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How is it going?
Everyone's to say we have another look at the H G Bill divers, Corgan them and V two units.
So I guess another look at the core gone a minute.
But we have some different armor for this time after the Earth.
This is the V two.
Not to be confused with the victory to this is the V two.
You know, I think they're putting it the name like this as us.
So specifically, nuts too confusing with the actual B two Gundam.
But just gonna interesting how they changed the name from the original killers of the Earth.
Three gun on this one.
They just title as core Gundam in G three colors.
Bless the V two units a little bit different way to name this.
But ultimately it's gonna be just like with the Earth three gun and we have the cord, Corgan, Um and then armor set that will go around that to make it in this case, it looks to be more like arranged based weapons, as he's got, like, sensor, you know, on the head.
And then these weapons here, these cannons or weapons, they're attached onto the arms So I like this version.
Don't really care too much for the Mars four version personally, So I'm not gonna be reviewing the Mars for I did already do a review on the Mars for weapons unit.
That just the sword weapons.
That was for that already released.
But in this case, I do like this version.
I think it looks pretty quiet.
Like the new head designer.
I like these weapons there on the arms.
Things looks pretty cool.
And the core Gundam is now in G three colors.
Gotta love the G three color scheme as well.
So like that, obviously, eventually ultimately, this will be painted at some point in time.
But just as it is for the time being, I like the colors there for the Korean for the core gonna.
Anyway, over here on the side.
This is 006 in the line.
Now we're up to that.
And then over here on the bottom of the box, it's highlighting, of course, just the transformation between the core Gundam and V two unit into the V two Gundam.
They're so we've already seen how all of that works in the review of the Earth three gun.
It works pretty well.
Looks pretty cool.
So I think that will be nice.
I like the colors for this as well.
The colors to do also sort of remind me of the leopard Destroy.
Write this because it's like arranged based weapons, mobile suit and being green disorder.
Kind of reminds me of the leopard anyway, so or here.
Just the planet system.
Just talk about that some of the gimmicks of the kid, But basically, it's gonna be relatively simple.
You can also get the Venus armor set for that which honestly does give you some pretty cool weapons for this.
So I might have to look into that just kind of overlooked.
I didn't really think too much about it, but honestly, in use in these photos here, it doesn't look too bad.
The cool cannon and it looks like to be like a kind of missile launcher.
There were the top of the shoulder and this big, chunky beam rifle.
It actually does look pretty cool.
So I have to check that out then.
Over here, of course, is just talking about how you can customize this with parts with some of the Mars for armor partisans in the Mars four weapons parts.
That's really kind of mix and match everything.
Of course.
Sorry about the auto focus.
Their over you're on the other side is a front and back to you.
What the gun was gonna look like, just painted up.
Very simple.
Doesn't really have any sort of hand held weapons or anything.
Just has the two weapons.
There s Oh, that's gonna be pretty simple or yours Information about that information about the story and then the list price for this was 1400 yen.
So pretty standard.
Nothing really too surprising about that price that seems right about right.
So I've got some white parts, Got some bright green for our beams, reflect parts in this case.
So that's pretty cool.
I like that.
And then that armor color.
Of course, it does also seem really feel like I've built something not too long ago in a very similar color to that, I guess the leopard divinci gift from Bill divers out a couple years ago was also in a similar kind of color green.
Also similar kind of theme suit, but anyway, here for the manual, we have just got to the nice picture there of the box starts and then over dark down here.
Information about the mobile suits.
They're just about the V two Gundam down here about Hiroto information on that and then information about Maggie.
Just a different diver, apparently.
So you got that illustration of the Gundam is looking pretty cool over here on the back side customized plan here.
Or we can see about the core Gondo and about the V two armor.
There's everything's all in Japanese and English and again, just kind of the same stuff we saw on the outside of locks.
Just with more detailed information about that down here, then our killer guide as well, and then scan it to watch the enemy.
There's a cure code there for the YouTube link.
Open this up to the heart's list.
Let's check this out.
You can see we're gonna be using everything except for a couple of Polly caps, and that is pretty much it.
So that's gonna be good.
And then it just all construction.
You construct the core Gundam first and then the V two units separately.
So that's how show in the review and then we'll combine them as according to the manual hero, combined them into the two Gundam there and then just basically the only handheld weapons that is God's just the beam saber.
So it's going to be relatively simple.
Yeah, I'm really thinking I'm gonna maybe check out this weapon option set as well.
So look into that.
In the meantime as always, guys big thinking to us again in store for their support in sponsoring the serve.
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All right, so here is the oil sticker sheet for this.
Once again, very minimal is just for the eyes and then a few cameras, and that is pretty much is so that's always looking good.
Be very familiar.
P c 00 to Polly CAF owner here.
But this time it's in a light, bluish gray color, so live a different color than we usually see for this.
And then SB nine for beam saber effect parts once again in this very bright school.
Fluorescent clear green looks really nice.
All right, then.
We've got a runner here in four colors.
You've got one clear green part over here for that kind of the section part there on the front of the chest.
Then some light lavender down here for a few more parts of live it darker purple color up there at the top.
And then that main green color all throughout the center for a bunch of the armor.
This runner once again marks just for the planet system.
So this will be the same as what we got with the Earth.
Three Gundam.
Actually, the addition in this case just being this little bit down here at the bottom for the sensor on the top of the head and they wanna be one here in white is one of the parts.
They're mostly for the core Gundam.
I got Runner be too as well, which would be kind of a different section of this runner, something like down there like that, which is gonna have some of the new parts here specifically for the B two Gundam undersea containing a bunch of parts for the core Gundam as well.
Assume different frame joining parts, things like that.
Weapons parts on here.
So we will have the small be mindful there for the core Gundam as well.
It's the shield for that.
It looks like And so this is in that same kind of light, bluish gray color like we saw with the polar caps and then murder D is in this very dark kind of purplish color here, what's going as well.
This whole section of the owner over here is not new.
That was with the other three gonna But these four parts over here on this side, our new specifically for this gun down parts for the arms and feet.
That's it for the core Ghanem in D three colors and V to unite thing.
This is the one that's gonna be really cool.
I did quite like the or three Gundam, Uh, still have not watched the enemy at all.
But I think this one is also going to be pretty cool like I do like the colors of Mr Straight out of the box and the design is pretty cool.
So I think I'm gonna be pretty happy with this one if you have some a review of the Earth three gun.
And I was very happy with that one as well.
So if you haven't seen that, of course, you go back and check that out.
But meantime, guys, thanks so much for watching this unboxing video.
Have the review coming up for you soon?
If you have questions or comments, feel free to leave those down below, as always.
Thank you guys.
I'll see you in the review by that.