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  • you committed to the show before you got the walk for a job on your album Letters down after yesterday, even though I'm grumpy, thank you.

  • It happens.

  • It happens.

  • It's one of those things where I think it's important to try and keep, um, uneven outlook on things.

  • I mean, you know, yesterday was difficult for the players and, um, the circumstances in which we, ah, a two goal lead go where were difficult.

  • But, um, the message stays exactly the same.

  • We we still have games left 13 games left.

  • We've still got opportunities to to make sure that we're responsible for our own season.

  • And that's the That's the most important thing.

  • So, yeah, too difficult results where we've conceded late goals, which is very annoying.

  • But players don't go out there to make mistakes.

  • Um, you know that they don't go out there to consciously do that.

  • So what we have to do is make sure that we just get a response now on dhe, and I'm confident with the players that we have, We can ah, we can prove a few people room enjoying it back.

  • Well, yes, I am.

  • Yeah, there's a simple answer is.

  • Yes.

  • Um, I didn't expect to get another opportunity in the Premier League on dhe.

  • So in many ways, I come into it with a bit of ah, different mindset.

  • That doesn't mean I'm manage differently.

  • I'm sort of I'm still the same animal, but, uh, yeah, I'm really pleased to get the opportunity.

  • Andi.

  • It's ah, football club.

  • That has got a lot of good things going for it.

  • So, you know, if we can If we can turn it around this year, then then who knows?

  • But yeah, it's Ah, I'm enjoying it because it was a surprise as much as anything.

  • Did it feel at risk when you said yes?

  • Um that what?

  • The risks?

  • Yeah, We don't stay up.

  • It is at risk.

  • Look, I'm quite happy in my own skin.

  • I'm I wouldn't have taken it on over, didn't accept the responsibility on the what the potential pitfalls of doing the job are.

  • But no.

  • Why not?

  • Why not take it on?

  • Somebody's got to.

  • I don't believe that we collectively can do can change our fortunes issue.

  • Is it true you, Mr Cole from Scott Ducks?

  • Free Because you were out walking?

  • Yeah, Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, You know me coming Your phone's off a lot of time as well.

  • Why is that?

  • Well, I'm not a slave.

  • I'm not a slave to I'm no slave to football.

  • I'm somebody who who I think is quite demanding of the people I work with on.

  • I'm very demanding off myself.

  • But I also think it's important to try and make time to do other things on to.

  • If you don't switch off at some point, then you know that there's enough pressure as it is on.

  • So I mean, you know, things that last night I didn't sleep particularly well and why it's because you of reliving events.

  • And I think that's a natural thing for for you to do.

  • You do when you were playing.

  • And I think it's the same thing when you when when you manages well because you know you have to reflect on what's happened.

  • Have you made the right decisions?

  • You know there's lots of things go through your mind, but at some point you got to put that to bed and move on.

  • Andrea Lee.

  • Um, the reflective process is very important in terms of being able then to go out and function the next time that you work.

  • So, yeah, the things that I do in my time off, for instance Are that for my own well being?

  • A supposed Well, I was listening to the Peter Crouch podcast, right?

  • And Stuart Pearce was saying that when you were in Transylvania, you were attacked by a pack of wolves, which isn't true, dog.

  • It was on you.

  • But you know something coming these air that you know, when people say about me that I'm very guarded and I don't know, we've got a reputation.

  • Has been Yeah, being, um yeah, tough private Andi.

  • Andi, The problem is that occasion when you share stories that groans and lengths, which I don't know whether it whether it adds to the myth off what people are I don't know, but I do smile about it in Woodley is Well, let's have a look what the Guardian put in.

  • Yeah, yeah, I've seen that.

  • Which I quite like that.

  • Let me tell you, I was I was exceptionally.

  • Do you know I still get spooked now when a dog box.

  • I don't That doesn't mean I expect place to come will be on me now.

  • How many dogs with five or six?

  • Yeah, well, don't I mean, you know they are.

  • They are, uh they're dogs at the shepherd's book with the flocks in the high pastures to protect them from bears and on wolves.

  • And it was a very, very frightening experience.

  • I It took me a long time to get over.

  • I was very, very, very spooked.

  • That's been lined up, Yeah.

you committed to the show before you got the walk for a job on your album Letters down after yesterday, even though I'm grumpy, thank you.


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奈傑爾-皮爾森真的在特蘭西瓦尼亞與一群狼搏鬥嗎?| 週日進球 (Did Nigel Pearson really wrestle a pack of wolves in Transylvania?! | Goals on Sunday)

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