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  • Joseph Kanani lives on what appears to be an island.

  • Living as a squatter surrounded by farms that do not belong to him.

  • He and his extended family are Batwa people,

  • an indigenous minority in Burundi.

  • Living in poor conditions, in a village north of Burundi's capital Bujumbura

  • Kanani says his family once owned land extending to the foothills,

  • but all that is gone.

  • "We do not have land, in the past we have had no representation in government

  • and anyone could come and build right in the middle of our land.

  • The public would treat us like dogs that cannot bite..."

  • Historically, the Batwa community, one percent of the Burundi population,

  • often worked as servants.

  • This perception dominates their lives even now, says

  • Deogratias Ntikazohera Waling, a local government officer.

  • "They were not allowed to enter people's homes;

  • they were seen to be backward with no value and no future.

  • Things have changed, people visit them

  • but the only obstacle is that there's no intermarriage with them,

  • even now it cannot happenů."

  • Their births go unrecorded so the Batwa have no legal status.

  • With no land to cultivate, Kanani fends for his young family of three children

  • by making bricks.

  • He earns 45 US cents a day, barely enough for a day's meal.

Joseph Kanani lives on what appears to be an island.


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B1 中級

聯合國呼籲加大努力幫助世界土著社區 (UN calls for greater efforts to help the world's indigenous communities)

  • 65 6
    阿多賓 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日