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  • it's going on, guys that they were gonna take a look at the Mak es and S F three d archive.

  • This is Volume two in the archive, and it's been a while since we've taken a look at any books that done a book reviews.

  • And one reason for that is that it's kind of hard to do these videos because it's hard to light books in a way that you guys just aren't seeing glare all over the place and just that you can actually seek and what's going on Well, in the pictures.

  • But hopefully have got it set up here pretty well.

  • You guys were to see the book pretty well, at least just to kind of get an idea of some of the cool stuff that's in here.

  • If you want to check out the book for yourself, then, of course you can actually see it in much greater detail, and you can read and translate all the text.

  • All the text in this book, of course, is all in Japanese.

  • But you know, if you have a phone with a translator app, you can easily just translate that well enough on here.

  • But let's get into it.

  • So this is yes.

  • Like I said, Volume two of the Mak es and S a 30 archives.

  • This covers works from 2011 to 2012.

  • March doesn't load to April 2012.

  • Some works here by Max.

  • What's naba and coy?

  • Okay, Emma since 80 creator of Machine and Krieger.

  • And so this book.

  • Let's see what this book run for.

  • 3100 yen was a list price for this about $30 or this is not too bad, for it's pretty normal for this type of book, usually somewhere around there.

  • And so is the Thanh of work in here and obviously a ton of texts.

  • And so there's some work in progress stuff, tips and things like that as well.

  • So I think it's a pretty good book.

  • As I understand it, there's no new works in here.

  • This is just going over some past works, but I think there's some new some of the commentary and things like that is new in here, where they're just talking about from the past works as I understand it.

  • I haven't gone through and actually translated a lot of this red.

  • I've just basically flipped through, taking a look at some of the photos and things like that in here.

  • So we'll go go through some of this here together, down here on the bottom.

  • First, will you have this little bit that goes around there but does also have just this cover, which is over the top of that.

  • So the book actual cover here is pink under there.

  • It's pretty cool opening up to the first page or inside here inside of this cover.

  • There, we got a picture of Max and some other books here.

  • Archive number, volume one there, as well as a couple of the books here, Machine Krieger in S F three D.

  • And then this book, which I'm still hoping to get so again, if they haven't even ever come across this book for a kid price or have it and are willing to sell it, we're looking forward to some day checking out this s f s book here by Max.

  • Let's just focus on just the F s on then.

  • Here in the back, as I expected.

  • It's the profile just on a quote Thomas and say here, and a couple of other books.

  • That's a three D books there as a 30 Chronicles and then The Mac, a modeling book, too, which was recently recommended by Lincoln in our interview just the other day.

  • So, uh, that is a book I also recommend.

  • I've done a video on that book already.

  • It's quite good, I think, a lot of cool stuff in there.

  • But of course, that would also as well in Japanese.

  • But this is a pretty great book, I think.

  • All right, so on the first page here, this really cool winter scene, it looks to be a kike, lop eye belief there on the front.

  • And that's a really awesome scene.

  • I like that quite a bit Dharma.

  • And then we get into the contents for the contents for this, just we'll tell you the date of each of these.

  • So I guess these are maybe a publication dates for the original content when they originally came out.

  • So it's just going from March April of 2011 and then all the way to April 2012 2nd C got some cool photos along the side there.

  • And then there's a breakdown of what's all in here.

  • We're just gonna go from the start with The Nutcracker.

  • It's a really cool color scheme here for Nutcracker and right here on the front page, there's a little cameo by Lincoln himself, there in the background.

  • So that's pretty fun.

  • There, behind Max and your mama, son, they're checking out this dire Emma here of The Nutcracker.

  • So literally like that color scheme is as well I've often wanted.

  • I thought about trying to recreate that on some gum plot.

  • I think that's pretty cool over here.

  • Just a work in progress.

  • Shot of just some of you can see, like some of the brass rods they're used for making additions to the base kit there.

  • And then this Morgan program starts here, making those parts.

  • And here the next page and more fuller shot of just the model kit there by itself, along with the two accompanying suits.

  • They're down here.

  • Of course you've got Max is the signature painting technique just going over with the brush.

  • So I think I believe that sometimes he does this with airbrush, and sometimes it is it just my hand brushing, but just the the all over color for the base.

  • We got black, and then I think he usually does silver on after the black.

  • I'm not sure if you did, or he's got silver underneath the black anyway, I'm not sure, but then all the random colors on there and then painting the actual base colors on there are the main colors.

  • The nine year you can see a little about the weathering as well.

  • Sanding that is, sanding the number that is probably hand painted on.

  • There, I'm guessing, is that it's probably hand painted another actual detail on there, and I've got a couple of different color schemes of the same kids.

  • This is just all so The Nutcracker.

  • We just got this more playing close game.

  • This is actually the exact color scheme that I'm planning on using for.

  • Whenever I get around to painting the Neos Young, I would love to paint a nature.

  • You see, he was young in this color scheme.

  • I think it looks really cool and would give a really unique look to those young that's you may see this sometime in the future from me on the new Eos young love that color scheme there for that and just look at some detail shots of some of the markings and details on that.

  • And then over here, just a little more traditional camel color scheme there for that.

  • All very cool.

  • He's got the frog decal on everything.

  • Stay.

  • Look here.

  • The next phase.

  • We've got one more here of kind of desert color scheme with heart logo on there.

  • And then just look at the accompanying suits down there at the bottom.

  • That would be the Gustaf and the Mela Sheena.

  • And then over here, this against more work in progress.

  • Photos of the weathering process on that one underside of that.

  • It's pretty cool.

  • Hover Tank Nutcracker.

  • Never really been one of my favorite designs, but it's interesting design.

  • It looks a bit just like a helmet or something.

  • I don't.

  • The thing that I don't like about the design, honestly is how the bottom is not perfectly flat.

  • I wonder what the reason is for that.

  • Sometime I'll have to ask a link if you ever if he knows what the reason is for that.

  • But that's what really bothers me the most about the design of the Nutcracker that the bottom this part is not straight.

  • It's not flat.

  • If it was, I think I would like it a lot more, but just looks weird.

  • Just looks like it's not quite right.

  • That's curved like that.

  • But I don't know the reason if you guys know, let me know.

  • But as faras my current knowledge, I don't know.

  • So I guess here is a little bit more, uh, Met K.

  • And it's a three explanations so little bit more about the just the design of The Nutcracker, It seems so cool.

  • Illustrations down here from COCOM out there of The Nutcracker, I would guess, and just maybe the original box aren't there as well.

  • So that's pretty cool.

  • Concede that the original kids of being a Nito kit there.

  • Then over here appears to be a cool story about taking a photograph of the phallic flying, thereby just tossing it up in this in the air.

  • Get picture.

  • That's pretty interesting.

  • It's more information down here with Max and a team of Alex.

  • I say follow Kano Link says Okay, because that's what's written in Japanese.

  • But however you guys might want around, uh, the Hornets, another pretty interesting design here, which has like a suit there on the front door like a big giant flying jet pack for a suit to believe that is also a Gustaf there on the front of that.

  • So this one also a really unique design.

  • Pretty cool, interesting one.

  • It's just a look.

  • A few different optional color schemes for that over there.

  • Look at again, just the base kits unpainted over here on this side and again to some samples there across the stuff.

  • So if nothing else, these books are always really, really great source for just some different color scheme ideas for some of these kids.

  • So there's again just some production shots of them just during the photography face.

  • For those, no one's gonna look at just the painting process for that.

  • A sample here painted in just this kind of light tan color with the off white stripe on That looks very cool.

  • I love that paint scheme, for that looks really nice.

  • Very militaristic look like realistic Look, of course, for that looks still science fiction, obviously, but little bit less science fiction.

  • Just with that color scheme on it, less science fiction than, for example, something like this, which definitely looks more of something like a race car sort of color scheme or something that's a bright yellow on there, but also pretty interesting.

  • Look for that.

  • Definitely getting some sort of like a wasp or insects sort of inspiration for this color scheme.

  • It definitely has, like a look of like a lost pet on there with the yellow and black.

  • So I assume that's probably intentional.

  • And if I were to translate this, Japanese over here would probably say something along those lines on.

  • Then a couple of the color schemes here, a dark cam 01 And then this one, which almost looks like a kind of space type with just being all white, with yellow marking on there for that.

  • Speaking of wasps, here is just wasp marking on here, showing the hand painting looks like of that onto their painting 29 logo on here and then just explanation.

  • So again, it's a little bit about just the design process of the kid.

  • It looks like a look at the Neto p k a kid down there and kind of everything that was included with that looks like appear on the next page.

  • We got a little bit about the 1 20 Super Bowl and a couple of cool bits down here.

  • And then an open, open, cockpit open Hatch version.

  • There will be the 1/16 action model Fireball there.

  • That's pretty cool.

  • And just some more kind of work in progress.

  • Studio shots down there, some cool composite images there looks like sort or just shots.

  • There is a link again.

  • Ozzy Mac a modeling in Japan.

  • A little bit about Lincoln.

  • There, another photo.

  • So it's a big section, apparently, about him in this book.

  • So this whole bit I'll have to take a look takes more time to translate all of this and see what this is all talking about about Lincoln.

  • But there he is, with all the crew there and what looks to be like a pretty large Luna diver kid there.

  • I'm not sure which version is that, says 1/20 scale.

  • I didn't know the 1 20 scale lunar never was that big of a kid.

  • That's pretty surprising, but, you know, it's pretty box scene that, but not sure, anyway.

  • That's a beautiful color scheme on their looks.

  • Really nice, of course, really has this sort of aquatic life.

  • Sort of like stingray kind of looking color scheme on there for the camel color scheme on that down here.

  • The, uh, pilot giving the thumbs up in the Falk again.

  • That's something that Lincoln recently recreated in a A couple projects.

  • There he is.

  • Otaku guy Jian modeler Lincoln.

  • Right?

  • Okay.

  • Lincoln wasn't officially branded otaku back in the day, apparently.

  • All right, now, look at a couple of the kids here.

  • Got the guns of here.

  • Uh, polar bear and a little outdoor Dire Emma.

  • Their winter dire, Emma.

  • They were a little bit of snow on the ground and up here.

  • There's a few more of those.

  • I wonder if any of these are the ones that are on display at Yellow Submarine in Tokyo.

  • I can't remember.

  • I know Lincoln does have a couple of these on display.

  • At last.

  • I knew at Yellow Submarine and Cabra.

  • I'm not sure if it's any of these particular models here from this magazine or not.

  • I'm sure if he sees this, he'll be able to tell me yes or no either way, but that's pretty interesting.

  • All right.

  • Anyway, over here painted Super Bowl resident get there with the resin 1 20 figure there, it looks like as well.

  • And then the Mak es in S F three d bomb voyage, bullying one.

  • Another book there.

  • It looks like what I believe is the book that is here in the front, in the back here, this one that was mentioned in the front of the book Next feature is going to be all about the Super Bowl.

  • Got some images of those plants based.

  • I wonder how they took these photographs.

  • I'm also curious just because it's pretty cool.

  • Pretty interesting how they took these for the rest.

  • I would assume that this is actually taken from the top down, like the camera's actually above them and they're just shining a light straight from the front.

  • And but I'm not sure how they would create that, but I'm assuming this is all this is.

  • None of this is, ah, digital work on this.

  • I mean, this is all just a natural lighting on those, and they're just using a black backdrop.

  • But be interesting to learn a little bit more about that.

  • There's Lincoln again, along with the guys there in the shop and over here is interesting breakdown of the variance over here, the snake I s F s Super Bowl and the wrapped er over there.

  • So just so experience of s f s again some cool images just of those They're some of the painter model that I would assume the painted models, probably that were used in this image over here.

  • I guess how that I detail there was painted on.

  • That's pretty cool.

  • And then some more shots of those again.

  • Great, definitely really nice samples here that are really, really good reference material for if you're painting these yourself.

  • So I love this color scheme will definitely have to try that on a future kit personally as well.

  • And then it's more about serve all just details of that little bent antenna the periscope on the top, cables at the back of the ankles and all of that.

  • A couple open hatch.

  • Open cockpit versions of that.

  • And then over here, 1 20 scales rocket.

  • This one is from a wave.

  • So I believe that was probably very on in the early days of when wave was making my tickets.

  • I believe someone can correct me if I'm wrong.

  • on that.

  • But before they were just the Premier League of Benito.

  • And then they started being done by Wave and Hasegawa.

  • Right?

  • That's really cool.

  • Then we have Mac N S F three d limited edition Super Bowl were here three, No figure, no life.

  • This be the figure sets that you could get for those.

  • Because, of course, if we're gonna have the kids, we needed some figures to go along with them.

  • So now we're getting into the section which appears to be this kind of focused on just the figures, which is also really cool to see these be some of the earlier, more popular ones there.

  • This would be a pilot for the snake, I believe.

  • No Fireball.

  • I believe this woman was originally meant for you just got some different shots of these and then just inside a little bit different color schemes for these.

  • So there's two options you can see for that's different color eyes and different color shirts and hair, but essentially kind of mostly all the same kind of stuff there.

  • That's pretty interesting.

  • Over here.

  • Someone would've just like a step by step guide is for painting these so just construction, spraying your base coats.

  • Let's bring your skin tone and then painting details and then sharpening up the details and then further sharpening up the details to get your final product.

  • They're.

  • So here's a look at a line up of these.

  • If I remember correctly, this one was modeled after a specific actress or model or something.

  • I can't remember who I am, and then we've got just a bunch of tools there.

  • There was another set, and all of this just simply garage tools, things like that.

  • Also used for these sets will be the figure set A, which also includes Lincoln, and that there is no hear explanations, extra and playback of the set.

  • There's option parts for that.

  • It's more about some of these individual products, and then the peek a US G Gustaf and peek a US mellow scene kids here, so a little bit just gonna be about these here.

  • Those are, as we saw earlier in the book.

  • We got some cool samples here and once again showing a modified figure there to have his hand like out on the side of the chassis.

  • There's that's pretty cool, and then more samples down here of front painted figures and then some Dia Rama building using some different parts.

  • Just build up this dire Emma that's producing some, uh, foliage foliage there as well, and just setting the models in along with the diorama.

  • We've got some cool samples of that using the dire mas, and it looks like kind of basically whether doing here is just like building the base diorama and then just using that for multiple models for not setting the actual main model in there, but just being able to reuse the dire Emma for taking photos of of different models, if that makes sense, so just basically creating a di Rama, which can be reused for multiple kids, different models just for taking photos.

  • Basically, So it's cool idea.

  • Once again, the more information about these new models when they came out looks like this was a special, limited edition Super Bowl came out.

  • That'd be cool to have one of those T shirts pretty awesome.

  • That was from a 2011 in July of 2011.

  • Say it's been a little while.

  • Probably not many of those still floating around out assume that's what the products over here.

  • Some model calfskin stuff.

  • All right, what we have next, the Fireball s, f s and Prowler.

  • Some of my personal favorite designs here.

  • So you've got a little bit about those against some cool color schemes up there.

  • One of them with the figure fireball down here is the cool red and whites read an off white space white color scheme for that.

  • Or here.

  • Look at the snowman variation.

  • Cute with the face and the carrot nose attached on there and over here.

  • Shark face, Snowman version of that as well.

  • And just a black and red close game for that's pretty rare to see one in such dark colors, I think.

  • But does it also looked pretty cool when it's so dark, though just kind of hard to really appreciate the forms, I think as much compared to in the lighter color schemes.

  • I think you can really kind of see a lot more what's going on there.

  • But when it's dark, a lot of its kind of lost in there, but does still look pretty cool.

  • I think you see some of the detail images down here.

  • A s, a p of Ah, Prowler.

  • They're painted up like so this one.

  • A pretty unique color scheme here the like.

  • Well, 10 like dill, red and gold blue.

  • It's a pretty interesting, unique color scheme for that.

  • Whitmore, about fireball there and then some other products, including the release of the Griffin, was a very end of bulk.

  • All right, on then, about the Griffin.

  • All right, so that would be next.

  • And so you got a hangar here with a couple examples.

  • Also, some really cool color schemes for these group shot there on the roof.

  • I would imagine this would be the roof above Coke.

  • I'm a census offices there because often seen in these photographs like this that they're often going up taking pictures, they're on the roof.

  • It would seem it's a work in progress.

  • Shots of some of the different detail work on this.

  • Some of these different little detail bits using different rods and hollowing out parts, things like that just to create a Maur in scale.

  • Look for that looks really super cool and again to some nice detail shots of this close up shots at some of that stuff.

  • Over here, it's different color scheme a little bit similar sort of to the color scheme no Lincoln's currently doing for his build of the folk for his book color, the pattern of camouflaged little bit similar and another thing for one over here.

  • More blotchy style color scheme for that on a snowman version and the same colors.

  • No actual knows which is a painted nose on that.

  • This that also looks like a seal states the eyes and the nose there.

  • And then, like the well red part, it's like a little tongue sticking out or polar bear.

  • Maybe that's what is supposed to be actually, uh, steal or polar bear something like that, actually, sorry instead of the Snowman buddy.

  • But it does look really cool.

  • Of course, that's pretty interesting as well.

  • So whatever new products over here and the cat, sir, it's more detail and work in progress shots on that, creating the using the different brass rods for creating some details on dhe, then the pipes adding those onto the kit.

  • The pilot figureheads, Of course, those are also often used whenever you got the cockpit open.

  • You see these pilot figureheads inside there, so there's just in this case the carpet is not open.

  • They're just behind the clear, transparent canopy on that's so essential part of that designs, you can see there's a pretty cool color schemes here for this.

  • I like that green and gray with the orange is yellow stripe on that That color scheme is also looking pretty cool.

  • Couple more samples here and a dark, bluish gray kemo.

  • And then it just kind of dark gray, basically with some interesting details painted on that one as well.

  • It's a close up look at some of those the snake and the 61 very large logos on that, this one again done with some intentional chipping, of doing the base coat in orange and then the coat over that in this kind of dark gray and you're chipping away of this to create the chipping there, rather than adding the chipping on its actual physically chipped the paint to create that something I don't really particularly have the braveness to do but can be done with some practice and experience.

  • It's gonna look at this one here with the chain pretty interesting, and to some production photos with like of what you get with this will be chronic wrote.

  • I believe that one there, uh, in the guns.

  • Or maybe that would be the guns.

  • Yes.

  • OK, so the guns is next.

  • Really cool night image here of that, That's pretty interesting.

  • And over here, just some more detail shots of that when it's fully lit up.

  • Very cool.

  • Unique.

  • Look for that one as well.

  • I love like the canisters are on there before missiles there.

  • Of course, if you can see poking out the front in this image down here, so cool detail shots of that as well.

  • And up here again to some more detail shots of the inn.

  • A different color scheme.

  • So pretty similar but a little bit different colors for this one here and got the cool Jack O'Lantern logo on that one.

  • And then the very Max style color scheme down here on this one.

  • Worries got the circles and the yellow lines pattern going on.

  • That's very similar to The Nutcracker that we saw at the start of the book.

  • Anyway.

  • Guns over here and kind of lavender kind of color looked pretty cool.

  • Good for night photos on, then some more shots here.

  • Playback, new items Ah, new kid there and look at how young he looks without the glasses.

  • He looks so young in this photo.

  • Just the smile without the glasses.

  • I'm not something about it.

  • Just looks You're young, indeed.

  • Very cute.

  • Uh, and then over here s a F snf sa s s a f s a mark three.

  • So another cool shot there of these in a little diagram I sitting there like that in the mud.

  • A couple more detail progress photos there.

  • You've painted samples down there in off way and some different color samples here like this.

  • You can see dark, bluish gray, the dark, greenish and darker grey off white color schemes there for that.

  • Really cool markings for this one.

  • This is a unique one.

  • I don't think I've ever really seen this one.

  • Actually, before these lines markings around on, that's pretty cool.

  • Pretty unique.

  • I don't think I've ever seen this woman before or like any one's marked in this way.

  • That's pretty interesting.

  • Some decal marking variants Q and P.

  • Different markings for that fish marking, of course, cool illustration appear of another Tink and then the S.

  • F s and the 1/6 scale Super Armour Fighting suits, Snowman.

  • This one, I believe, was a figure not a model kit, but just a figure that you could buy that one.

  • And then down here, the Chaos G.

  • Gustaf Kid once again under one of those studio shots here of the 1 20 scale Grover Hounds Gruber, Hound Gruber, Huns.

  • And then, once again, that's ah, snow image that we saw the very front as well of the I think it's gross or hunting.

  • Sorry.

  • I think you guys told you that that pronounces as double s Cross or hunt.

  • I believe again, not really too good on German words.

  • So forgive me for that.

  • But there's a breakdown of just what some of the stuff is of the designs.

  • That's pretty cool.

  • It's kind of background knowledge.

  • It looks like of the design here.

  • We've got some cool sample builds of this one.

  • Now, just the kind of Is that the same one that is here?

  • Yeah.

  • It was to be the one from the Snow Di Roma there.

  • That's pretty awesome.

  • Like I was just like it seems like the entire thing was, maybe in this sort of dark green kind of color scheme.

  • And then just the white was just painted over.

  • That really gives the look that the white was just kind of slapped on, maybe like just because it was transitions or moved to like a snowy location.

  • So they need that extra bit of camouflage for that.

  • So really cool coloring for that, with the white painted on top of there really cool, like alien looking design here with just being like all yellow, mostly kind of desert, sort of theme looking camouflage for that and just Maur examples of that and a very interesting design down here with Fireball.

  • Essentially, it looks like it has turned into some sort of super sent I monster sort of thing.

  • So with the scales in the eyes and the mouth, everything's pretty interesting there and a grocer hound laying down also pretty interesting.

  • And we got another cool, dire Emma build over here with a what looks to be like a crashed griffin.

  • It looks pretty awesome.

  • Some event they're with some different stuff.

  • Seymour item playback with the release of some different stuff here, Never.

  • Items including some specialized decals and Gustaf whole big section.

  • Now probably think this is gonna be probably the last one specifically about a specific model kissed all about the Gustaf here, masking clear canopy parts for that for painting, painting the canopy and you've got some different color variations.

  • Now here for this in different types of good stuff, this one as well.

  • I think it's from the same drama with the aggressor hounds.

  • It's got the same kind of color scheme with being a darker and then the white painted on top of that done down here.

  • And then I believe this is other ones.

  • There was two that were going along with that in the photo, or for that for that photo set Darker color scheme.

  • One down here is kind of standard darker green with the white patch and then a white and orange version and tan and white stripped version there.

  • So it's really interesting to see along the way.

  • Just the releases of these.

  • The artwork that coil comma has done for the box are for these artists, from the promotional artwork for these always really cool like take a look at that, this big poster.

  • I'm not sure if that would be the original painting or a poster creative, the original painting for the original cross or Hunt boxer.

  • I believe that is, and so that is really awesome.

  • Would that be so cool if I would just have, Ah, have a poster of that signed by co Come up, man, that pretty awesome to have in the studio, wouldn't you think?

  • Never.

  • Here's a little more about the fireball.

  • It looks like maybe a different release of that in April 2012.

  • The basic paint version.

  • So there you go down here we have Max's paint style of the all over color of pains, but this time it looks like this was done with airbrush rather than hand painted it on there.

  • So again, it's a little different look different with a different variation.

  • Thio.

  • The painting style for that was really cool.

  • Close up images.

  • Here it's a different close up photos of the fireball and then a few Maur here, mostly in the off white color scheme.

  • Usually for the fireball, it looks like seems to be the most common version.

  • And then this really cool skull pattern painted on the pilot's helmet.

  • That's pretty interesting.

  • Often seen, the skull pattern paints it on the fireball on outside, but not usually on the actual presents.

  • Helmet, I think.

  • Not like that, anyway.

  • That's pretty cool.

  • And then, of course, the paint cars, these air paint cars that are available when I set some of the kids has come within an individual one for the particular kid.

  • And there's also like some sets that I've seen are available.

  • You can buy separately as well.

  • So those are just cool reference images there again just for painting.

  • But if you have something like a book like this where it covers a ton of different paint schemes, maybe you don't particularly need that.

  • But this is also a good reference for, like, decals and things like that as well, usually laid out there a few more items Looks like out over here, and this last part here just looks like a conversation year between Max Onda.

  • Coco mustn't say just about maybe some of this stuff here in the book when he just likes him.

  • Commentary there at the end, and that is it.

  • So, uh, that is the archive of Volume two.

  • Sorry, I can't go into a ton of detail about what some of the text actually isn't here.

  • I just want to give you guys coming over.

  • Look, just kind of threw everything because I think if you're like me, you're going to maybe want to translate some of the stuff that you're more particularly interested in reading.

  • But there's a lot of information in here, So mostly this is just a photo reference guide for me.

  • Personally, I'll go ahead and just, like, translated, read some of that stuff.

  • But for the most part, this is just good inspiration for different painting, different color schemes and things like that, not only from Machining Krieger, but I'll often look to machining career stuff for just ideas for colors and things like that for even painting come play as well.

  • So hopefully this was interesting for you guys.

  • If you're interested in this type of books, I've got ah, few more books that I need to get around to reviewing for you guys not machine career related, other different gun but Gundam gunplay related books.

  • So I'll try to work on those for you guys in the near future.

  • And meantime, thanks so much for watching.

it's going on, guys that they were gonna take a look at the Mak es and S F three d archive.


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