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  • - When I was younger, I actually didn't understand

  • the word gratitude, I didn't even use the word.

  • It wasn't in my day-to-day vocabulary.

  • And definitely if it's not in my vocabulary

  • I'm not experiencing gratitude,

  • I don't know what it means to be grateful.

  • I understand like happiness and,

  • being such an achiever and that kind of type A personality,

  • I was achieving and I was striving and I didn't understand,

  • no matter how much I've accomplished,

  • no matter how much I have achieved there's always

  • this dissatisfaction that it's never enough.

  • Comment below if you know what I'm talking about.

  • You set a goal, maybe in school,

  • you wanna get certain grades, right?

  • You wanna get A and you get A and you wanna be you know,

  • the top student in your class and you do that,

  • you wanna be the top athlete at whatever sports

  • that you play in, you do that and you get there

  • and somehow it just this kind of a dissatisfaction,

  • almost like an emptiness inside.

  • And I didn't know that we actually need

  • to learn to be grateful.

  • It's until much later part of my life

  • that I learned hey you know what,

  • gratitude is actually an emotion

  • that most people don't experience.

  • It's something a lot of people crave for.

  • Now although they might think they want to

  • just be happy and happiness is important,

  • but I think most people actually craving for,

  • they're craving for gratitude.

  • It is a deep sense of joy that's unlike any feelings

  • that you experience and it's something

  • that you have to work on.

  • Unfortunately, most people

  • they don't experience gratitude naturally.

  • Most people are gonna be negative,

  • think about the people around you, right?

  • They're usually complaining, bitching

  • about whatever that they're complaining about

  • and they don't appreciate, and they're not grateful

  • for what they already have.

  • And I'm not saying that you don't strive for more,

  • but what I'm saying is, we need to learn

  • how to be grateful and appreciate what we have today.

  • So how do you be grateful?

  • It is something that you have to work on.

  • It's something that you actually have

  • to spend time feeling and experiencing.

  • The best way that I've found to be grateful,

  • to experience gratitude in my life is,

  • in the morning I start off the day

  • with attitude of gratitude.

  • Meaning that, I will listen to a guided meditation

  • that I recorded on my own, with my own voice

  • to focus on what am I grateful for?

  • What could I be grateful for?

  • Even though if I'm going through some challenging times.

  • And the little things,

  • learn to appreciate the little things in life.

  • Maybe it's the trees, maybe just the air that we breathing.

  • And, who are some of the people in my life

  • that I'm grateful that they are there.

  • In the morning all it takes is 10, 12 minutes.

  • And, by exercising that emotion,

  • by digging deep and finding that

  • and I start the day that way,

  • I find that that completely changed my life.

  • And that's why I recommend all my students to do that.

  • Because when you're grateful, you will not be fearful.

  • All the stress that you experience in your life

  • is because you focus on certain things.

  • Maybe you're focusing on the negativity.

  • You're focusing on lack.

  • But when you're grateful you feel rich,

  • you feel wealthy, you feel that hey, you know what

  • I'm good, I've got my health, I've got my family.

  • I can walk, I can see, I can hear

  • that's something to be grateful for.

  • And when you're grateful for little things

  • then, better things happen to you

  • and happen more often in your life.

  • So, that's how I do it.

  • It's something that you have to work on.

  • It is not something that naturally happens.

  • In fact, if you don't focus on it,

  • you don't actually actively work on it,

  • you're not gonna experience it.

  • So, the best way to do it, is to block it out.

  • In the morning could be you incorporate it

  • in your morning ritual or in your evening ritual.

  • That's all you have to do.

  • Now, what I'm gonna do is, why don't I give you

  • what I do, what I use, the audio track

  • that I listen to every single morning.

  • I'm gonna have my team put a link below

  • there's nothing to buy you can just download it.

  • I wanna give this gift to you.

  • Experience gratitude in your life.

  • Do that every morning and see how it affects your life

  • in the next 10 days, 20 days, and 30 days.

  • Commit doing that, for 30 days

  • and then you come back you comment below

  • and let me know how that has affected your life.

- When I was younger, I actually didn't understand


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B1 中級

如何成為感恩的人? (How Do You Become Grateful?)

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