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  • hi guys.

  • So today I want to show you everything that's in my makeup bag.

  • So things that I would bring to like the gym or have on hand or bring traveling.

  • I have more makeup that I keep like in a drawer, but this stuff is really my everyday stuff, not the stuff I were on a like a more date night look or anything.

  • So actually keep everything in this bag.

  • And I love this bag, by the way, because it doesn't like leave marks inside or anything.

  • So yeah, it's amazing.

  • So let's get started.

  • So starting with Primer Smashbox Primer is something I've worn for years.

  • I like to wear it around my eyes, and I also like to just fill in like any large pores that want to minimize.

  • I've always kind of gone with Smashbox because of how great things look one year in photos and stuff, So I love to wear this one, especially for concealer.

  • I used two different concealers for different reasons.

  • The 1st 1 that I use is called bowing from benefit.

  • It's ah, hydrating concealer, so it has the concealer on the inside, but on the outside it's got more of like a moisturizer to it, which has vitamin E in it.

  • So actually wear this more around my eyes than I do anywhere else for spots, though I like to wear again.

  • Smashbox, Um, this is Smashbox Studios skin 24 hour waterproof concealer and that one I like to wear, just like on spots so that it covers up really good.

  • It has more coverage than this one if you're just looking to buy one or the other.

  • So for foundation, I am super loyal to Estee Lauder.

  • Double wear, stay in place makeup.

  • So actually found out about this through a recommendation when I was working at Starbucks and I'd seen, like, thousands of people that day, and I just had to stop this girl and ask her what she wore for foundation because she just had the prettiest makeup and she's like, Well, I applied it like eight hours ago, but it was this one.

  • So this is what I am super loyal to.

  • I love it.

  • It lasts forever.

  • Also, I don't really wear a lot on my forehead to just kind of keep that more natural as well as my nose like freckles.

  • I want to.

  • I kind of keep more exposed, but anything on my cheeks mouth, all that stuff I just put on, um, like where it needs it.

  • And I got a really good color match for me.

  • So if you get to, like, actually go to a store and try different colors to match you, you might even want to buy a couple so that you get exactly your shade for powder.

  • I am also really loyal to glassy eh glossies.

  • Water is just so amazing because it doesn't look like you're wearing a powder.

  • But yet it has more coverage than other, like more natural powders.

  • I've tried stuff like bare minerals, and I just feel like I want more coverage than that which this gives me.

  • But it still doesn't look like I'm wearing any makeup.

  • Couple of more glassy A products is cloud paint, so I absolutely love cream.

  • Blush is, but I have set all other brands aside.

  • When it came Thio after trying glossies cloud paint, it's super pigmented, and I would say it's even foolproof because I haven't like, made of mistake where I've gone in the sun and been like this looks terrible.

  • Um, it's something you could wear like on different parts of your face.

  • And it looks really good.

  • So I used these two colors.

  • Hayes and Beam.

  • I'm really fair skin.

  • So I'm really happy with how Hayes turned out.

  • It was a bit of a risk, but I end up wearing that, like on the apples of my cheeks and then also on my lips.

  • Really good, too.

  • Then for beam.

  • I like to wear that more like a bronzer.

  • So I'll just take a little bit like you don't need a lot.

  • And I put that on my fingers, and then I just kind of gently Sprinkle it around my face so that it gives me more of like a healthy son Tan look, And I'm just so happy with us.

  • Honestly.

  • So a couple of products that I use for my eyes, eye shadow, eyeliner, um, my eyeliner I use I wish I could tell you the brand, but I'm a really bad beauty blogger.

  • I have no idea what brand this is, and it's completely like the markings are gone.

  • I want to say that his cover girl, I've tried more expensive eyeliners.

  • I haven't seen a personal, like big difference in them.

  • Um, and I haven't seen a big difference in wearing, like, waterproof or not, But I just love the look of a black eyeliner, and I like that sometimes if I wanted to look more subtle, I'll just kind of like, get in between my eyelashes and that looks really good or else all kind of smudged out a more defined line.

  • Anyways, I just like to wear it in different ways.

  • Even a defines line that's like really pretty can be just awesome.

  • But yeah, I, you know, that's pretty much it when it comes to eyeliner.

  • And then I love to wear this glossy with star.

  • I included this in my favorites video because it's just honestly, so much fun to wear.

  • So this color cub is more of like a rose gold.

  • It's something you can layer with a lot, and something like this was perfect for my Disney trip because I could wear it very like subtle or like, figure for a date night look, and then I could just travel with this.

  • Like I've been using the mirror for this.

  • I don't include this in my makeup bag.

  • But, you know, this would just fall to pieces if I carried it with me all day.

  • So I like to just wear something simple like this and keep that with me when I'm like, out and about.

  • And sorry to keep bringing up Disney.

  • But it was just so much fun.

  • I just got back a few weeks ago, and I still have that, like, Disney glow for brows.

  • I use, ah, like a combination of different products.

  • So the one that I use as a base is this next time and frame it's a tented brow pomade, and this was really fun because I could, like, pencil it and make it look how I want to.

  • But something I've been doing differently lately is I don't put on as much as a tapers off like my brows do not have definition and actually have, like, a little bit more way over here.

  • And it's always been this gap, but I kind of wear it proudly to have, like, my own defined, unique brows.

  • And so instead of like penciling those in all the way to the ends, I wear this boy brow from glassy A.

  • You can see, it's like very loved, because all of the words are gone.

  • So I like to just kind of use that towards the ends and kind of bristle these out more when I do use the pomade.

  • I used this little spoolie brush combo thing and then for the boy brow.

  • I can just put this on by itself if I just want, like, a really relaxed look if I'm going to be by the pool, that type of thing.

  • And you know, I tried the next brand of this and I was just not really a fan like it didn't look like the right color.

  • The wand was, ah, lot longer than this one.

  • This one is, like, really tiny the color of this, like there's literally three colors to choose from in one clear version.

  • So it's super easy to pick your color.

  • I got Brown.

  • So yeah, so the next thing that I put on after all of that on before mascara I used my setting sprays.

  • This one is from Pop Beauty.

  • It's called the Makeup Magnet Missed.

  • I love this stuff so much because it has, like a dewy glow to it.

  • My mom, even questioned me about if I was with child or not, because I had, like, a nice glow when she didn't know what I was wearing.

  • But this was what I was wearing.

  • It makes you look like you just eat vegetables all day, and I am working on that in my own life.

  • But until I get to that moment, I'll be sticking with the setting spray.

  • So for mascara, I've been using the better than sex by two face.

  • I use the waterproof version.

  • I actually think I would not try the waterproof next time I want to try like the regular, because this just really is not waterproof.

  • I've tried it in the pool shower everything.

  • It just does not stay.

  • And I would even say that it could even smudge sometimes.

  • And I've had to actually redo videos because I would have like mascara marks.

  • So I would try this again, though as a brand, because the way that they designed the wand is this beautiful like hourglass shape that just gives you so much volume.

  • I actually prefer tohave voluminous eyes with my lashes, like I want it to look like I'm wearing mascara.

  • I know that's not everybody's taste.

  • But if that's your taste, then I would definitely try this one.

  • I have a few things that I like to bring with me for lipsticks, and there's times where I look in my purse and I'm organizing my purse and I'll find, like, five different types of lip products in my purse.

  • I don't know how it happens, but these are the things I really like to keep along with me.

  • So I have a lip gloss that I can wear just on its own or on top of lipsticks.

  • This is the glossy one.

  • I haven't worn a lip gloss in ages, and I was really happy to try one out again.

  • So this one's a very thick one.

  • Right now.

  • I'm wearing it, and I didn't really use very much at all.

  • Some girls I've seen use a ton of it, but I don't like it when it, like gets that gooey nous between my two lips just can't handle that.

  • So I d like to just put on a little bit of this, especially because I have, like, more dry lips.

  • So that's been cool, because I do have more dry lips I like to wear this box some lipstick.

  • So bucks, um, is really good, because that plumps, um, this one is like a They have a more Staten.

  • Finishing a matte finish with this one's more of a glass is called sultry Move.

  • It's just super pretty.

  • I like how it's magnetized, so that's important if you're gonna keep it in your purse.

  • And on top of that, I do like to kind of mix colors, so I have, like a cocktail of lipstick colors.

  • One is this one, which is more of a mob, and it's called.

  • I woke up from the brand hourglass.

  • I am really happy with the use.

  • They actually come with a little gold case if you want to buy it.

  • But I just have, like, the refills.

  • So there's that one.

  • The other one that I like to use a lot and I have about like six of them that my friend and gave me is I desire, So I desire is just gorgeous because it's a bright red.

  • I don't always wear like a bright red lip, but if I just, like, put on a little bit on my top lip blended in It's just so pretty.

  • And it gives, like my whole outfit, my whole makeup, just a completely different look.

  • I even like to wear that just a little bit more naturally.

  • Another tip that I have like off camera is if I'd put on a little bit too much makeup, which I can be a little bit heavy handed on.

  • Sometimes I feel I'll get like, a cotton swab and, um, some my cellar water and just like dab that, like around my face forehead nose, and then that just allows me to have even more of a natural look.

  • I've been really good lately about taking care of my nails.

  • So a couple products I always have on hand a nail file super cheap.

  • Um, I like to just kind of tidy up the tips of my nails with that, and then also, I keep my nail polish on hand.

  • So this one is why, where all the time.

  • And I actually mentioned this in my last favorite video because I literally wear it just all the time.

  • It's s e gel polish in the color pinned up.

  • I love this stuff because it's like the perfect pink.

  • More natural mob of color vigil.

  • Polish is the only polish that really protects my nails.

  • I've found that I don't really need hard, hardened nails.

  • I need flexible nails if they're not going to break, and that's what this gives me.

  • So if I try to close a window, I'm not going to break a nail if I'm actually wearing this.

  • So yeah, so finally, for perfumes, I have a couple recommendations for things that are really good to bring in your purse.

  • Well, La Bo has this awesome carrying case, which has a solid perfume inside it, and it's refillable.

  • So the first initial cost won't be what you always pay for it.

  • The lava has, like, essential sense in it.

  • So when this one has rose 31 as the fragrance and which is, by the way, my favorite out of all a la boh sense.

  • So the Rose 31 actually has rose petals from France that they use to get the scent from, and it's unisex.

  • So, actually, I have dabbed a little bit of this on Zach, and it just smells like the best cologne in the world.

  • And it's not like too manly like you know, so I could wear it and not feel like I'm wearing a cologne.

  • And I actually prefer to have, like, more spices in my perfumes, So this one has a bit of a spice to it.

  • This also feels like it weighs about £5 by the way.

  • And then also I would recommend this, which is Mason Louis Marie Bloody Bell In court number four.

  • It is a roll on, and this fragrance has, like notes of vetiver in it, and it's just kind of a spice as well.

  • But this fragrance is, like, so popular that they actually ran out of this stuff for like, a year.

  • So I'm super happy to have some.

  • I also have the spray, but if I'm just like out on the town, the perfume oil is just amazing.

  • And it's really fun to wear the spray with this because it just has more like long lasting, more potent power to it.

  • Actually use the perfume spray of Mace on Louis Marie on some of my recent sales that I made from my closet sale.

  • So if you're wondering what itwas and you bought something, some people were asking me like I love the scent.

  • Like what?

  • What is this fragrance?

  • And so Yeah, that's definitely what it was.

  • And I just you know, this stuff is just so amazing, so that pretty much wraps it up.

  • But I have a question for you guys in the comments.

  • If you were to bring one item with you on a desert island either perfume or it could be a makeup product, what would it be?

  • So be sure to tell me, like what brand it would be and everything about it.

  • And I'll see you guys next week.

  • I post three times a week if you haven't subscribed yet and I'll see you then.

  • Bye.

hi guys.


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2018年我的化妝包裡有什麼|最愛的美妝產品|親愛的Bethany。 (What’s in My Makeup Bag 2018 | Favorite Beauty Products | Dearly Bethany)

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