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  • WOOD: We all know that Americans love their hamburger,

  • especially this one.

  • But now scientists are trying to cancel beef.

  • TV REPORTER: Chilling warnings in a new report...

  • TV REPORTER: Beef and dairy agriculture are a key cause

  • of the greenhouse gases.

  • WOOD: Michael Pollan, the Obi-Wan of food writers,

  • says eating beef is as harmful as burning fossil fuels.

  • Of all the things we do that contributes to climate change,

  • beef is really right at the top.

  • The animals produce greenhouse gas.

  • You mean farts? You can just say farts.

  • You know, they're not farts, actually, they're burps.

  • A burp is a mouth fart. (burping)

  • All right, uh, we can't change the energy system

  • but we can all slightly modify our diet.

  • You're asking people to stop eating something

  • that they've been eating their whole life.

  • You're gonna make it a suggestion,

  • just don't eat a lot.

  • But after that, the hamburger's illegal,

  • and then the meat goes underground.

  • The next thing you know, you're sucking (bleep)

  • for a Baconator behind a Walgreens.

  • Well, uh, maybe.

  • And you don't think there's gonna be no withdrawals?

  • I get the beef sweats if I miss a burger.

  • I think you're gonna have to taper.

  • WOOD: So to save the world, I got to give up burgers?

  • Hot dogs, steaks, meatballs,

  • roast beef, sirloin tips, bologna.

  • I'm having a panic attack.

  • I suggest you don't go cold turkey.

  • Check out these plant-based burgers,

  • this new generation of very sophisticated food science.

  • They create a burger that, uh, looks a lot like a burger.

  • It's red in the middle; it bleeds.

  • And you can get the kind of taste

  • that we really like in meat.

  • I'm really sorry about this.

  • Mmm.

  • Once I got my fix, I realized Pollan wasn't talking

  • about boring old veggie burgers.

  • The plant-based Impossible Burger

  • is supposed to be indistinguishable from meat.

  • You can even buy it at the carnivore joints.

  • And CEO Pat Brown's vision goes a lot further than that.

  • The mission of Impossible Foods

  • is to completely replace animals

  • as a food technology by 2035.

  • WOOD: He's trying to get us to give up beef

  • by using high-tech science.

  • The thing that makes meat taste like meat

  • -is that meat has... -The pain from the cow dying.

  • Um, that's one theory, yeah.

  • But it's actually a molecule called heme.

  • It's what catalyzes

  • all the unique flavors and aromas of meat

  • but we make it without using animals.

  • So it's not the marinade.

  • It's not gas over charcoal.

  • It's some shit called heme this whole time.

  • So you're telling me my whole life has been a lie.

  • Um, well, that's not what I was saying

  • but I guess that's sort of true, yeah.

  • And this tastes good?

  • I think you just have to decide for yourself.

  • -Oh, I will decide. -Yeah. Yeah.

  • -I will decide. -You'll decide.

  • WOOD: First up, a classic farting cow burger,

  • to set the baseline.

  • Oh, man, you can't touch that, bro.

  • And just to be polite, I went ahead and tried

  • the stupid, nasty-ass plant sandwich.

  • How you make this taste like that?

  • How did you make this plant burger

  • taste like the meat burger?

  • Well, it, it took a number of years.

  • It's the devil!

  • You got some fries?

  • Roy, this is great.

  • We're vegetarian now.

  • This taste just like meat.

  • Don't listen to him, Roy.

  • There's no such thing as a meat plant.

  • And you're too old to switch sides.

  • No!

  • What I need is real meat

  • that doesn't fart up the environment.

  • Luckily, another tech company, Just,

  • is working on that in their top secret lab.

  • What we do is find the best tasting cows in the world,

  • we take cells from those cows.

  • You put that cell line in a bioreactor.

  • The bioreactor enables the cell to double.

  • At the end of it, you have raw meet.

  • No. No. Mm-mm. Not real.

  • When you taste it, you're gonna see.

  • This is real meat without all the consequences

  • that come from killing lots of animals.

  • WOOD: That's right, you heard nerd Superman.

  • These guys are growing freakish clone meat in a lab.

  • If this is real, then it's time for a collaboration.

  • You can do me; you can take one of my cells

  • and we could grow that in the lab and have Roy meat.

  • We wouldn't want to do that.

  • I'm delicious.

  • So I've been told.

  • We want to focus on stuff

  • that can actually do a lot of good for the world.

  • Sound like a good plan, man.

  • You're making the best meat.

  • Let's go ahead and get it out there.

  • I love a good double cheeseburger.

  • What's your meat cost, about three, four dollars a pound?

  • -We haven't done a hamburger yet. -What?

  • But the chicken nugget that we make costs about 50 bucks.

  • -For how many nuggets? -Just one nugget.

  • Oh, shit, you're crazy.

  • You mean, a six-piece nugget costs $300.

  • -That's right. -Mother(bleep).

  • How good could a $50 clone chicken nugget taste?

  • More importantly, is it even safe?

  • (crunching)

  • Let me get a three piece.

  • I... I can't. That's, that's all we have.

  • Who the (bleep) just make two nuggets?

  • All this shit in here and all y'all got is two nuggets?

  • Y'all are lying.

  • Where are the nuggets at?

  • Got to be in here.

  • So the clone burger is years away

  • and even then, it might cost as much as a Volvo.

  • Is that an ice cream machine?

  • And sure, you could go with plant meat,

  • but that still costs more than a fart burger,

  • and it's witchcraft.

  • So what are broke-ass carnivores like me

  • supposed to do if we want to save the planet?

  • Michael Pollan had the craziest idea of them all.

  • Have a burger once a week.

  • So only eat meat once a week?

  • Yeah. Try that. See what happens.

  • (both laughing)

  • -Once a week? -Yeah. Try it.

  • -Only eat meat once a week? -Try it.

  • Man, you should be in comedy.

  • (cheers and applause)

WOOD: We all know that Americans love their hamburger,


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B1 中級

拯救世界的食肉動物的尖端肉類替代品|每日秀 (Cutting-Edge Meat Alternatives for Carnivores Who Want to Save the World | The Daily Show)

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