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  • Hasn't within the league within the lady in 81 with using only 14 players.

  • It was a fantastic achievement going on the following year to win the European Cup.

  • It was obviously a lot more special, very privileged and proud to achieve what we did for me.

  • It's the best club in the world because I've been here pretty much most of my life.

  • As I said, come in 9 10 years of age, unassociated with on the lace through till more less now with the biggest thing for me is is a support that clubhouse supporters absolutely fantastic and have bean from day one since Sabina.

  • And that's why I'm village till I die.

Hasn't within the league within the lady in 81 with using only 14 players.


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A2 初級

別墅直到我死:戈登-考恩斯 (Villa Till I Die: Gordon Cowans)

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    林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日