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  • almost every American family knows the pain.

  • When a loved one is diagnosed with a serious illness here tonight is a special man beloved by millions of Americans who just received a Stage four advanced cancer diagnosis.

  • This is not good news.

  • But what is good news is that he is the greatest fighter and winner that you will ever meet Rush Limbaugh.

  • Thank you for your decades of tireless devotion to our country rush.

  • In recognition of all that you have done for our nation, the millions of people a day that you speak to and that you inspire and all of the incredible work that you have done for charity.

  • I am proud to announce tonight that you will be receiving our country's highest civilian honor the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

  • I will now ask the first lady of the United States to present you with the honor, please.

  • Okay.

  • Rush.

  • Katherine.

  • Congratulations.

almost every American family knows the pain.


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B1 中級

特朗普在國情諮文中向拉什-林堡致敬|ABC新聞 (Trump honors Rush Limbaugh during State of the Union | ABC News)

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    林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日