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  • Hey everyone! So some people were concerned with my last

  • video because I talked about how easy I've personally had it in Japan as a foreign woman.

  • And those are just my personal experiences; I don't mean to make any generalizations.

  • But in order to give a different viewpoint on women in Japan today I'm going to talk

  • about gender equality. Now obviously I'm not going to have time to

  • go over every single detail on this subject. You could write books about any number of

  • the issues that I'm gonna go over today. So there's no possible way I could cover everything.

  • So this is just meant to be an introduction. Please feel free to add your own comments

  • if you feel like I left anything important out but keep in mind that I'm not leaving

  • out any information to promote any sort of agenda or because I haven't done very much

  • research or anything like that. According to the World Economic Forum's Global

  • Gender Gap Report in 2012, Japan ranked 101 out of 135 ranked countries. That means there

  • are 100 countries that were determined to have fewer gender-based disparities than Japan.

  • Now, this score is based on four factors: economic participation and opportunity (which

  • is essentially Japanese women in the workplace), educational attainment, health and survival,

  • and political empowerment. If you read through the report I've linked to it breaks down exactly

  • how each of these factors are calculated. As expected, Japan does really well in educational

  • attainment and health and survival. The scores that hurt Japan the most are the

  • ones related to women in the work place. It's well-known that Japanese women don't have

  • the same job opportunities as men in Japan. The number one reason I hear about this is

  • because Japanese women themselves don't actually WANT to work. But this is not true. In 2012

  • the Japanese government polled married women with children and they received 12,289 valid

  • responses. And of those responses, 86% of Japanese women want to work. So what's holding

  • them back?

  • Aside from just the expected difficulties of re-entering a workforce after taking a

  • period of leave to raise a child or something like that, in order to work full time Japanese

  • women have to be able to put in the same long hours that Japanese men work. And if you're

  • not familiar with the Japanese work system, it's not uncommon to have to work 12 or more

  • hours a day. In fact, 20% of men in their 30s and 40s work more than 60 hours a week.

  • With both parents working so much there's just not enough time to take care of the household

  • and run daily errands, and there also aren't enough daycares available in Japan to watch

  • children during the day. Right now there are 25,000 Japanese children on wait-lists for

  • entry into subsidized daycares. One bright outlook is that the Japanese government is

  • planning on opening 200,000 daycares within the next couple years.

  • But this isn't something that only women are affected by. Right now it's not really acceptable

  • for Japanese men to be stay-at-home dads yet. There is intense pressure on Japanese men

  • to be the supporter of the family. They are raised from such a young age to believe that

  • that is their sole duty in life, is to get a job and raise a family. And that if they

  • can't do this then they're a failure. For example, my husband Jun doesn't care about

  • how much money I make—I could make nothing or I could make three times what he does and

  • he wouldn't care at all. All he cares about is that he makes enough money to support both

  • of us regardless of what I make. I can see on a daily basis how much stress he is under

  • going through the job hunting process, and there's nothing I can do to convince him that

  • it would be okay to rely solely on me. And this role that Japanese men are put into from

  • such a young age makes it extremely difficult for them to be stay-at-home dads. Of course

  • this is something that men face everywhere, but this is something you can still be disowned

  • for in Japan. The fact is it just isn't socially acceptable yet to be a stay-at-home dad. And

  • while Japanese men currently only spend about an hour a day on housework and childcare,

  • in order to really increase that they would have to spend less time at work, which could

  • cause trouble when it comes to things like job security or promotions. The same issue

  • arises with taking childcare leave. Japanese men still take almost none. But the Japanese

  • government has been trying to change the social stigma of men raising children through something

  • called the IKUMEN Project, which was created in 2010. IKU is taken from the kanji IKUJI,

  • which means childcare. It also sounds similar to the word IKEMEN, which is widely used slang

  • for a good-looking, cool man. The IKUMEN Project encourages men to take more of an active role

  • in childcare, and provides resources and role models to help men develop their parenting

  • skills.

  • One of the other big issues is that women feel discriminated against in the workplace.

  • Currently only 15% of assistant managers in Japan are women. And when you reach the higher

  • level of general manager, that number drops to 5%. Japan is also the second worst OECD

  • country when it comes to the gender gap on wages. A 2009 public survey from the Japanese

  • cabinet office shows that 64.5% of men and 77.7% of women believe that men are given

  • preferential treatment in society. A study on Japanese working women from the Center

  • for Work-Life Policy found that 68% of Japanese women preferred to work at a multinational

  • company since they were believed to be more women friendly. Another survey from the cabinet

  • office in 2009 shows how Japanese men and women feel about the stereotype that the husband

  • is expected to work while the wife is expected to take on domestic duties. 45% of Japanese

  • men in 2009 still agreed with that, while 51.1% disagreed. That's compared to 37.3%

  • of women who agreed and 58.6 who disagreed. And this is of course a big improvement from

  • 30 years ago where 72.6% of Japanese people agreed.

  • I believe a lot of Westerners will look at that and be surprised that so many Japanese

  • people still feel that way, but I think you should also look at the other side and consider

  • that now more than half of the population disagrees that women should have to stay at

  • home while men work. And of course people become more open with every generation, so

  • it's less likely that younger Japanese people would share that opinion. For one example,

  • my husband does all our cooking, he rarely ever asks me to help out with household chores,

  • he's always attentive to my needs, and he always treats me with absolute respect and

  • as his equal. There has never been a case in our relationship where he has ever said

  • anything like, "Well, this is the decision that I'm making and that's final!" So I don't

  • want people to go alarmist and view Japan as this terrible, sexist place where all Japanese

  • men are sexist pigs or something like that, because that's not true. People are individuals

  • and you can't apply statistical data to individuals. There will be good people and bad people according

  • to your personal definition of good and bad in any country.

  • So I hope as brief as this was it gave you a little bit of an introduction into some

  • of the gender issues that Japan is facing right now. It's obviously not all-inclusive,

  • so I highly encourage you to do your own research before making any sort of judgments. I've

  • included all of my sources in the description down below and of course if you just google

  • any number of these issues you'll find a ton of results, so there's a lot out there for

  • you to read from. Thanks for watching guys! Bye!

Hey everyone! So some people were concerned with my last


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    阿多賓 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日