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  • Today, 80% of the people in Thailand are protected if the worst happens;

  • if they get sick, disabled or injured and cannot afford health care.

  • 47 million Thais are covered by the Universal Coverage Scheme,

  • known as the “U-C-S”

  • and many of them are part of Thailand’s vast informal economy.

  • Before the UCS, when I had to be hospitalized,

  • it was difficult to pay

  • and I had to beg the doctor to be released early.

  • Now when I’m admitted to the hospital

  • and the doctor tells me to rest for a week I can.

  • I didn’t have to pay and I recovered faster.”

  • In 2001,

  • the Royal Thai Government introduced universal health care coverage.

  • Today, every Thai citizen who is not covered

  • by other public health care schemes has access to the U-C-S,

  • a key component of the Thaisocial protection floor.”

  • The scheme offers a comprehensive health care package

  • and emphasis on prevention.

  • U-C-S health care workers and doctors also travel to remote villages,

  • and set up a network of volunteers which advises local people

  • on health issues, especially how to prevent illness.

  • They will inform people that if their illness is minor,

  • go to the health center;

  • but if their illness is serious, go to the hospital.

  • They also teach them health precautions

  • in preventing dengue fever and mosquitoes, and environmental health.”

  • The costs of the UCS amount to less than 1% of

  • Thailand’s annual Gross Domestic Product.

  • That relatively small investment has resulted in a substantial improvement

  • in the health status of the Thai people.

  • The U-C-S helps to prevent minor illnesses that can take productive workers

  • out of the labour force and lowers the burden of health care costs to families.

  • The Universal Coverage Scheme does also contribute to reducing poverty

  • and raising productivity across Thailand.

Today, 80% of the people in Thailand are protected if the worst happens;


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B1 中級

泰國:一個健康的社會是一個富有成效的社會 (Thailand: a healthy society is a productive society)

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    小葉子 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日