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  • [ambient traffic noise]

  • >> Jon: Today's Thursday,

  • just the day before the weigh ins

  • and we're just enjoying a nice little lunch.

  • We've got the whole team here.

  • Right now I feel great.

  • I feel really good.

  • I got to sleep really, really good last night.

  • The weight cut is almost over.

  • Now it's time to take all the crap

  • that's the trash talking and put it to rest

  • and see what we're really about.

  • I think you guys know what I'm really about.

  • Now we've got our minds right, feeling good.

  • It's time to go see some guns.

  • Talking about support.

  • I'm opening my phone and seeing some pictures

  • and videos from my daughter.

  • She sent me a lion and the Cross,

  • and said, "I love you Daddy."

  • She's constantly giving me that love, man.

  • It's, like-- it's beautiful.

  • It's tremendous.

  • [binging]

  • Ah!

  • >> How you doing? You good?

  • >> What's up, baby boy? Thank you for having me.

  • >> My home is your home.

  • >> One of my greatest hobbies.

  • Other brothers buy cars.

  • I buy guns.

  • Let me see that thing.

  • That thing is so sexy.

  • What caliber is this?

  • And this would a real awesome home defense weapon.

  • And that's so clean.

  • Oh that is a sexy optic.

  • >> Yup.

  • Whenever you come to Houston,

  • you've got a little piece of you.

  • So, we've got the Lion's Pride,

  • but the best part.

  • >> And still.

  • >> Oh.

  • >> You see that?

  • Man, that is a beaut.

  • That is a beautiful pistol.

  • >> Thank you for coming out. >> The man. Texas.

  • Mess with your boy. >> It's how we do it.

  • >> Yow!

  • [crowd chatter]

  • >> Next to the scale: Katlyn Chookagian.

  • 124.5.

  • >> 124.5.

  • [applause]

  • >> This was easy work.

  • I'm excited.

  • Go get some pancakes and ready to go on Saturday.

  • >> Next to the scale: Valentina Shevchenko!

  • [cheering]

  • 124.5.

  • >> 124.5.

  • [cheering]

  • >> Jon: I wanna love you.

  • I wanna love and treat you-- love and treat you right.

  • 204.

  • Ahead of schedule.

  • Let's keep it there.

  • Drink water and be a full 205-pounder.

  • I'll show him a full 205 tomorrow.

  • We show him when it counts, right?

  • >> Jon Jones to the scale.

  • [applause]

  • >> How is everybody feeling today.

  • >> We good, and you?

  • >> I had a great weight cut.

  • 20 minutes in the steam room and it came right off.

  • [laughing]

  • >> Yeah, it was awesome, guys.

  • I'm gonna wear my USA hat today,

  • representing all our men and women in the armed forces.

  • Thank you for serving our beautiful nation.

  • >> 204.

  • [applause]

  • >> Do I get the pic? >> I'm not done yet.

  • Great, you guys. Thanks for coming.

  • It's gonna be a great fight, man.

  • I'm gonna go to one of the best restaurants in town

  • that serves breakfast,

  • and it's gonna be a great time.

  • I'm gonna show my coach my love

  • by giving him tons of food,

  • making sure they all have fat bellies.

  • Get in my belly!

  • >> Next to the scale: Ilir Latifi.

  • >> 246.5.

  • >> 246.5.

  • [crowd chatter]

  • >> Next to the scale: Derrick Lewis.

  • >> Let's go, Derrick.

  • >> Woo!

  • >> 261.5.

  • >> Nice!

  • >> Three, two, one.

  • Happy birthday!

  • >> To start out with some sweet potato.

  • >> Thank you.

  • >> Of course, happy birthday.

  • >> I look like a crazy person.

  • What is this.

  • >> Next welcome Dominick Reyes to the scale.

  • [cheering]

  • >> And new!

  • >> 205.

  • >> 205.

  • [cheering]

  • >> And new!

  • Let's go!

  • >> Feeling good.

  • Ready to go to war now.

  • Work's done. Talk's done.

  • Nothing left but to do it.

  • >> Yeah, I usually just do whatever's simple and fast.

  • One time I tried to go crazy

  • and get all these different braids

  • because I see the girls, I'm like,

  • "Damn, that looks so cool," and halfway through my fight,

  • the braids were, like, falling out.

  • And the referee came to my coach Mark Henry

  • in the middle of the--

  • like when we were taking a break on the bench,

  • and he's like, you gotta fix the hair.

  • So he basically, my coach doesn't know

  • how to fix braids in the middle of the fight,

  • so he's just putting his hand on top of my head

  • while talking to me in between rounds, not doing anything.

  • He just puts his hand on my head and then I go out.

  • My braids were falling all over.

  • I was so pissed.

  • I was like, "That's the last time I try to be cool,"

  • so I just get fake eyelashes,

  • and I'll even keep them for the fight,

  • and then after the fight,

  • I'll usually have two left.

  • But whatever, they looked good going in, so.

  • Then I go back to get them fixed,

  • the girls are like, "What happened?"

  • You literally have no idea what just happened.

  • I usually just say, "Oh, rough week."

  • One more thing. Extra hairspray.

  • That's how you know you're from the East Coast,

  • when you use a lot of hairspray.

  • From the New York, New Jersey area.

  • >> Jon: So, coach Gibson over there,

  • being the committed guy that he is,

  • wanted to hold mitts as close to his face

  • as possible to make it as realistic as possible

  • and he caught himself a right elbow.

  • >> I'd be more upset if Jon messed up my hair.

  • >> Jon: Oh, look at you.

  • >> I'm just kidding. Just kidding.

  • >> Guess what, he said--

  • I said, "Coach, I'm so sorry."

  • He said, "Let's go, finish the round."

  • I'm like, "That's my guy. That's my guy."

  • He took his hat off and became serious right away.

  • >> Very small price to pay for victory.

  • [radio playing]

  • >> What's happening, Houston!

  • Welcome to the weigh-ins.

  • Thank you very much for coming out.

  • We got a hell of a card for you, folks.

  • In the middleweight division,

  • there's some unfortunate news

  • as Antonio Arroyo has been pulled from the fight.

  • However James Krause has stepped in

  • literally on last-minute's notice

  • to will face Giles here tomorrow night.

  • >> James: Trevin didn't have an opponent,

  • so I said I'd step up.

  • I'm about 185, 186 when they called me.

  • So, yeah, why not. This is why we do this.

  • I'm ready. I'm in shape.

  • I train all the time for this reason.

  • James Krause and Trevin Giles, ladies and gentlemen!

  • >> I got a lot of respect for the guy for that, man.

  • I appreciate it and I think that's good, man.

  • I got another fight.

  • I'm ready, I'm happy.

  • >> Joe: Here we go, ladies and gentlemen!

  • Introducing the challenger Katlyn Chookagian!

  • And her opponent, the reigning, defending,

  • undisputed women's flyweight champion of the world:

  • Valentina Shevchenko!

  • [cheering]

  • >> Dana: Good luck tomorrow, you two.

  • >> Joe: Next, the main event of the evening.

  • Introducing the challenger: Dominick Reyes!

  • Official weight 205 for the challenger.

  • And his opponent:

  • he reigning, defending, undisputed

  • light heavyweight champion of the world:

  • Jon "Bones' Jones!

  • [cheering]

  • >> Joe: Official weight 204 for the champion.

  • [cheering]

  • >> Joe: Houston, thank you very much for coming out.

  • We'll see you tomorrow!

  • [theme music]

[ambient traffic noise]


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UFC 247 Embedded: Vlog Series - Episode 6 (UFC 247 Embedded: Vlog Series - Episode 6)

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