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Aye, Aye.
How's it going, guys?
What's up?
Hello, everyone.
I'm, uh This is where we'll couple things government Doc is is back on my channel, so I'm back to hosting it.
But I'm not back to hosting.
I'm temporarily hosting it.
I'm back to hosting the show on my on my channel.
But I'm only temporarily hosting tonight's show as unlike leading tonight's show, because Tim's not with us today, but anyway.
How's it going, guys?
L've you guys watching live.
Ah, and those you may be watching later.
This is gonna Pataki Episode 50 50 The big event.
And, boy, have we prepared something special with all of these extra frilly celebrations?
Yeah, we've got a new layouts.
That's cool.
Ah, that's pretty much it, though.
We're back on my child.
Oh, uh, So, basically, we were having trouble with, uh I don't know if we mentioned this lighter than last time.
So did we.
Why we were why we moved.
It tends to remember some people were wondering, but ah is because that Ah, what is it?
Google chats.
You'll hang out.
That's what it's gonna hang out, was discontinued.
And so basically there was no real way to do a good group chat like this live streaming on YouTube unless you used ah, paid subscription service.
Like what we're using now, which I wasn't using before.
But now I'm using it as well.
If you guys watch my Lincoln my interview with Lincoln the other day, I used it for the first time with him, and now we're using it here, and it works pretty good.
So, yeah.
How's it going, guys?
Yeah, really Good.
Really Good night for Josh and I.
But it's early morning for John.
So, John, maybe a little bit fresher than Josh and I, uh, yeah, and I'm loaded the caffeine for, uh, for those of you guys who aren't aware of who, John biases.
That s right.
All right, cool.
Uh, John one.
Do you Go ahead, Introduce yourself.
Uh, like you said, I'm John Bias.
I've got ah.
But john, bias dot com and I have all the usual social media and ah, patri on.
And, uh, I've got I do blog's I've started doing videos.
I mainly focused on SciFi now, but for about 10 years prior to this, I have done ludes of aircraft.
Enough burned me out.
So that's that's what I do.
And I have.
I'm glad to be here if I was doing a lot more fun, isn't it?
It's so much more variation.
I I think so.
I I like the I mean, not that you can't do use your imagination with a spitfire or a P 51 but nobody wants to see a spitfire that you just you just do what you want.
You know, when you when you take something inside find you say, Well, this is what I imagine it to be.
People just say, Oh, cool, you know, a lot of freedom there that was wondered about that with like, with the military and stuff, It feels like the creativity.
You could be creative, but it's within this kind of little dome.
And if it likes, I find other stuff.
You could just branch out like you said.
But I guess even though it's within that little dome, you still can have a great amount of fun within that as well.
Yeah, yeah, with with military stuff, Um, I mean, certainly there's parameters and nothing says you can't do what you want.
I mean, if you're sitting at your house and you're building something and just gonna sit on your shelf, you won't paint it purple.
Paint it purple.
But you know how it is as soon as you put it out on the theatre webs.
Um, you know, that's That's not the shade of dirt that they had in cursed in 1943.
And and that's that za little nonsense, I think, at times so.
But at the same time, I mean, there've been times I've seen people say Here, here's some dump all that I did and, you know, somewhere safe, you know, in the anime it wasn't that color of red.
You know something that you can run ways, but there's certainly more freedom to just say, Well, I imagine it to be here, and everybody's just happy with all that looks cool.
That's that seems to be the main thing.
Doesn't look Mmm.
Well, well, I have a bunch more questions, though, so we'll talk more about your case on that.
Yeah, a lot of there's plenty of stuff that would that would get to talking about, uh, drum, but Josh as well You just wanna go ahead and show yourself.
Yeah, I'm a drug for Darren.
Lived in Australia and I build gum plot on.
Don't think quietly you might on my own.
Just doing some snap kids and stuff.
That was much usual.
Just crazy detail ing.
And you could buy my Zeta book with junk.
Which jumbo?
I'm still for sale on my website.
And I got on my art prints and stuff like that.
You could say hi to me on all the social media is a swell.
Yeah, I think it's probably happens every time that I have a video showing your poster in the background.
I'll get a message from someone.
Hey, where did you get that financial poster on you?
Like Nowhere.
I did it myself.
Yes, hopefully.
Hopefully you're getting some sales off everyone I'm directing to your side.
But because I do get random ones like it'll be like a month or two with nothing, And then just some random Cylon a mile up the hill.
And maybe it's maybe it's just from your videos.
Yeah, Could be.
You're welcome.
Getting royalties.
Now I gotta get my cut of that 300 times ing over here.
Lucky that you sent me to absolutely biggest one.
So I have the wall over there.
No, I love it.
I have to go.
You got to win.
We wonder, will you move back to the States?
And I get set up there at us again of store?
Oh, yeah.
You had to get me a couple of there Giant with the ao size Air size?
Philip, the whole Philip, the whole shop background.
That's it?
On the ceiling.
Came over to do a mural.
Oh, man, that would be Yeah, to get, like, actual illustration just went straight on the wall.
That be pretty?
Also, Man would be so much fun old on my ballpoint pen on there for, like, eight months.
I think the ah of, like the the people who have, like, a photographic memory who, like, draw city like from memory just like impassable the world gigantic stuff.
And they're just sitting there and it's just from memory.
Like they sold a photo once or something like, uh, like days and days just drying out this gigantic Nero.
It's crazy.
That'd be a cool skill, I guess, to have I don't know if you could really do a whole lot with that.
But you're saying breakfast and I wonder if it's like a skill or if it's like they're tormented until they get that out on paper and then they're free from the memory.
It's looking like a bad superpower.
Yeah, yeah.
You have to wonder if when they were kids and their parents were shouting at him about drawing on the wall and now you know it's there live.
Yeah, that's it.
I know that.
Yeah, Yeah.
Um, it's an impressive skill, tohave nonetheless in AA.
And I'm Zach, as you guys are very well aware, is here on my channel, so it won't spend too much time on my intro.
Uh, with that's You guys wanna talk about what you're working on first or you want to sit?
Let's talk about what we're working on first, before we get into your stuff, that's more gonna know.
I've got a little bit of show and tell time, But first, my show and tell is, where is the various?
That's this is what I've been working on.
Zach, Zach Cook.
Nearly every band I sent send over for this one.
This is a haze and flay.
I finally know how to actually talk this out properly now with all the punctuation and everything.
Uh, and And I was slowly building the guy together and I was texting Zach.
Oh, man.
This part so cool and blah, blah.
It's so unique and everything on, But I still can't get every spot flaps.
Just horizontal.
It's like they're just in there.
Everything is ridiculous and so cool.
Yeah, teeny.
This is probably the biggest ratio of torso dilates.
I think I've seen that man is beautiful.
If any of you are like 1/2 interested in this, you probably already have it already.
I mean, the good old good old cross poking out there.
But, man, really fun build, really looking forward to the Roswell.
So, you know, I meant to send you the link for this, but I saw one on Twitter of one a guy had designed.
He had designed it in three D and three D printed one, but he made the back skirts and a little bit different way.
And it was really cool looking and said, I like it here.
Inside there, like down on the sides a little bit and the shape is bigger.
And there were you.
Not like square.
Wait, I really think that.
And I was about to say you probably sold this because people, but yeah, a ll The painting was good.
That was the guy who was scratched building it.
I think you a scratch building it, um He's just been calling for, like, the past year or something like that.
Yeah, I think that's a different one.
I think that, but no, he three d printed decide skirts.
Just the side scare parts, I think.
Just the side skirts.
Yeah, but it looks it looks wonderful.
So anyway, this is really fun, and it's huge.
It's really fun.
So just snapped building good fund.
And I'm gonna show you guys some non gun plus stuff.
I'm gonna try and do.
Ah, screen share things.
See if I can get this working.
Just scream something, Daniel Sick.
Try not to do too much television.
Let's see.
Can you see that?
It's like a woodworking tables table, huh?
Hang on.
I I can throw it up here for you.
Yeah, that working.
Ah, yeah.
It's a nice to see some woodworking.
I miss Woodward.
Yes, John?
Have you done much woodworking?
Not since high school in that whole friend thing, but theme, the whole the whole finger gone thing.
You lose a finger?
No, no, you're right.
Yes, Uh, s so, uh, this this this this thing from Canada.
You see that?
The round board game, man.
Oh, man.
Oh, so it's called.
It's called Crow can all or cracking all I had never heard of it before, and I saw a review on YouTube.
And basically, it's like a sliding disc game and the round Centrum Centre bit.
This isn't mine.
This is Ah, Google Image Search center.
It is old polish and wax super sliding.
So it's almost like curling in the Olympics, where they slide that thing and it goes really far.
Basically, you have two players, white and black, and there's all these circles of different point zones and you flick your discs on.
You have to at least touch one of your opponents discs each shop.
Otherwise you'll lose all your points and stuff.
But anyway, the guy on YouTube said it was really addictive, and I'm like, I'm I'm gonna try and get one of these.
They're a few $100 then a few $100 to deliver, so a lot of people build him.
So here is Josh's tale of how I started building one.
Um, how probably crosses that?
It's okay.
I'm gonna tell you in millimeters.
It's about seven or 70 centimeters.
So 22 and 1/2 feet.
Maybe so it's pretty big.
Yeah, on generally use plywood for the for the base of it.
And and so what I wouldn't need to do is this is my This is my plywood here.
Um and I needed to cut this into a circle and of course, you can use a geek soul or something like that.
But I wanted to do something tricky, and I looked up on YouTube to throw on how to do it on a table soul.
And how you do it is, of course, you can't just run it through a table so circular, cause it'll griffin flick in, kill whoever's around.
Eso this this would have been in the middle of this is just little runner.
So I cut a little bit of wood to be the runner, and then I screwed that onto the bottom of my kind of control base and then put a nail in the middle.
And then this top piece of wood is my main board.
And basically, what you do is you.
That's not it.
I jumped ahead.
Hang on.
Another notable in order.
Okay, I got it.
I got to find the ones that are in order.
Oh, this is This is terrible.
Goes but the cut the eyes away more and more and more, More, more.
You cut a single bullet back, rotate it, push it through, pull back rotated, and you do, like 10 cots.
20 costs 32.
And then finally, you go through when you end up with the circle like that.
That was real Sinus morning, but yeah, a 1,000,000 cuts yet they're they're like a stop sign.
Yeah, forever.
It wasn't too long.
It may be.
And they took me, like, 20 minutes to do it or 15 minutes setting up and getting old.
My measurements, right.
That because of what you put the screw in the wrong spot.
And where's my Yeah.
So that's how it looked when it was round.
And then what?
I wanted to make was kind of like a hexagon around the outside s o my girlfriend rent a wood shop where you get thio, pay a certain amount of weak, and you get to use older tools.
One of the guys there have this new drop soul angular thing, and you have to set your angle to be 2022.5 degrees, which I thought was a really random angle.
But of course is actually half of 45.
So there was actually setting on the soul to go to 22.5 degrees.
And you just cuddle the pieces out and make the next fall through here.
And he was like, my eight sign.
That's eight Signs, right?
1234 Fun yet no sides on dhe.
And this is where it felt a bit.
Gump lied because that lower left one, of course angles and never perfect.
He was a little bit big.
So bring it back in the solar shave off like 1/4 of a millimetre.
Put it back in, get it all perfect.
So that was kind of the base of it.
And then using a bunch of wood clamps, t fluid altogether and you find the next bit.
So then with with my round bit.
Then I got a bunch of wood glue.
I don't know if would lose gotten just like insanely tech and just amazing now.
But you put the wood glue down, and it's like, stronger than the wood itself.
So when you pull him or not, you know the border break.
It's crazy, Um, and I that when ah ah a few years back when I built our bed frame for our previous department.
Then when we moved out, we just we trashed it and was trying to pull a thing apart.
And, like for a couple of them, I couldn't get a partisan was like had an effect like break the boards.
Yeah, yeah, it's ridiculous.
Um, and I bought a bunch of wanted to be near the top of it, so it looks like real nice.
Would, of course, at one point I was trying to source would that's like 700 millimeters wide.
And that would just cost, like $1000.
Of course.
Yeah, so I got a bunch of veneer and I watched some YouTube tutorials and had it put in your own.
Obviously, I didn't watch enough.
And I didn't practice enough because put the veneer down and it was really nice, but I ended up with a lot of, like, bubbles and stuff like that.
So what I do is then afterwards, I have to slice the veneer and then pride up with toothpicks, pack glue in and then clamp clamp it down to get rid of the bubbles.
And there were a few on there.
And then I noticed there were more and more, and I probably had to do about 20 bubbles over the whole thing s Oh, that.
That was a bit disappointed.
And then there were working equivalent of silver ring of decals.
Yeah, dude, Yes, That is perfect.
That is exactly it.
Yeah, that's when were you working on this and how to do?
How did we never hear about this until now?
I don't want one house prepping for the show.
I'm like, Oh, what have I been working on my wood thing off?
Shit, I haven't shown them.
I don't know why I haven't told you guys.
Yeah, it's been my main project for, like, the pots a month or so.
Oh, Yeah, and there were a couple bits where the veneer didn't line up perfectly.
So of course I'm having fun being super meticulous and cutting little, teeny, tiny splinters of a near delay in so that they you can barely see the difference.
I think I have.
Ah, before and after here.
Here's a visit before of one of the feelings that I did.
Let me find that after.
And then, of course, you let it dry and then you send it back and it basically disappears and its own us.
It's kind of like sanding putty and then prime idiot, it's Israel nice.
And then my, my optical on bit.
What I wanted to do was put some little details in between each of the octagon pieces.
So I am.
They have ah Dremel here, and I bought a little router thing for, like, 50 bucks so that I can route a little little grooves in the middle like that, um, and then cut little strips of a near and lay them in like that.
It's just like standing back.
Some joins you've done on comply or something.
Just making Old Missy with the glue and then just standing back in it and it fills with gas.
That's so nice.
Yeah, really good.
It's really good.
The Internet Really good.
It was really fun.
Yeah, it reminds me of my wife was marquetry and it reminds me of that.
What's what's marquetry again?
It's It's where you you take pieces of wood, that air, you know, you small pieces of wood and you put them together so that they come out of picture like a lion or, Oh, something like that.
But it sze like that just hundreds and hundreds of little pieces put together like a puzzle is that Is it kind of like like in Les sort of thing, when you put all the wood together?
Yeah, it's but it sze over the top of a piece of what It's not.
It's not late, but yeah, I'm sure she'll start off with a design and cut little pieces of wood into a certain shape and glue it on.
And then another one and another one before you know what you end up with, You know, like a hedge harder a squirrel or something.
It's It's amazing stuff, Dan.
That sounds nice.
You need that?
I find the whole edge with unplugged.
Um, uh, yeah, I'm planning on this being my first draft board, and I want to do all the ones, but yeah, so far of And then, of course, the would you have to cover it in a polyurethane.
And I got, like, an acrylic part of your thing.
And this is calls the shots in the sun because it is just such a nice moment If any of you guys have oiled wood before and you put the oil or the lacquer on and it just eats up into the wood and it looks so almost glittery, it was really nice.
On this is this is the board so far, and you can see some of my I put a little bit extra polyurethane in there, kind of like putty thio feeling some of the holes.
So this is where it's at.
So far beyond what you have to do is you have thio put in these markings with a sharpie or paint pin, then do a few more coats and let it cure for two weeks, and then you went and dry it 3000 and then cop cop polish wax it on di diddle my coats and was letting it dry for two weeks and realized that I hadn't put my lines in.
So I have to put my lines in and do my coats again.
Yeah, but it's getting there, and it should be done for Christmas for me and my family hanging out, having Christmas fun times.
Well, yeah, well, then they have been working on it.
It's been fun doing woodwork haven't done with work in in years.
I mean, just even putting it through the table.
So on smell in the wood.
It's so nice.
Yeah, I'm jealous.
Uh uh.
Make very jealous because you Yeah, What have you lost?
Besides, like wood basis for your gun plot.
So, what was your, like, kind of most recent would thing?
Ah, I think maybe the most recent thing was just a cat tower.
Uh, yeah.
Uh, yeah.
I've been meaning to make Cem makes him with basis because the ones that I've made so far Oh, just like, relatively simple.
But what I wanted what I have been planning to do is go in and, like, make like a load of them and I was to keep a bunch for myself then and sell some too.
So that means to do that, huh?
Maybe in the near future.
May I'm looking forward to doing some more wood stuff.
And again, No, it's something else to look forward to.
Move back to America.
To here in Korea.
It's just kind of hard to do, but I don't really have a good space for it.
Yes, I was thinking you wouldn't have the space.
You need it.
No, you don't have a garage or anything.
Yeah, uh, cool.
Are done.
What you working on?
I'm just working on plastic stuff.
I mean, it's not exciting.
Woodworking stuff looks local.
This morning I was working on Ah, 40 K Goliath rock grinder.
It's a truck that Brian's things.
Uh, it's It's from something called the change stealer.
And so I guess they go out and steal Levi's and stuff.
Um oh, yes.
Taking a dad joke.
Yeah, I've got a Nemo and works, uh, that I'm working on for gum.
Plus, I've got ah, gun.
Easy that I'm doing some of my lunchtime gun.
Put work on to get ready.
Bring here to the house and do some work here.
Uh, let's see.
I've gotta finishing up on F 105 commission bill that I've been working on.
Um, I've got some machine and Krieger things that I'm doing.
Ahh, Flea.
I think it's called a fleabag.
I think that's how you say it that I'm I'm working on.
I just finished up Darth Vader's tie fighter.
The band I kid.
Yeah, I'm finished up a gun to mail a couple of couple of weeks ago, so I always have to fit in the publishing schedule.
Armies have about eight or nine projects going.
I just do him a little bit at a time so that I've got something different to write about each week my schedule planned out.
I've got 25 things, you know.
So I could just kind of work on it that that tie fighter was my 35th kit this year, so I just kind of cranking them out.
Wait, have to figure out who's, uh, who's got more kids finished between you and mochi.
No, he's is He is often, you know, he's often putting out finish kids as well, but I don't know between the two of you.
I'm always seeing you guys finishing stuff every week, So yeah, it's It's, you know, I never set out to build fast it.
I liked doing it so much, I put somebody out to it.
It's just if, you know, if you sit down on the bench 40 hours a week, um, you and your mostly focused on building You're gonna get stuff done, general.
So the trouble has also got a 40 hour day job, so Oh, understandable.
But it's it's and this went and again, something we'll talk.
Why more here?
Another of it.
But you're just you're output of work pretty crazy.
So, as I'm sure you hear often, I know that's Charlie.
One of the things that especially in ah, in the paint on Plastic Group.
I know you're well known for that.
I've seen other people commenting on that the other big time and in chats or something, and somebody would talk about Well, I'm I'm working on finishing this model and they would go, you need Hurry up.
John just finished six kids.
Uh, not even any point in New York trying to keep up with I got one in particular that you're working on right now that you're really enjoying.
Yeah, this this rock grinder.
I, uh it's It's got so many different facets to it.
There's some.
There's a tarp on the back, so you've got some fabric texture.
There's some steel plate.
There's armor plate.
There's little Grieve lease with pipes and knobs.
And there's there's guns, there's characters, there's tires.
I mean, everything you could think of that you could stick on a model.
It's some kind of texture or shape or variety of weathering for weathering.
It's all there, Um, and it's just a little little handful of a kit.
But normally I don't try to speed stuff along so that I can publish each week.
I'm just getting beyond the base coating, and I'm already about 20 hours into the kid because it's just so much fun.
I mean, it was one of those and, you know, Yeah, yeah, let's go.
And even though you're not pumping that kid out, particularly if you're doing up, you're doing updates on that, right?
Yeah, I've got, um, uh, shameless plug.
I doom or of my day to day updates.
I'll do like one picture on YouTube.
or Facebook, but I tomb or of Okay, here's how I did the base pending process.
Here's how did the weathering process on the Patri on page for subscribers There just just, I mean, just purely for money.
Say Okay.
You know, what I was gonna say is people wouldn't love that They eat that up.
Yeah, Yeah.
And and And I do try to balance it that, you know, I show some things on Facebook.
I put some things in the block.
Um, I'm gonna be doing more video that's publicly available.
Just thes things just to show pictures.
Um, it's hard sometimes to strike a balance when you're because this is kind of a part time job for me trying to strike a balance of Well, I gotta I gotta pay bills.
Um, but you also want to show everybody what you're doing.
You know?
Could be a tight, tight rope tow walk.
Yeah, for sure.
They and I mean, I know you're at least in the past when I've come to you with questions a couple of times and you're very open to answering questions and stuff too.
So people are, even if they're not patrons Subscribers with people have questions or your stuff.
I'm I'm sure you're usually pretty open toe.
Answer people's questions about things.
So yeah, yeah, because one I'm always hated it.
When in the past when I would ask somebody a question, I'd say, How did you do that?
And they go, Well, it's a secret, you know, Do it.
Or they would just say, Oh, well, I just I just dry brushed it And I'm like, Dude, you did not dry brush that you did it in a special way.
Um, there's my underlying I should say My underlying mantra is if you're not having fun, you're doing it wrong.
Yeah, I like to share that fun with people, um, so that they they enjoy the hobby on DSO.
When somebody comes to me and says, if sometimes I think they regret asking me the question because they'll say, Well, how did you do this?
And like nine paragraphs later, I'm like, and so that's how I started off.
Yeah, but I feel like if somebody asks, they want a thorough answer.
They don't want just do this and do this and do this thorough answer, and it's It's actually worked out pretty good because I've been a couple of people that have signed on his patrons.
Well, I appreciate you helping me.
Answer my question.
So I'm gonna at least you know So.
But, yeah, I have some questions.
I answer it just cause I guess I like, you know, like helping e writing.
I don't know what you two.
Yeah, definitely.
Linc Lincoln.
I were just talking about that the other day.
Do that like, uh, I I think maybe we were actually talking about this little more after the live broadcast ended, but we were saying that like, yeah, when, Ah, if I had, ah, Facebook page of, you know, 20,000 followers or just I was just sharing stuff just to a handful of people from my private page.
Like, if someone's asking you questions or something, it just seems like the polite thing to do is answer their questions.
So it's not really got too much to do with, you know, our followers are what we're kind of following.
You might have on line, or even if you are trying to do your work as part of a job or as ah, way of income.
But yeah, answering questions is just kind of a polite thing.
Thio and I've still got I still got a little kid's enthusiasm for the hobby.
You know, when I was 10 12 years old and I get a new model, I go call all my friends, they come down to the house and would look at and just look at this.
I still feel like excuse.
I still feel like that 12 year old kid inside.
Um, that I just I just I get excited about it, You know?
I want to enjoy the hobby.
I want people to learn how to do stuff.
You know, I want people when I tell him what?
I did it this way And they go, Well, I've been doing it this way, you know?
I'll go.
I'm I'm totally ripping that off.
Yeah, um, so I have a lot of enthusiasm for it beyond just it's not that I I do it for a second job.
I guess you'd say that's not my primary motivator.
It's I would do this anyway, So as long as I'm doing it, I mean, try and get all I can out of it, but it's really just for the fun.
It really is.
Uh, as as I'm sure you've run into in in your time so far, you'll get people that will still say, Like, if you're doing it just for fun than where you were having a picture out page or something.
And my answer to that Because I got bills.
Yeah, believe me, if if I didn't need the income, I wouldn't.
I wouldn't do patriot.
I wouldn't sell the stuff I had.
I would probably do the same amount of work that I do in just everybody.
But it it really is.
It's not just okay.
This is paint money model kit money.
I want a big Stashes.
It's There are real bills to pay.
And if those don't get paid, I don't have that other stuff.
I have to cut way back on what I can do.
Um, because otherwise we just can't afford it.
So yeah, people say, How could how could you monetize this?
I'm like, how do you monetize anything?
You know it Well, yeah, I think it it is very fair to because you have Ah, a very large breath of experience and knowledge about different things.
And so if you have that that you're sharing with people, it's their monetize that if you're going to go, you're someone who, like, just started building gumpawa and like you've never paid to the kid before.
And you're trying to have a patron page of about, like sharing your painting videos when it's like your first time every painting get brokering a whole lot of yeah, it's like my day job.
I'm a Web developer and recently a client asked me, You know, we made some changes, that website We're doing some things and they said, Why do you charge so much per hour?
Because they said that you did was not not that difficult.
And I said, You're not paying me for the one hour, 45 minutes that I work.
You're paying these last 22 years of experience that I've got to know what to do doesn't before.
So, you know, while I'm on Lee a couple of years into SciFi, I've been building models I got back into in 2006 and I built close to 350 cents then, so I've had a lot of time to make a lot of mistakes.
You know, like, Aiken, I can tell you a couple of ways to do it, right on some things I can say about 40 ways to do it wrong, which is there's some value to that.
I have more value.
Yeah, Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
The thing I find interesting about patron and stuff.
Like, even if it is somebody, they just hit the first kid in there doing a video.
If somebody's like, Yeah, cool.
Here's some money.
Who are we to say, man?
Anybody for anything?
Yeah, I love it.
I just love the concept so much.
It's so I know that a lot of the folks that support me on patri on it's e mean, I hope I hope everybody's getting something out of it.
But I know a lot of them do it because they go.
I just like you and your work.
You know, you do some work that I like, and even if I know most of the things you do, Or maybe I know Maur than you D'oh!
Um, just not too hard thin.
It's just it's really nice when people go.
Look, dude, I'm just supporting you because I just like what you do know, you know?
So there's a lot of your friend.
But you're right.
If if I'm doing if I'm doing a woodworking video, it's first time I've ever done.
And I'm approaching it from the angle of Okay, watch the first time guy trying to do it.
Woodworking video People who've never done woodworking.
Michael, I watch that because he's gonna be just one hour ahead.
You know, it could be value in that your webs people will pay for anything, like a pay for anything.
Let me throw some stuff out there and see if I can, you know, make you box on it to help the family out early to say no.
No, no, no.
Feel bad.
No guilt.
It's not like something I hear you're automatically deducting dollars from people's accounts, and I have to, like, opt out of it.
It has a lot of dead bodies.
So there's no there's no way.
Yeah, yeah, there is kind of this at the beginning of each month when the Patriots starts paying, I kind of look at the number and I'm like, Wow, they're still there.
Yeah, I kind of surprised way got this guy.
Yeah, well, certainly get no judgment here, but I'll just say in advance because I know it's done happen.
Thank you for the two or three dislikes.
I just got on this because of that.
Come in, John T.
You know, it's weird.
It's if you bring up quite often patri on or I also saw my stuff on eBay.
There's there's some people who just bring it up and they don't like it.
I mean, I can I can put up a picture of me working on a tie fighter and it could be seen by in a few 100 people.
I can get 50 or 60 likes, Um, if I put up something that says, Hey, just letting you know in case you're interested.
I have a page around, Please.
You know, sporting.
I can immediately in the night.
You see how many likes and unlike you have, there's an immediate response in the Unlike So I mean, it's it's you just you just see it.
And I used to be parent.
What about bringing it up now?
Just go bring it up about once a month and let it go, you know?
And just that's it.
All right.
Enough of that before everybody drops me.
Well, uh, let me just show you as just a little bit real quick what I've been working on, and we'll talk about some news, and then we'll get back to Tokyo.
We skip you're working on a way.
Didn't skip that.
We've just been kind of on tangents.
Of what?
John's work.
Couch is fine, but I tried to skip it.
I showed on I should show the kind of guy.
Okay, Anyway, I showed this already on my channel.
I'll show you guys once again the gold.
And there is I was getting pretty good some imperfections there, but it's very shiny and already from the start, Like I was never a super big fan of the design.
Even going into the butt thing came out looking pretty cool.
And I like the armed armor shield on it.
I think it looks great, man.
It's cool.
Happy with how that came out.
And then I had It's over.
It's in the other room, so I can't show it to you.
Gonna see.
But I did that.
Ah, I detailed up the internal structure.
Gundam figure s so I just had a video.
I put up the video for that yesterday.
24 hours ago.
Something like that, Uh, or when A This morning, anyway, where it was just the Gundam.
Figure out if maybe I didn't see the video, but no is half clear and half just like color.
Yes, all that.
The color is tired.
I just I just detailed up.
That was really fun.
That's always fun.
Work around.
It's similar to, like working on detailing up a converge figure or something.
Ah, that was fun.
And then my frame arms kit, which I just put in my work in progress Video on that, which is it's totally all disassembled.
There's nothing to show on that, but, uh, the framers kit I'm really super excited for I think it's looking really cool, but I'm really struggling trying to figure out the color scheme for because I actually really like the colors that it was just the tear plastic of it, and you feel like you can't keep it.
Those colors.
Yeah, like some reason.
Yeah, I know.
Just just can't just paint it back to the same color that it wat damn of that kind.
I didn't I didn't.
I say an a plus and I just painted to the gray again the same kid that it was the colors out of the box.
Do it Having courage.
That's like that's different for that.
I wouldn't feel about about it, huh?
With in this case, I just feel bad about just painting it back to this in colors.
But I think s I haven't decided yet, but I'm thinking, Ah, for, like, the main mech the mainframe arms designed to be ah, like and the kind of ah intermediate blew it immediately is kind of like a dole kind of blue color.
Ah, the de saturated blue.
Oh, yeah, like you.
And then for the ad on parts like the extend arms Adam parts to be in a darker blue.
You kind of similar basically what they are in a darker blue, but maybe not quite that dark.
So it be pretty similar pretty close to the colors that it was.
But I think I'll probably get rid of the red and just have it just be all blue.
And then let's be having ah, some yellow and white accents on this.
Something like that was gonna get the next question.
What's your little accent, pops?
Like all all the on the original kid, all the thruster bells all over the place are all in white cell.
Probably keep those.
And why?
I think that maybe do them in, like, a really bright white.
They're coming on the kid in, like, a really light gray off white kind of color, so make them even brighter so they really pop in.
So to be, I guess, sort of like a similar color scheme to like, Ah, was that the Schwab graze?
No way.
And your ridiculous is blue Gray is sort of similar to that kind of, but more saturated, not quite so bright blue.
Yeah, I still look to that.
I think I can't even remember the last time I've painted anything in blue.
So that's what I was thinking.
OK, I haven't done anything blue in a really long time, so maybe I should, um but I also haven't anything in gray in alone for a while.
I was doing also I was doing everything in great great great all the time, but I kind of got away from it, and I think I can do something great again.
Good, huh?
Yeah, I know, Grace.
Just like you know what?
It's gonna look good.
Yeah, exactly.
There's no question about it.
There's no doubt.
So that's mean and weathered.
Uh, that's I haven't even got to the point where I'm thinking if I want whether it or not, But I'm trying to finish it by the end of November while it's still frame arms month here.
Ah, so I don't know if we'll be able to get to that, but we'll see, uh, hopefully gonna start spraying some primer on monday and thence painting Going to a couple of days, we'll see.
But that's what I'm working on that and then I've got a handful of stuff to get to.
So, yeah, I think immediately after that, hopefully will be getting right onto the master grade Saratoga.
Ah, cool.
Uh, that's for a commission that I've I've had to put off to work on a couple of things that need to stay priority.
But I need to get around to that.
So that's a cool design.
Yeah, Such a big kid to go.
Yeah, very big.
But like that, it doesn't have ah, ton of parts to it.
Like especially the armor.
They are worth a lot of pretty large pieces on there, so it's not a super parts heavy kit, but it is very big.
You're gonna paint.
You're gonna paint your Hayes and play.
Or if that's just gonna be in a box for a while, It's in a box for a while.
It's not.
It's not in the queue anytime, Theo.
Ah, yeah, but we'll see.
Yeah, maybe sometime next year.
Yeah, certainly not in the next couple of months.
I didn't think so.
It is so cool.
Of course.
Are you up on John on the advance of Zeta Designs in gunplay like the art Hazel's and stuff.
I know a lot of the designs from from that I don't know, always which animate they're tied to.
Um, I've watched.
I watched, you know, aren't blood orphans all the way through, um, seed?
See destiny?
Um, wing double.
Oh, but I haven't watched everything.
So, like those desires, if you show the designs to me and you go OK, I know what that is.
And you go, It's It's on this enemy and okay, I didn't know that, but yeah, more.
I see of that moron.
Like I gotta watch that.
I gotta figure out.
Well, I think.
Is it only a manga?
Uh huh.
Manga, I think.
OK, well, that that maybe because I'm always looking on Gundam info in other places, too.
Watch the maybe.
I've been thinking.
Okay, where is that?
And I haven't found, that's why.
Uh, yes.
Uh, John hasn't got the advances.
A tow hook yet?
Yeah, they got something else to pursue you.
It's kind of like the lost city of gold of gun plot where there's all these designs that have been hung in front of us for just decades.
And we're like, please make kids and they're finally making more kids.
Yeah, really fine.
Like for 15 years or something.
The honor winner of the first ones came out, but yeah, there was, like, four or five high grades fromthe Siris.
And that was it until just last year.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
It's a good time to be an advanced state of fen, that's for sure.
So it's a good time to get into it.
Unfortunately, they're mostly be Bandai.
No, no work grownups with money.
So it's okay.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
No choice.
No trust.
All right.
Uh, speeding off products, then die products.
Let's let's go over some new stuff here.
Quickly, first.
Then you can talk some more about what John's working on all that.
So, ah, first off here from the bill divers lie.
I'm going to assume that neither of you guys are also are watching the series as I'm not watching you build diver.
But I'm so glad you guys aren't Are you, John?
Did you have you watched some of the original build fighters?
And did you like that, John?
Yeah, I was surprised because I saw it, and I watched a couple episodes, and I thought, Okay, this is this is obviously really little kid, you know, it's it is, but it isn't.
And because, you know, I'm looking for iron blooded Orphans.
Episode three where their, you know, like executing people and stuff like that.
And I started watching it.
And when it got to the build divers thing and I lo