字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 So the thing about the duck… 所以關於鴨子的事… Is… 是… Mr. Florentijn Hofman, a Dutch artist, basically created the duck. Florentijn Hofman,荷蘭藝術家,創造這隻鴨子 and he is known for making very large projects with animals. 而且他是以創作大型動物作品聞名 And he tends to do them with abstract point of view. 他傾向以抽象的觀點去創作 One of the best ones… I think he did was the… 其中最棒的…我認為他做過最棒的… The giant monkey in Brazil, 是在巴西的超大猴子 where he used Brazilian flip-flops 他用了很多不同顏色巴西人字拖 of many different colors 這讓我覺得黃色小鴨是他最普通的作品 which sort of makes the rubber duck, in my opinion, his least impressive art 你知道他黃色小鴨連改都沒改,就像是我小孩時在浴缸看到那隻一樣 you know he didn’t even change the anything from the rubber duck that I remember seeing at my bathtub as a child. 他只是把它做大隻一點而已 He just made it bigger. 台灣最近在高雄展出 and Taiwan got hold of it recently in Kaoshiung City. 然後…它爆紅了 就像是它成為每個人生活的一部分 我想這只是一時流行 and… it just exploded, man. Like everybody is becoming a part of it. I think it’s a big fad. 它讓人感覺有點像是盲從 It sort of reveals a sense of 'followship'. 我甚至不知道大家知不知道這是一位叫Florentijn Hofman的荷蘭藝術家創作的或是… I don’t even know if people know that the duck was created by a Dutch artist name you know Florentijn Hofman or that 他有其它的作品 he does other works of art. 這是我感到納悶的… 盲從 That’s what I wonder with this… sense of 'followship'. 你知道一些藝術愛好者不管是台灣或是全世界的人 You know is art people in Taiwan, or in the rest of the world for that matter. 追隨就對了因為它是現在最夯的 Just following it because it’s the new cool fad. 我知道鴨子可愛我也知道有隻大鴨子在海上… I understand the duck is cute and I know that having a giant duck in the ocean is sort of like… 像是海變成我們的浴缸也讓我們覺得好像變回小孩,你知道的 making the ocean our bathtub, and it kind of makes us all children again, you know. 但我不能理解的是’小鴨熱 ’我不懂為何大家那麼瘋狂那隻鴨子 But what I don’t understand is the 'duck mania'. I don’t understand why everyone has such a craze for the duck. 但這只是我的想法拉 But that’s just me. 我很好奇會不會有一大堆人去看只是因為其他人都這麼做 I do wonder if there are a lot of people who are just going with it just because that’s what everyone else does. 可能跟社會潮流有關吧 Just part of the social dynamics of society. 你知道很多人想要有參與感 You know a lot of people want to be a part of something bigger. 所以無論你們大夥怎麼想, So whatever you guys think, 我們想聽聽看你們的意見 請在下面留言吧 we want to hear from you. Please leave your comments below. 讓我們來搞清楚吧! Let us know what’s up! 寶貝… Precious…
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 鴨子 黃色 創作 浴缸 作品 荷蘭 老美眼中的黃色小鴨現象 Yellow Rubber Duck Mania 4515 267 Go Tutor 發佈於 2014 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字