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Dusted point way.
Tonight's fight is scheduled for 35 minutes.
White trunks for you, Black trunks for boy.
Good roundhouse kick to the midsection lands a clean combination.
Swinging early.
Both men.
That's a hard up for a touch of the head.
Straight left by car, Right, left combination.
He is really finding his range with that uppercut.
They engage early boys.
Me is blocked and he lands a trip now made a very nice.
He's looking for the choke.
He's trying to get it and he got his head up.
Clinch are used with a good need from the clinch he clipped, have been exchanging.
Got double under hooks and he pulls away straight.
Punch boy with a good connection.
I think he's looking to set that up landing.
Will man that chaps really effective with her?
Big straight.
There's a nice combination, and they break free straight left inside leg kick and a guinea.
Connect back with that straight left toys.
Cut is getting nice one, too, with a right left can't connect with Jeff.
Good right hand minute remains is mixing it up nicely.
He's a really good job of timing shots nicely Time Quick clip with the right.
Those punches are very hard.
Nice block of that head shot.
Good counter uppercut by poi Nice Really connecting with great job with the roundhouse And that'll be the end of round number one starting off this round.
You gotta think he's probably still hurt from that last round.
He's gonna want to move and avoid taking damage early.
Stunning big combinations.
Oh, very nice combination he heard landed a gigantic kick for the knockout.
Once again, here's our flight replay.
Here it is from a different angle and here we see it again, lands perfectly.
And that's the end.
Here's Bruce Buffer with the official decision.
Ladies and gentlemen, referee Mario Yamasaki is called a stop to this contest at 56 seconds of round number two.