For what? 00:02:0.050 --> 00:02:26.460 It will say that since switching to with filters, it's much harder to get the screen fill in all just Yeah, which is really, almost never happens now, even with the other experience, fix itself started again with just kind of slide. 00:02:27.130 --> 00:03:3.400 Since we're extracting too high wage pressure, we're no longer trying to get a nine find Brian, which is weird for not even to you, which is why the Cramers really disappeared today, which is good because there's quite a lot to unpack there and I'll try and break it down a little bit. 00:03:3.530 --> 00:03:7.720 So what we have is we have a cake very finely ground coffee finer than you'd expect for espresso. 00:03:7.930 --> 00:03:9.920 On underneath is a rinsed paper filter. 00:03:9.930 --> 00:03:14.010 Out on top is a paper filter, and that's all tamped and compacted together.