Let's closetheeyes, andifyouhave a towelorsomethingtocoveryoureyes, I wasgettingthisnice, comfortablebreathingposition.
It's justallowaboutMrTorelaxanddownshift.
Trainingsession, justwhitenose.
Let's makesureallthisbreathiscomingintothebelly.
16 yearsold, I wasinon a familyvacation, wasinUtah.
Mybuddycalledmeandaskedif I wantedtocheckout a kickboxinggym.
I think I wasinhighschool.
I wasin a freshmanorsophomore, somethinglikethatand I checkedoutthekickboxinggymand I justwaslike, Damn, thisis I wanttodothisforever I didn't thinkthat I waslikeas a careerandnecessarily, butlike I wanttodothisSoit's keptgoing, neverstopped.
Andthenourhere, wegot a team.
I haveanawesomerelationship, likehe's rightnow.
He's mycoachwhenwe'rehere.
Butassoonasweleave, we'rebestfriends.
Youknow, we'reprettysimilarin a lotofways.
How I had a lotofthethingsweliketojokeabout, say, fuckedupshit.
Sowayhave a podcastofthis?
Isthatyouknow, kindofshitwetalkaboutwhenit's it's a coachrelationshipwhenwe'reatthegym, butit's stillthatfriendrelationship.
Butit's like, youknow, welivedtogetherfor a coupleofyearswhen I firstmoveddowntoPhoenixandwebuiltthatchemistrylikehewasstillfightingatthetime, too.
Buteverytime I had a fight, hewasmycoach.
Soit's justlike a really, reallygoodrelationshipon, huh?
I definitelywouldn't beinthispositionwithoutmyprediction.
Prettymuch I feellikeit's alwaysgonnabe a firstroundKo.
So, yeah, I thinkthatthatcoulddefinitelyhelp, But I thinkalsoplayingtoomuchcandecreaseallthat.
When I playedthatgame, mybrainwouldhurt.
Thatcan't begoodforme.
So I thinkthere's a certainlevel, likeanything I hadhad a lotofdifferent.
Youknow, I'vehad a lotofdifferentsponsoredOtherSantaswantstuckwithme.
Butinthatperiod, I wassignedOptic.
I wassigned.
I wassignedwith, like, 456 othersponsors.
Youknow, comingoutwhenyouhave a followingyoucanyoucanprettymuchrun a businessoffyourinstagram, soyeah, I'm like, asfaras I keepgettingasked, youget a joboryou'reout.
I literallyhavemoremoneynowthan I didaftermylastfight, and I don't understandhow.
I just I guess I justsavedthemoney.
I wasmakingreallyboughtanything.
So, yeah, it's beengoodtime.
Mom's beengood.
Yeah, I knowforsurepeople.
So I saidthatanotherinterviewsurewillcostpasses.
So, youknow, it's like I'm on a winstreak.
Well, I'm surewewill.
Youknow, he's like I said, he's livingthatlifestyle.
If I'm gonnabeworldchamp, so I'm surewe'llcrosspaths.
I sawyoutweeted.
And I acknowledge, I said, I respectyou, acknowledgeandwe'reondifferentlevels.