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We're joined now by local government minister Richie Soon AC, who is backing Boris Johnson.
Children's Minister Nadeem Zohar.
We his backing.
Dominic Rob.
Nicky Morgan, who's backing Michael Go.
She was education secretary between 2014 and 16 on Organized Today's One Nation debates pulled the whole one nation to base into our studio because we went allowed in its very nice tohave you'il.
Wish you let me start with you.
Boris Johnson, you said, would have both the metal on the charisma to make progress at the negotiating table in Brussels and galvanized the nation behind the deal.
That is So you are supporting boy, cause you genuinely believe that he's gonna get a new deal out of Brussels.
Well, not just me.
Many people supporting Boris Johnson for a number of reasons.
I think first and foremost, he is the best person to beat both Nigel Farraj and Jeremy Corbyn.
And he could do that because you're talking about a general election that in general, of course, there will be a general action one day, but it's important to set of white why people and when that inclusive and inspiring vision for this country, based on the one nation values he has trusted to deliver matter of our time.
But he also has a track record off winning and delivery open when he was in London, one of the traditionally good for conservatives on delivered when he was in office making road live.
So what?
What happened on the Brexit question, though, because I just want to go back.
He would make progress at the negotiating table in Brussels.
So are you and others genuinely convinced that he is going to bring back a new deal?
No backstop from Brussels with the same membership I.
I do have confidence in Boris about combination off charisma and metal, part of the metal, of being prepared for no deal that it would be responsible to do that properly.
And he's committed to doing the right thing.
He does.
He does have the charisma to formulate people on.
There will be a new, dynamic commission, you know, there's very much people they will get.
There will be a new dynamic in the Galician Before we leave.
You use the word metal, and I know he's refusing at the moment to participate in any debates.
This is part of the Ming Bar structure we were discussing doesn't want to debate.
Is that right?
Well, I was sitting in the hostages yesterday when he was participating in those, and he will be participating in Morris Stings next week in Parliament.
So I participating in the debate Oh way.
One nation hostage is that he'll be there again next week in front of the parliamentary party.
And I think he did a very good job of impressing colleagues last night.
If Boris Johnson right through very quickly on Thursday, well, he's still part the debates.
Or would he draw Ming Vase?
Take himself right out the public?
Boris writes a national newspaper column outlining his views, everyone to read leading fully and all these debates engaging with colleagues on there, one on one on this question of hair.
He has been very generous well around.
No deal is no, it's not an outcome that he wants.
He is also saying Do is to reach an agreement with the EU and leave in an orderly and managed way, but is absolute symbol for the person negotiating toe.
Have no deal on the table to prepare to make it credible.
You see to deal.
And that's the right Russell, these candidates and all the ones that are not represented here tonight.
There is an enormous wealth of talent going, and whoever wins is gonna put a great team together.
As conservatives will be governing for this country, we're making a real difference.
And that really shows your governing for the through the hostages.
Over the two day you're supporting, you couldn't help.
I'll have different do you think?