They try to make money from the book. 00:00:58.320 --> 00:01:2.530 Well, if you'll go is trying to make money from the book, I could tell you from experience. 00:01:2.540 --> 00:01:4.390 Don't bother writer a book. 00:01:4.390 --> 00:01:6.790 It's It's It's a very, very bad business. 00:01:6.790 --> 00:01:9.740 Unless your hair reporter okay, all right, that's a different story. 00:01:9.850 --> 00:01:19.960 But for most publishing, writing a book, the amount of time that you would invest and spent on just getting one book done, it's just simply not worth it as a business from a business perspective.