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Hey, Vogue.
It's dodgy cat.
I'm about to show you a look that I do pretty often.
It's like my e girl, like, sickly Look where I look.
Like I just woke up and I blew my nose.
And I have no mafia, So let's do that.
I'm gonna start with skin care.
I do a face wash, and I used gotcha.
Go that night.
Now I am doing this, uh, exfoliating powder.
My hands are a little wet, so it kind of turns it into a paste.
All right, now look like the Michelin man.
That's a good thing.
I do this like, twice a day.
Gonna rinse it off.
Then after this, I dry my face off and not make sure super dry.
So I use this peel.
I don't use any other Peel Skin, Inc pure revival peel.
And I let it kind of, like sit there for, like, five seconds, and then I start to go in circles around my nose.
First, my face comes off.
It's like a horror movie.
Rinse that off and it should look all grainy and crazy like that.
So then after I do that, I dry my face and then I do Witch Hazel.
Kind of prepare it for everything else.
It's kind of like a bass.
I put a base after the base, so this is the essence.
I do like a few drops, but it's very watery.
And then you just rub that around when you slap your face, you're bringing kind of blood to the surface.
So then after that, you d'oh a serum.
I do like one of those and then go crazy.
Then after I do my serum, I do my eye cream like that much boom, swirly.
You're supposed to be pretty gentle, but I'm not, and I use it as a lip balm.
After that, my cream boom, I used my nail.
So what, like that much?
Put it on my face?
Take it.
This one evaporates.
Really nice.
Put that on and patted in.
Put oil on top of your moisturizer.
It holds it down all day at the 12345 and it's gonna make you look sweaty.
But that's okay in the oil mixes with your foundation, and it makes it look a lot more natural.
That's it.
So that's my skin care routine.
I learned about skin care being on the Internet a lot and watching pretty much this.
So basically, I travel with all of these products, but I put it in like a box and it's filthy.
But it works my next favorite thing in the whole world.
Burt's bees Cleansing oil.
This works better than anything I've ever tried for my beauty blunder.
And I put it on my beauty under I still roll it around and then I just keep going like this right over the sink.
I mix it with water first with my makeup I color correct.
I take this concealer brush.
I go in to this color corrector.
This is by Becca cosmetics.
And when I start to go over circles, I started doing makeup when I was 13 or a lot of eye liner a lot like Amy Winehouse.
I do my foundation next, and I use Fenty two pumps of that.
But then I do it across my cheeks, and then I just make sure get it all over.
I just keep building, depending on how you feel.
I go over my eye over my eyelashes.
I don't go for my eyebrows, so I put concealer I used 20 so that I take it and just make a little boat under my eye.
And then I do a little, a little a soul patch, like a villain.
It's like a Disney villain.
And then, uh and then I run that out the next step.
This Laura Marcie a powder is my daddy.
So I go in with my sponge.
So then I put that right on my cheeks just in the center because I don't like when Mrs Shiny everything else could be.
And I make sure that all of this is blended under here because I do have fine lines this fluffy.
I shot a brush like a blending brush and the night press it in here.
This makes it so that none of that fine line shit happens.
And then I take this and I brush it.
I flick it out like this, I try not to swipe it onto my face or push it down.
We want, like, a very thin layer, but just enough to hold everything.
I take this foundation brush.
It's kind of flat like that.
And I go like this.
Just massage it.
Don't look at my hairline.
This isn't necessarily baking.
It kind of is.
It's like a mini bake.
Whatever's kind of leftover swirl that around Just put that down.
Close this, Shake it I love it I take this and I get a lot on my beautiful under and I just I just baked And you can see I created a cheek bone I always contour with with brander Yeah, this is like every day for May Go under my lip And this kind of creates like a shadow When I go under my chin Take it down into like my nose But I start from here Create that shadow I blend this out next I d'oh my blush and I just swirl it around, Okay, I get a lot on their teeth like a lot Top it off.
You can just work on the edges and I bring my blush up because I like a high cheekbone.
I always make sure it's higher than lower because you can go like this and work down here.
But that'll bring your face down, make it appear older and longer.
But if you work it up, you're kind of creating your own apples.
I remember being on Pinterest didn't even know what E girl wasjust saw These like Tumblr girls who were like, super cute And they have, like, the looked like they were sick, but it was like, Intentional could see they were wearing a lot of makeup and I fell in love with that.
So I bit that.
And now I do that I just start packing it onto my nose and I scrub it.
I scrubbed my nose pretty much scrub on the sides.
Get under it aside, bam!
And what happens?
It fades during the day.
It doesn't look a pink, but I just work that into my face.
And then I like to get a little bit on my lips when I take a little bit onto my eyelids because I watched an episode of this that, uh, 10 she did.
And she puts it on her eyelids like o r.
And then I take my bronzer and I swirl it around.
I focused on my outer area because it just looks better on me.
Very watery looking, very liquidy blush, and I would take it to the tiniest bit, and I just patted on my nose and right on top.
You can.
Also, what's great is you can put liquid blush on top of powder.
I do my eyebrows do look a little spot like a mini spark brow, a little gangly brush, and I start shaping at just like that out.
It's kind of like eye liner to make a very fine angle brush.
I used a cream eyeliner with this.
It just looks more natural.
I would use my less finer brush, but this one just really creates like a fake hair moment.
I'm trying to do it fast for you guys, but this takes me an hour and 1/2.
Maybe sometimes because I enjoy doing it.
If I have time, I will take my time.
And I'm also measuring where the end drop down and meet.
Don't want that to be generally straight.
Then this is my favorite part.
Take my powder, shake it up, and then I put the powder over my eyebrows.
I swear by this because I see girls with their brows and they'll do it and it'll be shiny and light will be reflecting off of their brows.
It, like, deletes their brows when you mad.
If I them, it just looks more really You get the color to come out.
There is a brow there.
Then I take my brush, go under over and then I just start doing the stool kind of beat.
After I do brows, I do my mascara, which is fire I always appreciated, like Hera Jakub culture.
They do this in Japan.
They bring the blush up and they do it over the nose and they kind of put it in the center.
And I always kind of wanted that cartoon esque look.
So this is cover effects.
It's like a cream highlight.
I just put a little bit and honestly, I'm running out.
I just scraped it off, put it on the nose, put it here and it drives so fast, you have to work really fast.
I'll probably go over this with a little bit of the powder blush, just like match it back.
So just a little bit probably pounce it from the top a little bit more.
I kind of work it us word.
I focus on the part that I wanted to highlight, and then I'm gonna just blend this out, too.
I got a little bit of creasing here, and it should kind of look like that little bit of a glow.
So I take a cotton path and I put any makeup remover on it.
Oh, little splash, splash.
Just go over the inside of my lip.
Try not to go too much on the outside because I put blush there to sort of blend that out.
It looks a little bit because my lips are very red.
I take this flat, dense brush and I will end up back in I highlight my Cupid's fellas Well, so I just feel a little bit and I do my chin as well.
I do a little bit there and I really try to blend that cause that can look crazy.
Sometimes you Kenbrell thing, the blush on to the top lip and just work that upward little on the bottom and it could kind of make you look like you had a Popsicle or something.
I do have 1/2 done liner right now.
This is the scary part.
This is where everybody starts sweating.
But I basically take this, make sure it's nice and wet, and I just kind of create an angle first.
I like to create like a triangle like a wing suspended and then connected.
Start bringing it in.
And this just looks best with my eye shape and make sure that everything is even I measure and also pray to God.
And I've been doing my wing since I was 13.
Probably I love a blush She read Look, I just take my blush and then I take it I swirl it and I work it into my creases I just picked us, Work it market market.
It just makes you look cold like you're freezing cold.
And I don't know what's so sexy about being freezing cold, but I like to look like I'm freezing cold.
I left my jacket.
Can I borrow your jacket?
Okay, so I have a lash line and it goes by icy wifey cosmetics.
It's like a spaced out sort of doll like clash of a smaller I.
So I take this I could lose, like, one of those spaces.
So cut.
That should be okay.
And then I measure it.
I could maybe lose, like, one more good shelf glue.
Fan it out dry, give it a moment and I just place it.
Some people use tweezers.
Whatever but I don't.
And then I do the next I.
So then I take this and I have two bottles of it.
These air called frak.
So I take this and I shake it up.
Make sure it gets on the brush dot and I love this stuff because lucky daughter, and then you pick it up, and then you just room and it's so easy, and you just kind of put it down.
Leave some of them darker than the others.
Sometimes I do my forehead this'll boom.
So this is I see wifey cosmetics, Chrome's This is just a loose eye shadow, and it looks like this, but then it goes on like this, and it kind of reflects of blue, but then also like a deep pink press that down.
That's like a peacock e sort of moments, like very Louis.
Certain angles on very pink Others, huh?
It's a little colorful moment so far.
A lip.
Liken hombre.
So I take this sort of deep move look like that like you're not really wearing it, So the next I'm doing my hair.
Ignore my hairline.
We're gonna cover that.
I know there's hello glue, and it's everywhere.
I'm gonna start to curl this right.
My hair is 40 inches right now, so I start with the front bangs bone and then I take this part.
I split him.
Bone sway.
That's it.
That's pretty much the dog.
A cat.
Look, we did a little peacock moment on the eye and, uh, a little mermaid moment on the hair and I hope you guys enjoyed, Thank you both.