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it's going on guys so little while back, it'd a series of videos going through some of these MSG weapons.
So these are made by code book?
Yeah, and they're just the modeling support goods line of option weapons that you can use Their kind of meant to be used with frame arms kits and, like three moms, girls, my gummy device, that sort of stuff.
You can, of course, use them for gum flow as well I want to do is just go through these.
They'll be one video each.
We'll take a look at what's all included with the weapon, and then we'll take a look at some examples with some different kits So you guys can get a look at how these look with some different gets some examples so you can see if you want to maybe buy one of these for a particular custom.
Billy working on, we're gonna start off with this one here first.
This one is MSG 09 and you sniper rifle.
So you can see you have basically, like a sniper rifle here.
A couple different option parts there for that, as usual with easy have a different option.
Parts for them.
So it's pretty cool stuff you can do with these here on the back, you can see a breakdown of all the parts that are gonna be included with this, you do also have, like some actual m o rounds there it can use.
We have by Bob for that.
A couple different options there for the end of the barrel.
And then I think you can probably modify this pretty easily to extended barrel even farther.
If you want to do that, of course.
So here's just the look at the different options for that.
See that handle at the back there?
That part also extends back then.
Here it is just in use a couple different photo examples.
They're used by the framers Girl go right list Price for this rifle comes in if you can see it down there at around 900 yen.
So around $9 for this is not too bad a little bit expensive for you.
Just a rifle, you might think.
But he's as it goes with these there usually pretty nice opening it up.
You can see we've got a couple of bags of runners.
They're basically it's gonna be two tones of gray on the inside of this part is the instructions for that.
So it just got all that for you There.
We're a here is gonna be in the lighter of the two tones of grace.
It was just kind of a slightly Tanisha like great color here for a couple parts with main body of the rifle.
As you can see there, the runner marking for these is our W 009 wannabe isn't the slightly darker tone This is more of sort of like a just a neutral medium gray color and see some different our parts in their undersea in the same color as Runner B and C?
Unfortunately, the part for the scope of the top is going to have with a long scene line running down the middle of that Looks like them under D.
Just a couple parts here in the same color as the A runner.
So that's it.
I'm gonna go ahead and get this put together.
Then we'll take a look at some examples.
All right, so here's how the new sniper rifle is gonna look when it's all put together Very cool, and I like that?
How even the straight out of the box.
It looks pretty nice just in the fact that it's in the two tone gray.
So even if you aren't gonna painted, you do have it looking at least all not one color.
That said, it is definitely gonna look better.
Of course, when you got some paint on there and once you fix some steam lines, it doesn't have a whole lot of sea mines on there.
It's nice that at least the main part of the barrel is all one piece, and the tip of the barrel is also a separate peace.
You know me, seam line down there.
We do have a seam line down the middle of the scope, At least for this scope.
We do have an alternate version of that which will take a look at the moment.
But you have a couple of sea mines on there.
They will have to get rid of on.
Just I think once this thing has painted up, it's gonna look really super nice.
You could make this look really cool.
Now the question is how this is going to look with some different kids in terms of the size.
The size and first glance does seem like it looks pretty much right to be used with the 100 scale complicate.
If you're gonna be using it with the Gundam kit, we'll take a look at some examples here in a moment.
Let's just first take a look at the different option parts we have included with.
We'll take a look at the scope 1st 1st fall at the front and the back.
You have this separate peace in there, which is a different color, so it's just nice, the ones against rate of box.
At least that's different color for the glass of that.
But you could paint that in a different color very easily if you want to paint it in like a metallic core like super shiny color, or later, like a boil stick or something on top of that, so that its shining ice and brightly.
But you have the sea mine down the top of this, so this can easily just be slid off of there and replace with our option part.
Here is this is the other option.
This one also has a separate peace for the camera and that this one has a seam line in it as well, but it's disguised here, just as like a panel Einar design detail line there.
Nor to put this one on, you have to remove this little part.
You're on the side, But so before we do that, I'll show you guys what this part does.
This is just pulls back like that, and you can actually feed one of these bullets into year.
You get three of these tiny little bullets that you can actually feed that into there and then lock that into place like actual rifles.
That's pretty cool if we remove that part slide on this alternate camera, and that definitely gives it more of like a futuristic sort of look right.
It's definitely more of like a sci fi, so rifle.
It's looking less like a like real world rifle.
Now, with that camera on there.
As for the bipod appear at the front, these legs will just move down to like.
That's pretty simple, and you can set that as you like.
If you don't want to use that, you can remove this part and you can just leave that off like that.
We've given optional part here as well.
You could just slide out there, and this gives you just a standard three millimeter peg here.
They could plug into some other option part of some like that.
A few 100 plug on to the bottom of that if you want.
We also have a similar part here for the top.
If you wanted to remove the scope, you want to plug something else in the top three consigned this part onto there.
You can plug whatever you want onto the top of their if you want some other different option part of something and then we have an option part here for the end of the barrel as well.
So you can just remove this one, which is a standard just like straight barrel tip.
And you can put on this one for a bit more sort of heavy duty.
Look, too, I guess not just blood on there like that and looks pretty cool.
So the last thing here is just this gimmick.
You're the back.
This part will slide back like that and you can fold this part up.
And actually, it's supposed to combined together like that to form the back of rifle there like that.
Unfortunately, the main handle, though, doesn't move up and down.
It can rotate side to side because just on a peg there.
But you can't change the angle of that, Unfortunately, so that maybe a little bit of a problem when it comes to holding it in the hand, you will have to have a hand that can get in there around this part of that.
Oh, and the last last thing is the M O cartridge.
Down here, you can pull this out a little bit, kind of difficult to get to.
But once that is pulled out of here, this one also has some bullets in it.
But it's just some bullets that is connected as one solid piece there that fits into there.
So just gives you a little bit of realism.
And if you want to do this with, like, some sort of pose where you're posing like your frame arms girl kids or something like so that it looks like she's actually loading the ammo into their something like that, it's just nice to have that part there.
If you wanted to do something like that with your diagram, are just opposing your kid like that or something, All right, First up in our test here with a frame.
Arms girl.
Kids here have got the style it and it's having some trouble.
The gun is definitely pretty large and a style.
It is kind of your average size frame arms girl here so you can imagine with the Megumi Device kits Megumi device or even smaller than free Mama's girls.
So this gun, I think, for the Mecca Moussa make its for a mama's girl.
Megumi device gets gonna be a little bit too big, I think, unless that's what you're looking for, the giant sniper rifle that just looks too large compared to the actual girl.
I know you could want to go for some like that, but I think as far as this combination goes, it's not quite looking right.
So let's move on to just a regular firearms kit, which I think we'll probably a little more appropriate looking.
All right, says agency here with the frame arms style it interceptor.
Here, in this case, it's going to be looking much more size appropriate.
It definitely looks like it fits more with a full size frame arms get here and the interceptor is a little bit slightly bulkier than the original style.
It kids were there.
But you still get the idea.
And also that futuristic as I mentioned scope of the alternate scope we have for this.
The camera on the top of the rifle, I think also, if it's really well now, the color is obviously straight of the box.
These colors don't match, but you can just imagine just the size and the details.
I think it really well with the frame arms kit like this, so it's probably gonna be your best option.
But let's say you wanted to use this with a Gundam kid.
Let's try a couple different options with that as well here.
All right.
As for a 1 44 scale example here, I'm just using the standard HD revive our exciting to gun them just cause it's a very down the lion.
Very medium example.
I think of a 1 44 scale kit, and the first probably gonna run into is that the hands don't fit the handle.
Now, a lot of people have asked me when I've done videos like this in the past.
What do you do about the hand?
Still doesn't fit in the hand.
Obviously, the easiest thing to d'oh.
It just trimmed the handle.
Cut the handle a little bit down until it fits into the hand.
It's pretty much as simple as that.
And what this one is almost fits.
So it could almost get in there.
And I think it was a larger, larger HD kit, like the Moon Gundam or something like that.
It might be in there, but you probably still have to trim it a little bit better than that, just the general size that you can see.
It's just very large for a one of 44 skill.
Gonna again, something larger, like a says, I'll be your moon Gundam.
Something like that.
One of the larger HDC kids might work, but I think definitely it's gonna work better with 100 skill kids.
So let's get out a master great here and do a little size comparison, all right?
And so, once again, as expected, this is definitely going to be fitting much more in the size with a 100 scale kit.
Now here, obviously with the gym Sniper two.
It's gonna be a very fitting match, although the hands don't really fit.
I'm making it work here, but it's a little bit of a balancing act.
The holding hand is not quite right because you guys are probably with This kid has a holding hand that's specifically for holding its rifle.
It's not really the same size or handle shape as this particular rifle and the open hand.
I've never really been a big fan of the open hand for the gym sniper rifle, the dim sniper here because it's it's just like Flat Opens.
Not really meant to be like gripping a rifle, it looks like so it's always been a little bit not quite right, in my opinion.
But as against that, you can make it work.
And I think this is definitely going to be a rifle that if you're gonna want to get this for a Gundam, get, you're probably gonna wanna forget like this.
So I think the size, the shape, everything it looks great with it.
The hands are not quite right, so you might look into maybe getting some different option hands or something for this something to replace those.
Otherwise I mean you can make it work as it is because you can see here.
So overall, that is it for the new sniper rifle, too.
Overall, that's gonna be it for the new sniper rifle here.
Hopefully, guys found this video interesting or a useful resource in case this is a weapon that you might be interested in getting.
Hopefully, this was useful to let you guys know a little bit more about the size, the shape, the details of the kit.
Thank you so much for watching.
I'll see you guys next time.
Have it going, guys.