I literally I bought it both of these points and in between as well, and I bought this stock many times have averaged into Chevron over the years, and right now it's at 1 10 And so right off the bat, one of the lessons I have learned is Look, if I was getting started again, I own no oil stocks. 00:07:45.140 --> 00:08:4.560 I personally would probably pick up in oil stock here just because I would want representation in my portfolio I like having representation from most most major sectors, and I like having representation from oil and at 110 versus my price in 2013 of 1 26 That's a reasonable entry point and you'll see more in a minute. 00:08:4.560 --> 00:08:7.110 Why a za function of the dividend yield? 00:08:7.380 --> 00:08:10.440 That being said, it's a far cry from $76.