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Hi ladies and gentlemen, my name is Hridhaan and I welcome each one of you personally with
a very big heart on my channel, Let's Talk. Today's lesson is again a very, very interesting,
because in today's lesson we will talk about some recent words that have been added to
English dictionary. Without further ado let's get started. The first word that we have in
the list is “breakfast + lunch”, the technique that we are talking about today is the blended
technique, wherein we actually blend the ‘first part of the first word’ and ‘the last
part of the second word’. In the recent times you must have seen that people have
started coining a word and that is called “brunch”. Branch is actually a blend of
these two words, ‘breakfast’ and ‘lunch’. So for example if you did not have your breakfast,
and before the lunch started you had something let's say around 11:30 or 12:00ish and the
blend of these two words it is neither the breakfast nor the lunch, so it is the duration
is actually somewhere in the middle of breakfast and lunch, that word and that, that, that
vocabulary that has been coined is called, “brunch”. For example, this morning when
I started recording the videos for each one of you, I was so excited that I missed my
breakfast and decided to rather have a brunch. So something that is in the middle of breakfast
and lunch is called the brunch. Let's move to the next word in the blended words “emotion
+ icon”. Now when you would like, when you like to express your emotions, let's say on
a WhatsApp or a Facebook using an icon, you see those cute yellow faces that we have when
you use WhatsApp and for that matter Facebook that, those words are called, the blend of
emotions and icon and they are called, “emoticons”. Emoticons, you stress the first part of the
word and that is emoticons, let's move to the next word in the list of blended words,
blended vocabulary we have, “motor + hotel”, so we take the first part of motor and the
last part of hotel and the word that turns out is “motel”. What is a motel? A motel
is actually a place that you basically see on a freeway. Imagine that you go on a vacation
and there's no restaurant on the freeway and there is no hotel, now a hotel that actually
runs in a motor, on a freeway is called a motel. For example, recently I was vacationing,
I went to the Himalayas and we found a very nice motel, where we decided to relax for
some time and then we drove back to the place that we were, we've basically headed to the
place that we were going to. The next word is, “global + English”, so we take the
‘glob’ of global and the ‘ish’ of English language. So language that is spoken
globally, all around the world is referred to as “globish”. So there are a lot of
phrases in English language that are quite famous globally and those phrases are basically
referred as the globish phrases. So if somebody says, hey dude the English that you're speaking
at the moment is wrong, then you can say if that phrase is globally used that it's called,
globish English. Let's move to the next one, “situation + comedy”. This is quite an
interesting one and you must have seen and heard this word quite a lot of times, we take
the ‘sit’ off situation and the first part of comedy, this gets a little different
because we've been using only the last part in the previous ones, this is the exceptional
case here, we use the ‘sit’ of situation and ‘com’ of comedy and it changes to
“sitcom”. So you must have seen a lot of shows on Netflix or for that matter other
OTT platforms, those particular shows that are quite funny and they have situation as
well, those shows are called sitcoms. The next one in the list of blended words is “smoke
+ fog”, it blends together and it becomes “smog”. What is the meaning of smog? Imagine
in the, during the winters early morning wintertime, there's a lot of pollution as well in the
city and it's quite foggy as well, so you do not see there's a lot of fog on, on the
road, you actually say, there's a lot of smog on the road. One very important thing that
we need to understand here is, the pronunciation of this word. A lot of people stretch on the
‘O’ sound, we do not have to stre, stretch on the ‘O’ sound, we just have to keep
it short, and we say smog, one more time, we say, smog. Next word in the list of blended
words is “spoon + fork” if you've gone to a good restaurant, you must see that there
is actually a fork, that actually, also looks like a spoon because it's, it's got only two
pointers to it, that fork is actually referred to as a brother of spoon, where, wherein it
can be used for both the purposes as a spoon, as well as a fork, that becomes a “Spork”.
So the ‘sp’ of spoon and the ‘ork’ of fork, becomes Spork. So the next time when
you see a utensil like that, you have a word for it that is called a Spock. So don't get
confused, do you call it a spoon or a fork? It is actually a Spock. Next one is “work
+ alcoholic”. This is quite a commonly used phrase and it is, it is quite globish as well,
which we take the ‘work’, the entire word together and ‘aholic’ of the first part,
again the exceptional case here as sitcom and it becomes “workaholic”. So somebody
who likes to do a lot of work, it does not means that somebody who drinks alcohol, somebody
who's an alcoholic and who works quite a lot is workaholic, no! It does not mean that.
It means somebody who likes to do a lot of work, somebody who's always working all the
time, and does not want to possibly take rest, a person basically who likes doing a lot of
work, that person is called, a workaholic. For example I consider myself as a workaholic,
because I make all of these videos for you guys to make you, and to help you understand
English better, so I consider myself as a workaholic, are you a workaholic or do you
want to be a workaholic? Find for yourself. The last one in the list of blended words
is a “breath + analyzer”. Can you guess what this word could be? I'm gonna write it
for you until then, please think what could this word be? And so it is called a “Breathalyzer”.
Now what is a Breathalyzer? Breathalyzer is actually a device that helps people check
on their breathing pattern. People with asthma basically use Breathalyzer one that, when
they are in the absence of the doctor just to check if everything is alright. The last
one in the list of blended words is “camera + recorder”. Now you see, I'm recording
this video for each one of you, now here is a word for such a function where we are using
a device which does the work of camera and as well as a recorder and that is called,
“camcorder”. A camera that has the function of recording of film as well, that is called
a camcorder. This brings us to the end of the list of blended words that we've been
talking about today, let's quickly go through them, brunch, emoticon, motel, globish, sitcom,
smog, Spork, workaholic, Breathalyzer and camcorder. This brings us to the end of the
list of blended words that we have spoken about in this lesson. I hope you use these
words and add them to your current set of vocabulary. I think each one of you for joining
me on this video and I hope you subscribe to my channel, because I'm going to bring
some amazing content for each one of you, in the recent future. Have a great day ahead
and God bless.