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  • We have a new all natural technology which uses natural pollination process of managed behinds where we deliver the biological control agents to crops using those managed bees.

  • Beauty about our technology is you can actually replace the use of synthetic chemical pesticides on those crops were partnering with with farmers to find a way to make agricultural more sustainable, which is good for all of us in the long run.

  • 2019 was a year where we transition from being a development stage company to being a full commercial enterprise.

  • We actually obtained our first regulatory approval from the United States Environmental Protection Agency, which gives us the license to sell in the US, and we also generated our first revenue for the company. 00:00:55.890 --> 00:01:7.930 2020 really focused on working with certain growers that grow diverse crops and different geography is across the United States to get them to trial and use our product on a portion off. 00:01:7.930 --> 00:01:15.350 Their farms were also building a portfolio strategic partnerships that are going to allow us to accelerate our business moving forward.

  • It's an honor to recognize as Adventure 50 company.

  • It's also an endorsement on our strategy shows that we're working on the right things and delivering on our milestone.

We have a new all natural technology which uses natural pollination process of managed behinds where we deliver the biological control agents to crops using those managed bees.


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B1 中級

Bee Vectoring Technologies International Inc.(TSXV: BEE) - 2020年TSX創業50強 (Bee Vectoring Technologies International Inc. (TSXV: BEE) - 2020 TSX Venture 50)

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    林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日