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  • Male Speaker: Congratulations, 100th episode.

  • Robin Tunney: I'm a hundred episodes older.

  • Male Speaker: Welcome to the club. It's a very illustrious club.

  • Robin Tunney: It's really amazing. It feels tremendous.

  • And I've got to tell you it feels like I've done a hundred episodes.

  • Male Speaker: I saw a couple of photos of that episode and your hair is different.

  • Robin Tunney: Yes, at the beginning of the show I had a bob so we put it back in

  • the bob. I couldn't do anything about my face back

  • when I was well slept, I did features, I didn't work 17 hours a day.

  • There was not much I could do about that. I tried to put on extra moisturizer,

  • I don't know if it worked.

  • Male Speaker: No, you look great. Robin Tunney: Thank you.

  • Male Speaker: Now what can you tease about that sort of origin story?

  • Robin Tunney: I think it's really interesting because generally a pilot

  • starts out when people meet and Bruno wrote this pilot to sort of be three years

  • after we'd met. So I think the diehard fans are going to

  • be really excited to see what everybody's reaction was to Patrick and how the

  • relationship like developed over time.

  • And he seems like a real freak to me at the beginning, like he's not automatically

  • super cute and cuddly and it's kind of hard to play because I was already

  • familiar with him and this ideal of like "Who are you?

  • What's your deal?"

  • Male Speaker: And as you were going through this process as you mentioned of

  • this journey to a hundred episodes there must be some moments on or off screen that

  • stick with you. If you could go back and relive one of

  • those moments which one would you pick?

  • Robin Tunney: I had a - they don't let you call in sick when you're on a TV show

  • - I had a stomach flu and so they gave me a Ziploc bag to keep in the back pocket of

  • my jeans in case I needed to throw up

  • and I'd take it out and throw up.

  • And one time I was talking to Simon,

  • it didn't come out in time, and I like projectile vomited and it like - it just

  • sort of went right by his face and I was kind of mortified and he was like "I've

  • got three kids, it's fine." He was amazing in the moment.

  • And I think there were like crew members who held my hair.

  • I don't know if you knew but it's really humiliating having a stomach flu in front

  • of a hundred people. Male Speaker: Right.

  • You would like to relive that moment?

  • Robin Tunney: No, relive - I thought you said like what's the most like memorable.

  • Male Speaker: No, no.

  • Robin Tunney: I'd never want to relive that ever again.

  • I thought you said like memorable.

  • Relive? I don't want to relive any of the

  • moments, I just want to go into the future.

  • Male Speaker: Oh, that's a good one. Robin Tunney: Yes, the best is yet to come.

  • Male Speaker: And what can you tease about the coming episodes of the season overall?

  • Robin Tunney: I think it's a super strong season and I think because we've been on

  • for so long it's an opportunity where

  • Bruno gets to mix it up and we're not making - they're not in sort of standalone

  • and I think there's a lot more sort of like Red John in unusual episodes, I don't

  • know, our second one this year Simon took hallucinogenic drugs and that's something

  • we would have never done before and it's really fun that they're thinking outside

  • the box and they're still sort of like keeping fresh.

  • Male Speaker: And now there's more of a relationship of just pure friendship

  • between Lisbon and Jane.

  • Is that still going to stay the same or is there going to be an evolution there?

  • Robin Tunney: I don't know, they don't tell me.

  • Male Speaker: You're lying. Robin Tunney: I'm not, my mom thinks the

  • same thing. I have no idea if we're going to make out.

  • Male Speaker: No idea? Robin Tunney: No idea.

  • Male Speaker: Just for the record - for or against?

  • Robin Tunney: I'm keeping my breath fresh but I'm cool either way.

  • Male Speaker: All right.

  • One final question - do you have a message for the fans as they get ready to

  • watch the episode 100? Robin Tunney: I love all of them.

  • It's amazing how interested people are in the relationship and that they've kept on watching.

  • I just feel really appreciative. It's crazy how into it they are and I

  • really appreciate it.

Male Speaker: Congratulations, 100th episode.


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B1 中級

羅賓-唐尼出席《超感神探》第五季第100集派對。 (Robin Tunney at The Mentalist Season 5 100th Episode Party)

  • 105 3
    山迪 楊 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日