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  • hi guys today we decided to shoot seven spring makeup trends that you can

  • actually wear Ashley is joining us today to help me out because I don't want to

  • mess this video up yay the first look is an eyeliner we're just making it bolder

  • this season both colors are all the rage and create a really cool look you really

  • only need to use the eyeliner the rest can be very calm down if you have darker

  • skin you can start with a white liner and layer a bold color on top for

  • brighter results or you can use pastel color eyeliner the next book that I

  • really wanted to try and recreate is the rainbow eyeshadow we picked two liners

  • for the rainbow I put the darkest closest to the lash

  • line to give this eye makeup a little more dimension and depth we decided to

  • add a little bit of a shadow in the crease you can choose one of the colors

  • of the eyeliner otherwise if you don't get too complicated with a shadow you

  • can just rock two really cool colors for an eyeliner and you get that rainbow

  • effect

  • we are transitioning to the monochrome a look which is probably my favorite trend

  • just because it requires so little work for blending and matching colors when

  • using one color on the lid you want to start by applying it by the lash line

  • with a flat eyeshadow brush or fingers if you're like me okay using an empty

  • brush blend the color up towards the crease and then create a soft edge you

  • can get this look by using only one product on multiple features so if you

  • have a blush that you like you can use that on your cheeks and eyelids and then

  • all we added was highlight just to bring a little more dimension to the face and

  • that's it the next look that we are doing here is the pastel look we decided

  • to go for a lavender shade is because that color would really make my eyes pop

  • we are using Ashley's favorite the mac's kitchen as the step of our shadows can

  • be messy so something that I like to do is to tap it into the lid from the jar

  • and start building on top of that and look at this look I feel like a princess

  • don't forget to clean up any fallout with the makeup why because otherwise

  • you're just gonna look like a pastel disco ball

  • from the lavender look we decided to transition into the kalitta eyeshadow

  • you can put it on top of an eyeshadow or you can just use glitter on its own just

  • make sure that you use a primer on your lids you'll give the glitter something

  • to stick to spray a setting spray to make sure that

  • it lasts all night before you apply the glitter if you are using eyeshadow

  • before you put the glitter that will help to really intensify or tint the

  • color of the glitter here we just intensified the lavender with a little

  • darker purple and then we added the glitter

  • the next look that is super easy to do is the glossy eye with a little pop on

  • the lips we used my absolute favorite product this time and it's the Chanel

  • bomb essential it's the perfect product that creates

  • the glossy eye without it being too sticky or move around on your face for

  • the lips Ashley introduced me to this amazing

  • product by NYX and this is the powder puff flippy which is basically like

  • unmask lipstick and has such beautiful colors our last but not least is again

  • playing on this whole one product full face situation that I absolutely love

  • and this is the full face new tones this is basically using very neutral topi

  • colors to apply on the eyelids for the blush and for the lips here I used again

  • the Chanel stick I'm gonna link everything in the description box

  • you literally donate anything else beside mascara

  • and this is it you guys this is the seventh spring makeup trends that you

  • can actually wear I hope you enjoy it I hope you try it let me know what look is

  • your favorite and sell me your selfie love you

  • you

hi guys today we decided to shoot seven spring makeup trends that you can


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春季妝容流行趨勢,你可以真正穿起來 (Spring Makeup Trends That You Can Actually Wear)

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