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  • Isn't it a little hot today? We have already done a few lessons on much and many but this

  • lesson is talking aboutlittleandfew’. How do we use little and few in our everyday

  • conversations, this is what we are learning today. My name is Michelle and please stay

  • with me to learn more on this topic.

  • Friends in this lesson we are looking at little, a

  • little and the little. Do you see that we use different articles with little and also

  • with few? What do you think, do they all have the same meaning? Well if they did we would

  • not be doing this lesson. The reason that we are doing this lesson is because all of

  • these have different meanings, when we say little it's very different from few and when

  • we say little and a little they also have a very different meaning. A little and the

  • little also have a very different meaning. So first of all let's look at the form of

  • little and few, what are they? They are called quantifiers

  • which means that they are telling us about the quantity of something, all right? Much

  • and many tells us how much of something or how great a quantity of something do we have

  • but little or few tell us how less of something do we have, okay? But less in what way, we'll

  • try and understand now by reading the first sentence, “He showed _____ concern for his

  • brother.” Okay, so because the main noun of the sentence is concern, so can you count

  • the number of concern on your finger, can you say concerns and say 1 2 3 concern no

  • you can't. So this means that this is an uncountable noun, all right? And whenever we have an uncountable

  • noun, let's see should we use little or few, “He showed few concern for his brother.”

  • Hmm that will be incorrect. So we'll sayHe showed little concern for his brother.”

  • Okay, now let's look at the next one, “She had _____ moments on her own.” Hmm so we

  • can use few here because we can count the noun here, so we can count the number of moments

  • therefore we also have an ‘S’ hereShe had few moments on her own.” Okay now let's

  • try to understand the meaning of these sentences, all right? When we say that he showed little

  • concern for his brother, it means that he showed hardly any concern for his brother

  • which means negative it has a negative meaning. Let's look at the second sentence she had

  • few moments on her own this means she did not have enough time on her own and she wanted

  • just a few moments, hardly any moments, Okay? So she hardly had any moments on her own or

  • you could say he hardly showed any concern for his brother. So little or a few mean hardly

  • any, okay? Now here we look at the next set of sentences that we have, “There is _____

  • hope for his recovery.” So as you already know that we use little with an uncountable

  • noun the rule will apply here also, okay? So we'll say, “There is little hope for

  • his recovery.” And we say this because hope is an uncountable noun. Let's look at the

  • next one, “She had _____ moments on her own.” So now moments are a countable noun

  • and therefore we are going to use a few. We could also say that she had a few good moments

  • on her own which means that she had some time on her own which is a positive meaning. She

  • had some good memories possibly which she's remembering so she could say she had a few

  • good moments on her own, all right? But when we say she had few moments on her own this

  • has a very negative meaning okay, which means that she wanted more time but she actually

  • couldn't get it so all that she had was a few moments on her own and therefore when

  • we use little or few it shows a negative meaning

  • but whenever we use a little, okay with the cute ‘a’ which adds a positive meaning

  • to it, there is more hope of something and it has a positive meaning, for example in

  • this sentence there is a little hope for his recovery, so this means that someone who is

  • suffering is going to recover very soon and there is a little hope for his recovery, so

  • possibly that person will recover soon and this has a positive meaning. Okay now we look

  • at the next set of sentences that we have with the articlethe littleorthe

  • few’. Okay, “_____ information he had was not quite reliable.” I'm sure you're

  • an expert by now that where should you use little or few so little is used with an uncountable

  • noun and is information uncountable or friends, of course information is uncountable you cannot

  • count information on your fingers and you cannot add an S to it all right, therefore

  • we'll say, “he little information he had was not quite reliable.”

  • So maybe somebody is trying to investigate a case okay and they want information on it

  • and they're not able to find any information but they meet a person who has some information

  • very little okay but that information is also not reliable so they say that the little information

  • that he had was not quite reliable. The next one would be he lost the few friends okay

  • because it's a plural countable noun he lost the few friends he had, okay? So this means

  • that he already had very less friends okay and out of them all that he had he lost. So

  • possibly he lost all his friends which were already very few. So the little or the few

  • means all that there is which is not much. Okay and I certainly want you to remember

  • a point here okay, we never use few with you know singular countable nouns all right, you

  • cannot say he lost the few friend he had because that would be singular alright we will say

  • he lost a few friends he had. So a plural countable noun always like here she had a

  • few moments on her own it would be wrong to say she had a few moment on her own, alright?

  • So do not forget to always use it with a plural countable noun. Now we look at the last section

  • that we have all right, this is a little bit tricky and here we are talking about the prepositions

  • that we can use with a little or a few. Okay let's read the first sentence, “Blend the

  • flower with a little ____ the milk.” Okay so the rule is that whenever you havethe

  • okay whenever you have a little beforetheyou join them with the preposition and that

  • would beofokay? “Blend the flower with a little of the milkand why did we

  • use little here, because obviously we have milk which is uncountable. So you can imagine

  • you know someone saying the sentence while they are cooking something and they're sharing

  • the recipe with the viewers or maybe the people who are listening to them, so there is you

  • know this table where they have flour, they have milk and other elements or other ingredients

  • of the recipe and the person who is speaking says, “Blend the flour, okay with the, with

  • a little of the milkso now we say milk we addtheto milk because we are talking

  • about specific milk all right, not the general milk but the milk that is lying on the table.

  • If we do not say that and then we are talking about general milk just milk anywhere. So

  • that's why we saytheand because we havetheand a little we need to join

  • them withofand the same rule applies here, “A few ____ the boys were playing

  • in the garden. “A few of the boys were playing in the garden.” So we havethewhich

  • is the article before the countable plural noun and a few and we need to jointhe

  • with ‘a fewusing the prepositionof’. Alright I hope this was not very confusing

  • and would have rather helped you understand the use of little, few, a little, a few, the

  • little, the few much better than you knew before. Thank you so much for watching this

  • lesson, I hope you have a great time ahead, bye-bye.

Isn't it a little hot today? We have already done a few lessons on much and many but this


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A2 初級

英語語法用法 - 在英語口語對話中正確使用FEW和LITTLE?學習英語 (English Grammar Usage - Using FEW & LITTLE correctly in Spoken English Conversations? Learn English)

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