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This is the smart espresso profiler.
This is a very interesting little device, but it's actually not just a hardware thing.
It's a hardware and software thing.
Let me explain this, in my hand is a digital pressure transducer that is Bluetooth enabled.
That means it could send the pressure.
It was sensing to something like, I don't know, a smartphone with the right software.
You could read that pressure and maybe do something cool with it.
Let me give you some context as to how this works when it comes to express, sir.
So this, I think, is the brainchild of a guy called Gavel Blasco.
He is a coffee roaster.
He's a video maker.
He's made some very cool stuff falling down below on.
He's also a leave ahead.
He loves Lever espresso machines.
He wanted to have a way of tracking what was going on when you're pulling a shot.
But it's not just gamble.
There's another person involved as well. 00:00:57.480 --> 00:01:0.760 One of Goebbels customers a guy called Miklos Schoen, 80. 00:01:1.140 --> 00:01:5.750 He's a software guy, and he got involved to write the software piece to go with the hardware. 00:01:6.490 --> 00:01:7.290 The other is this. 00:01:7.300 --> 00:01:12.590 You can attach this thing toe anything that generates pressure, and you can connect it to a telephone.
And at the same time you can connect your phone to, say, Ana Kyra Pearl, set of scales.
And at this point, you could monitor and potentially replicate what you're doing in a lever.
There are two types of lever machines.
There is the classic kind of spring type where pulling the lever down compresses a spring.
And when you let go, the expansion of that spring generates the pressure.
And then there's the second type of leaving machine, which is a much more direct thing.
Where you pulling down on the lever actually generates the pressure.
These are the kind of things we've seen before, like the flare or the rock or the robot diesel Direct pressure manual lever machines.
And they're cool and they're fun.
But it's difficult to really know what's going on.
Even if you've got a gauge to be accurate and repeatable.
That's really tough now. 00:01:58.250 --> 00:02:1.300 Humans are good at some things, and we're good at having fun making coffee. 00:02:1.350 --> 00:02:3.690 But we're pretty terrible, that pulling levers repeatedly. 00:02:4.110 --> 00:02:7.350 This might just be a solution to that problem. 00:02:8.110 --> 00:02:15.250 In order to explain it and demonstrated I'm going to need to make some coffee, and I'm gonna need a coffee machine to make it on.
So let's grab one.
What I have here is an Olympia CRA.
Meena, these are very cool.
Little direct leaving machines.
They're a little bit Kulti.
They're very cool.
Very beautiful.
As you can see now, Gabble very kindly modified this one for me so that I could use the smartest presser profiler with it.
Now there is gonna be a review of this machine coming.
It is gonna be given away at the end of it.
As always, Thank you.
To all the Patriot backers I have.
Allow me to go and buy this, review it honestly and then give it away.
These will actually be given away together because obviously this has been modified to work with this.
And it only seems fair that they go to a home together.
Very simple.
This just kind of screws in.
And now we can turn this on.
Get it hot. 00:03:0.310 --> 00:03:1.070 We're on. 00:03:1.080 --> 00:03:1.910 We're ready to go. 00:03:1.910 --> 00:03:2.780 The machine is hot. 00:03:2.790 --> 00:03:7.500 It is time for us to pull some espresso to do that, to use this thing with grease a phone. 00:03:7.510 --> 00:03:8.740 So there's a There's an app. 00:03:8.740 --> 00:03:9.930 It's a very nice app. 00:03:9.940 --> 00:03:11.830 If I'm honest, it's called the S E profile.
Abby can download it.
If you want to have a little look around.
This is the main screen for it.
Get going.
You would swipe and then open up devices and make sure you were connected to your pressure transducer.
And also to Yura.
Kyra, I think at the moment only the Kyra Luna I think is supported.
Its Goodall scaled expensive, though.
But this is about the best anyway.
So here is your setup screen for what you're gonna do right now.
It's a blank template because right now I have no target profile set, but I can record one.
So first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna get some coffee now.
This little thing doesn't take us on a huge dose.
We're gonna use 14 grams in here. 00:03:54.210 --> 00:04:2.100 I'm gonna get 14 grams ground coffee when you put your dose on the scale and it says 14.1 in the app. 00:04:2.140 --> 00:04:4.790 I can set that as my starting dose. 00:04:5.240 --> 00:04:6.150 How very nice.
So let's get ready to brew now.
This is not going to be a perfect shot because I just want to talk you through how the app works.
So I don't really care how this goes, but it'll be interesting, sir.
Scale Cup zero.
Now, when I hit start, it will start logging both the wait here on the pressure at the sensor.
Let's begin now with this machine.
When you lift the lever, we're gonna get a little pressure reading here.
Now, as soon as I start to push down, you can see the pressure climb.
A seated position is not the easiest position to produce a decent, you know, leverage. 00:04:57.930 --> 00:05:0.190 But here, you know, six bars. 00:05:0.190 --> 00:05:0.910 I'm doing okay. 00:05:1.320 --> 00:05:3.250 And I can choose to gently ramp that down. 00:05:3.740 --> 00:05:8.060 I can see the mass in the cup climbing up, climbing up, climbing up, and I can see my brew ratio. 00:05:8.840 --> 00:05:12.650 I've hit the end there, but the pressure dissipate naturally.
Once it stops, I can hit Stop.
And there I have a profile and I can see my brew time.
I can see my pre infusion.
I can see my mass in the cup.
I can see my brew pressure.
Now if this just so happened to be the best espresso of my life, which is?
Well, I'm looking ahead likely, but it's not unlikely, but not impossible.
But let's say it is.
Well, I can save this profile.
Uh, I could look at my history, Come in here and I can set as a reference this means if I want to replicate this exact shot, I would need the same grinds him, does all that kind of stuff.
But I've got a template to work with.
Shall we see if I can do exactly the same thing again just for a bit of fun? 00:06:4.880 --> 00:06:8.320 So if I'm honest, that was not That was not the greatest shot. 00:06:8.330 --> 00:06:9.310 But that's not the point. 00:06:9.320 --> 00:06:9.960 Right now.
Let's, uh let's go.
Let's replicate this thing.
Here we go.
So when early.
Now the grind is just too coarse here, actually, but I consider reasonably accurately we can tell that down at the same time, you can see my mass in the cup is trailing a little bit, but it's gonna end up ultimately the same weight.
Unsurprisingly, I would go so you can see my attempt very quickly at replicating a curve.
Now I'm not giving myself excuses, but It's no easy thing to be sitting down, but that's not the point. 00:06:58.050 --> 00:07:6.540 The point is, I have beautifully and simply a lot of information about what's going on here, and that's really useful. 00:07:6.540 --> 00:07:7.940 That's really interesting. 00:07:8.290 --> 00:07:11.270 It makes this thing that is a little bit of a dark art.
You know how to really pull repeatable shots are direct pressure.
Leave a machine?
Well, it kind of opens that up.
It makes it entirely possible.
And what's more interesting is that I could put this same thing onto a flare and I could pull a shot on this thing, and then I could go and replicate as closely as possible the same pressures that say mass in the cup.
Therefore, the same kind of grown setting on a whole other machine.
Now, it was actually John from decent espresso that put me on to them in the first place.
And I think in future there's gonna be an integration between decent espresso machines on the S e p.
I think that s e P software will ship on decent tablets, but watch this space.
I'm not gonna say too much, but the possibilities get pretty exciting if you're interested in messing around with the way that pressure and flow and all that stuff interact inside one of these machines. 00:07:59.700 --> 00:08:9.630 Previously, I have made videos covering that the software that goes with smart scales and I waas not complimentary because it was all awful.
It brings me a great deal of pleasure to use an app that is intuitive on beautiful, simple presents.
All the information I need.
I think this is a really well done app.
I think they've done a fantastic job and they have to.
Really, Because this setup is expensive, I think about $400.
That is not a small amount of money that's expensive.
But if you've got one of these, if you spent a few 1000 on something like this, well, for a small price in comparison, you get a whole new level of insight into what is going on on a whole set of tools around how to brew a better express, sir. 00:08:48.840 --> 00:09:2.590 Now, while the app is very simple, very intuitive, if you want to make it a more detailed logging experience, you can certainly do that and you can start toe log quite a lot of information about a row story about the beans roasting date description, color operator. 00:09:3.000 --> 00:09:4.600 All of this stuff is there. 00:09:4.610 --> 00:09:6.510 If you want to get super super nerdy. 00:09:6.510 --> 00:09:9.450 If you really want to track all of this stuff, that's very easy to do. 00:09:9.620 --> 00:09:10.370 Not for me.
I don't wanna log every detail.
I'm happy with my weight in wait out brew time brew pressures.
If I want to set something as reference curve, that's that's enough for me.
I don't want to go crazy, but if you wanted, it's absolutely there.
So overall, I really like the app.
I think having pressure to 0.1 of a bar with low latent see is kind of amazing.
I think the details wonderfully presented.
I think they've done a really a really good job.
So overall I'm pretty impressed.
I think it's pretty fantastic.
I will say that I probably have a little bias in this, because gabble has been so helpful with everything from the beginning on Dhe.
You know, I kind of encountered his stuff before.
I really understood that he'd built the original pressure gauge for the flare in mild review, but I just didn't really understand that connection and I messed that up quite badly.
So apologies for delayed apologies. 00:09:58.560 --> 00:10:0.090 But apologies for getting that so wrong. 00:10:0.980 --> 00:10:1.750 It's expensive. 00:10:2.040 --> 00:10:3.040 It's really well made. 00:10:3.070 --> 00:10:4.820 Changing the battery on it is very simple. 00:10:4.820 --> 00:10:7.150 Let's get the maintenance you would need to do to it. 00:10:7.640 --> 00:10:10.260 Installation on many things will be relatively easy.
I I think this is a great tool.
I imagine myself.
I see myself using this in a host of different applications and having some fun.
And gamble does cool stuff, and I would like to do some cool stuff with him in the future.
So maybe we will.
Where's the space now?
As I said, this is not a review of this particular espresso machine that is coming.
I'm working on that.
That will be after this and these things in combination.
This profiler.
This machine will be given away to somebody somewhere in the world who can use 230 volt power on dhe, and that will make me happy.
But that's a future of you.
So once again, take it up a tree ons for supporting this channel for giving me a budget to go and buy this stuff and give you honest reviews.
It's cool what you can do with it.
I think there are a lot of use is out there. 00:10:58.340 --> 00:11:5.260 If you are a making manual espresso like this in any form, I think it's worth considering. 00:11:5.260 --> 00:11:8.830 If you want to dive deeper and understand more about what you're doing, it's expensive. 00:11:9.020 --> 00:11:9.600 I get that. 00:11:9.600 --> 00:11:10.780 But it's a small run.
It's a small company, and I think they're doing something called It's nice to see Tech in coffee be really well executed, but I'd like to hear your thoughts.
Do you have one?
Is anyone watching who's got one of these things to JI use all the time?
Do you love it?
What kind of things have you learned from it?
Is there something you didn't see me?
There's something you want me to show off about this.
Let me know if there's something really interesting.
I'll probably throw it up on Instagram at some point, so follow me there.