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  • Hey, guys.

  • So today I want to be showing you how I got this log slash bob haircut.

  • I did it myself in my bathroom with a $10 pair of scissors, and it's actually really easy.

  • So hopefully in this video, I can show you guys how you could do it, too.

  • I've never been a fan of long intros, so let's just don't be too the video.

  • So here I am with my longer at least longer hair, I normally cutting off a couple just today.

  • But this process will work just as well.

  • If your hair's a bit longer than mine or all the way down to your the first step I've done already.

  • I just shampoo and condition my hair last night and I let it air dry.

  • My hair is naturally straight, so I just left it like that.

  • I'm also part of it in its usual position.

  • It's just so that when you stole your hair on everyday basis, it's gonna look the same as when you originally cut it.

  • Today.

  • I've also got ahead and changed into a plain white T shirt so that I can believe clearly distinguished.

  • That's my hair and it doesn't have you like crazy Javal stuff that I could accidentally cut off.

  • If you're clumsy like me, I suggest you do the same.

  • So the next step is to determine how long do you want your love to be?

  • Definitely depends person a person based on your face shape.

  • I generally use, like around my collar, like of a crew neck shirt, has my guideline, but I've done this before, so I'm just kind of guesswork here.

  • Now I'm going to take two brightly colored elastics.

  • They're orange and heals.

  • You guys could see them on their recently going to act as placeholders where I want to come out here.

  • Please go around.

  • Little front is on my hair, just like 1/2 an intersection, and I'm going to tap title rather titan so that they won't sleep around Peter.

  • I'm just adjusting a little bit so that they are even exactly where e.

  • I know this is a little ridiculous, but trust me, it's better to know exactly where you want to hear that end up with the wrong hair cut later on.

  • It's not gonna take to bigger elastics and high all of my hair in the back of my head in just a low ponytail.

  • I'm gonna try not to move these marking pieces at all because that would kind of appointed high this year.

  • Time just below marking here.

  • I have a care in order to keep it more, and I'm going the 2nd 1 just well, now that my ponytail is a place, I'm just going pull up from market.

  • It's a bit so that they won't get.

  • And I said, Just making this the elastic a little bit below from where you really want to hear just so that you'll have a little bit of way just in case you mess up the war right now, I'm going to go in with a big cut.

  • I'm gonna be using these scissors I got from our $10 at target.

  • They're my con air.

  • I don't think you really need anything more professional than this, but definitely trying to use.

  • Here's his ruse instead of kitchen scissors or craft scissors.

  • Just because they're a lot better for her hair and they won't result, many split ends here.

  • I'm just cutting as evenly as possible and as close to the hair tie as possible My hair is pretty darn thick.

  • So this was kind of a bop.

  • If you find yourself having difficulty like me, you could always ask a friend or family member to make the cut for you.

  • So, Graham, postponing tail cut all you could get a little bit rough right now around the edges.

  • But you get the general idea a little bit sore back, So I'm gonna go ahead and speak out.

  • He's Thanks, holder here.

  • Time kind of shake out my hair, and now we're going to do some general touching up.

  • So I have to do this question from yours on camera.

  • So I'm gonna be touching my hair.

  • This process depend a little bit on how cleanly you cut your ponytail, But basically, I'm just going to be defining edges and making sure that they form a straight angled line.

  • So it's a little bit shorter in the back and longer.

  • All right, so the front is looking pretty clean now.

  • Now I'm just going to touch up the back.

  • Sorry for the weird camera angles here, but I had about five mirrors dealing on at this point, so I got really confused on what To shoot.

  • But anyways, basically, I'm using the mirror to check out the sides and the back of my head and trimming off any pieces that are sticking out.

  • This step is definitely the most difficult because it can be hard to see the back of your head in a mirror.

  • So if you find yourself having difficulty, you can again ask a friend or family member for help.

  • If you don't trust them with scissors around your hair, where they're not particularly good hair cutters, you could always just ask them whether your haircuts looking.

  • Even so, I'm just gonna shake out hair little bit to get out and extra hairpieces and to make sure that nothing is sticking out.

  • If it was around making a little adjustment, all rights and I don't like basic haircuts done, I'm going to be doing a little bit of feathering just to cut out any harsh lines and wear my hair a little bit.

  • So I'm basically taking the scissors and grabbing a little piece of my hair like this with my fingers and just moving.

  • This isn't vertically and making little tiny vertical cuts.

  • I'm just continuing.

  • We use this technique throughout my hair.

  • I'm focusing on the back, though, because I do like the front toe look a little bit sharper.

  • And I don't want the back to look like a giant hair block.

  • So after you layered your hair to your liking, you're pretty much done here I am shaking out my hair and admiring my handiwork and or freaking out and wondering where all my hair went.

  • Just getting about that last part.

  • I'm actually really have you with how this turned out.

  • Now, after all your hard work, it's time.

  • The worst part of all Being up, Miss Hairy Ass.

  • Miss you guys.

  • Thank you so much for watching this video.

  • I really hope you enjoyed it and found it helpful.

  • If you did, don't forget to give a film self and subscribe to my channel.

Hey, guys.


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A2 初級

如何切割龍蝦{長條鮑魚}。你自己 (How to Cut a Lob {Long Bob} Yourself)

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