I when I sawthisguyannounced, and I'm justlike, I needhimsoButhe's actuallyrecentlyreasonablypriced. 00:03:58.400 --> 00:04:0.850 So I think I got 40 bucks, eh? 00:04:0.850 --> 00:04:2.450 Sothat's nottoobadatall. 00:04:3.150 --> 00:04:6.650 Um, let's seewhathome? 00:04:6.660 --> 00:04:14.480 Inside, Here's a box a closeupofthereallycool.
I don't Youdon't reallyliketheartworkonhere.
Itkindofremindsmeoflike a retrovideogamecoverforsomereason, youknow, I don't know.
Doyougetobviously, youget a littlebitmoreplasticthanwhatcomeswiththeselittlekaraoke. 00:04:55.300 --> 00:05:3.630 It's, um I thinkthesearelike, what, maybefourlittletrays, ifthatsothereisdefinitely a goodamountofmoreplasticthatcomesin. 00:05:3.630 --> 00:05:15.390 Thislookslikethere's 123456 trays, soit's not a terribleamountforwhatyougetme.
I thinkit's kindofpriceythat, youknow, for $14 orlet's seewhattheyoungpriceis.
No, butknowanyways.
Butwhat I paidfor I tomeit's kindofexpensive.
Here's themanual a couplepagesnotverylongatall.
I thinkit's a littleexpensivebecause, I mean, youcouldgetsomeprettygoodhighgradekids. 00:05:56.250 --> 00:06:2.730 Thehave a littlebitmoreplasticthanthisformaybearoundthesameamountofmoneyonpetitions. 00:06:2.730 --> 00:06:3.340 Mytwocents. 00:06:3.340 --> 00:06:6.000 Regardless, I stillthinkit's a $14 wellspent. 00:06:6.120 --> 00:06:7.730 I'm gonnabelookingfortobuildinghim. 00:06:7.730 --> 00:06:16.470 Sothetwokidsthat I gotinthemail, I dohaveanotherincomingpackagecomingsoon, hopefullysometimethemiddleofnextweek.
I don't knowifyouguyswereawarethatgamestopscellthathappenedwheretheyhadprettycheap.
Gonnathinkit's onsale.
And I wasabletograbtheRoGreeks, a nonJewandthe, umDid I pronounceituponeofthose?
OK, I grabbedhim, and I think I gotthethirdWard, remember?
I thinkormaybeitwasjustsostillbecause I couldnotresisttheprice.
I thinkthatthisnonshewas $21 Morning, $21.
I couldn't.
I wasjustlike, thisismine. 00:06:56.810 --> 00:07:3.610 LonelyCheekiseveninJapan, likehedoesn't dropbull, likemaybearound 2700 20 100 yen, something I needtobuyhim. 00:07:3.940 --> 00:07:9.020 So I grabbedhimand I grabbedtheotheronefor, I think, 11 or 12 bucks. 00:07:9.150 --> 00:07:14.350 So I hopeyouguyscaughtwindofthatselltothewaywecouldgrabsomeotherkids.
I wasreallycrankythat I wasn't abletoget a holdoftheJigenfor $23.
Hesoldoutbefore I couldgettothecheckout.
So I was a littleirritatedbecausebetweenthebucks, howyes, BringittomeandFrankand I wanttogive a quickshoutouttothesponsorofthisvideo, Newtype H Q.
There a GundambusinesslocatedoutinHayward, CaliforniaAndtheyalsohaveonlinewebsiteaswell.