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  • Pika!

  • (narrator) We begin our story at the Bulbasaur family.

  • At three days old, they're still learning to use their legs.

  • Our big boy, Leafy, is trying to be the leader of the pack, as he goes on a little adventure.

  • Our little girl Rose, however,

  • decides instead to settle in for a nap.

  • The runt of the little, Bulby, wants to follow in his big brother's footsteps,

  • and also gives wandering a try.

  • However, with his shaky legs, he doesn't quite make it as far.

  • Waa.

  • (narrator) Aw!

  • Our next stop is the Squirtle family.

  • At three weeks old, these guys have gotten a little more used to their legs.

  • But mastering them will take a little more time yet.

  • But that doesn't mean they can't get into all sorts of trouble!

  • [flush]

  • Now I think it's about time we went to check how the Charmander family's doing.

  • [screams]

  • (man) Oh my Go...



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A2 初級

太可愛:神奇寶貝 (Too Cute: Pokémon)

  • 483 17
    擦擦 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日