectable margin.

  • The problem was that in Cebu, intensive games like this I five were still maxing out on all cause, causing stutter and frame drops As the action started to heat up.

  • I then thought, Well, why not push it higher?

  • I said the until caller may not be the best solution, but that doesn't mean it isn't a solution.

  • With that, it was time for a restart and another delve into the BIOS.

  • This is where I noticed a pretty significant problem.

  • I could not for the life of me find the V Corps setting.

  • Under the advanced voltage settings, we had the choice to adjust everything else but vehicle, the option that allows us to increase or decrease Cebu voltage.

  • Thus making a higher cock chip more stable was missing.

  • Now I expect this from a cheaper, bold and from one of those you might find in a previous system.

  • But is that 77 gigabyte bold with Novi Corruption preposterous with this newly acquired info I took to Google to try and find a solution, using only the most accurate terminology in hopes for a solid answer.

  • The first things I saw didn't exactly fill me with joy or confidence.

  • Anyway.

  • The latest discussion regarding this bold came from the tech power up forums where someone was facing a similar issue.

  • The advice was to update the bile, something I neglected to even think about.

  • In all honesty, I headed to the motherboard support page.

  • Or at least I tried to.

  • This is why no one likes the Microsoft Age.

  • Is it any wonder why we all download chrome things finally loaded and I was disappointed to see that F.

  • 11 A.

  • The BIOS We already had installed Waas the latest version, so I guess we were out of luck.

  • I had read elsewhere that this board was compatible with another gigabyte by us.

  • The D three H board, which does in fact, unlock the vehicle option that any adjustments made don't actually work.

  • The option just shows up and does nothing kind of like me in high school.

  • I'm getting distracted.

  • The core adjustments aren't essential to an over clock.

  • It just means we may be able to squeeze more megahertz out of the chip.

  • If we had the voltage control option, we can still push it higher, but the vehicle will always essentially be on all toe mode.

  • Another restart later, and I changed the CPU cog ratio to 46 or 4.6 gigahertz.

  • This also proved completely stable.

  • To my surprise, I then tried 4.7 four point I and 4.9, respectively.

  • These options all allowed us to boot into windows, but 4.9 seem to be the breaking point.

  • We saw the logo on screen and then it just froze.

  • This happened every time, followed by a blue screen and an error.

  • When I tried to reboot again, the bios just locked up, too.

  • So I got stuck in this circle of restarts with nowhere to go.

  • The only way to resolve it was to remove and receipt the Seamus battery on the motherboard.

  • Following this, windows did boot on, went straight into diagnostic mode before eventually landing on the log in screen about 15 minutes later.

  • So 4.9 giga Hertz proved too much, but it turns out 4.8 is perfect.

  • The system started, and I jumped straight into CPU said to check that the over clock had worked with that confirmed it was onto Cinna bench to see how things looked clicking.

  • The usual ran CPU test button saw us get off to a flying start, the test running quick out than ever before.

  • It still took a while to complete.

  • But once it was done, I was pleased to see an additional 300 or so points over the 4.2 gigahertz result.

  • This was still with the roided up Intel call attached.

  • So the noise, as you can imagine, was pretty deafening.

  • I was quick to remember, though, that this is still a forecourt.

  • Fourth ready chip.

  • That's fine, it really is.

  • But with games utilizing more cause and threads these days, it can be problematic in some scenarios to situations that haunt me.

  • Our battle for five and kingdom come deliverance.

  • So it was those titles that would be getting tested yet again.

  • I apologize for the terrible quality of kingdom come.

  • For some reason, the sharpness was off the scale in the game, and this played havoc with the video quality leading to some pretty junky footage.

  • However, the frame rate was certainly improved.

  • The second question I wanted to answer here, aside from can this thing hit five gigahertz was how much of an improvement will over clocking actually provide.

  • In the case of Kingdom Come, we saw solid numbers that increased in all aspects, including those 1.1% figures.

  • The CPU usage was also down, with a lot of stutters being eliminated.

  • Battlefield five was arguably more pleasant, though.

  • While the average over the 4.2 gigahertz result wasn't significantly different, the one and 10.1% figures were more consistent.

  • This led to a near total elimination of stuttering on the 2500 k was far from maxing out on all cause like it was before hovering around 80 to 90% usage.

  • I think that if you go for a 25 100 K in 2019 then a significant overcook is essential for some games to function at their best.

  • What's more, expensive calling or top to your mother boards aren't exactly necessary to do this either.

  • Don't get me wrong.

  • I'm a little disappointed at the lack of V Corps control with this gigabyte board.

  • But this board does still let's hit decent enough numbers, ones that will make a real world difference.

  • I don't really have a conclusion to draw, I guess.

  • Do better research than me when it comes to motherboard shopping.

  • Seriously, though, I wanted to push this chip a little more and hopefully answer any curiosities you may have had about the 2500 k in 2019.

  • On what sort of difference a boost in clock speed really has.

  • I certainly had fun finding its limits.

  • And I hope you guys enjoyed watching this video too.

  • If you did, please leave a like, down below.

  • Leave a dislike.

  • If you didn't let me know if you have a 25 100 k running at five gigahertz or beyond.

  • And how on earth you call the thing as well as what motherboard you're using.

  • Subscribe to the channel if you haven't done so already.

Hello, everyone, and welcome to another video.


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