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one in world.
It's Sunday, the 13th of October 2000 and 19.
It's about 9 a.m. In the morning UK time.
So if this is a kind of Sunday sermon plus a full moon video press, a kind of assessment on where we are in the world at the moment says it's gonna take a few minutes.
First thing I want to say just to get out the way is a big thank you to all those people who have signed up for my two day workshop in two weeks time in Croydon, in self London, I've now sold 30 spaces.
There's still eight Maur left, maybe 10 a push.
So if you want to come and hear me talking about the basics of astrology for six hours a day for two days in a row in South London in two weekends time, then drop me a line that steven steve dot com and I'll send you all the details first come first served.
Now, today it's really is full moon in Aires for sun to later today will be at 21 degrees off Libera.
The moon will be at 21 degrees off Aires Ploo toe in the sky is at 21 degrees of Capricorn, exactly squaring both for sun and the moon.
At the moment of full moon, However, Jupiter is also at 21 degrees of Sagittarius.
Exactly sex styling, the sun on trying the full moon.
So we've got a real paradox here.
Let's look at the negative side first and then the positive Son Square Bruto, Moon Square, Fluto.
These are extremely difficult aspects in astrology.
Some of the hardest of all.
They create a kind of obsessive compulsive pattern of intensity and extremes with the potential for crises in trauma.
There's always an element of purging on detoxing and purifying and cleansing on eliminating, because these are happening in cardinal signs.
This is not something that's going to be adaptable, inflexible and tolerance and easy going as it would be if it were a mutable signs.
Neither isn't something that's going to be sort of just rigid and inflexible and thorough and determined as it would be if it were in fixed signs is in cardinal science areas.
Cancel the area's Capricorn Libra.
So this is going to be much more time of action now are focused on this full moon a lot with regard to a number of different environmental and political situations.
Full moon exactly.
Squaring ploo toe There's nothing gentle about it.
The word extremes comes to my mind.
Now we see around the globe at the moment Massive environmental and ecological protest which is only going to get stronger and stronger on the politicians, are just absolutely ignoring it.
So this is something that is seriously not gonna go away.
It is only going to get more and more in your face on the politicians around the world are completely out of touch with reality.
And to those of you who just think Oh, hippie shit.
You mean to say that?
But anyway, that is just it is nothing to do.
It's not human thing.
Yes, it is.
And even if it's not human caused, we're all going to suffer.
And if we're not going to suffer, our Children and our grandchildren are going to suffer massively.
Unless we do something about this, like right now in Britain, certainly a lot of supermarkets.
Suddenly you're getting rid of all the plastic.
There is a lot of changes happening, but it's still only lip service.
We actually need to stop imaging carpet on.
That does mean giving up your petrol diesel car, and it does mean finding an alternative to aviation fuel for flights.
It doesn't mean a whole new power system.
It has to happen because without it we're going to live on a dead planet in less than 100 years.
With the Sun Square, Pluto's and the Moon Square, Pluto's is also the political agenda going on on the events Cinnamon Square.
Pluto's talking to someone the other.
Then they say, Well, what's the worst case scenario?
And I went some type of atrocity, some type of slaughter.
Now we're seeing an increase steadily.
Gradually an increase in the number of mass killings and shootings, whether it being in Britain with knives, with America with guns all over the world in different countries were seeing this.
We're also seeing a massive potential slaughter happening in Syria, Turkey and Curtis Stone on DDE.
The repercussions of this are going to go on 100 years.
I have one or two Kurdish people.
I know only one or two and they are in Britain.
But what I know of him is that these people have had millennia of persecution, and they never, ever, ever give up on the people who have abandoned them.
Now in their time of need, well, they're always going to need to watch their backs now for a long, long time to come.
And now we are.
Captives have been freed from the jails.
I'm going to unleash it.
Another holy war.
What I mess.
We're also seeing with some square ploo toe on the moon square, Ploo toe a level of extremism in all areas of political life, regardless of what country you're in political politics, becoming seem to be becoming Maur Maur, Um, but customized there's no center ground anymore on in my experience and bearing in mind, I have been studying this for well over 40 years now, in practicing it for over 40 years.
Whenever anything gets to an extreme, there will reach a breaking point on when that breaking point happens, It's like a piece of elastic that snaps and inevitably there will be a sudden surge back to the center.
We're already seeing it in Britain with the increased calls for the government of national unity or a coalition government, and this is something I can truly see happening.
With the next election, there will not be a majority on.
As a result, there will have to be a consensus government in some shape or form.
I suspect the same is going to happen in America.
Increasingly, the leaders of both America and Britain are being seen as either heroes or pariahs by their respective populace.
Some square Peterman scrap litter is extremes, and it's going to get worse in the next week or so.
Let's look at the positive side, because there is a big positive side.
The sun is sex style.
The moon is trying Jupiter.
Jupiter's the planet of growth and expansion.
It brings optimism and hope and faith in human belief and fun on Jupiter's insanitary is, at the moment, its own sign.
It loves being in the middle of such a terrorist.
It could be exuberant, expansive when it's sexed over someone trying the moon.
It does bring the opportunity for joy and pleasure, a little bit of indulgence and fun.
But remember that Jupiter gives out two or three times as much heat and light as it takes in.
From a sum, it is hot gas billowing out.
It has no surface, so you can't land on Jupiter, Sir has no substance.
It always promises more than it delivers on yet because it's insanitary ous its own sign where it's happiest on because it's exactly sex stole the sun and trying the moon I actually view this is an extremely positive aspect.
So if I balance Jupiter and Saturn Terry a sex doll and trying to some moon as opposed to Pluto's Capricorn Square, the sun and moon, Pluto's okay and Capricorn, Jupiter's great insanity areas Jupiter and Pluto's Ari corn opposite, they're the biggest on the smallest of planets there the lightest, brightest Amber darkest.
They're equal in terms of the mythology.
There were both the brothers.
They're both brothers to both the sons of Kronos, Satyam.
When they split, the Ferber manned up.
Jupiter took the over world, Pluto's to the underworld, and now they're not so much warring against each other.
But they're both trying to influence the bigger picture, one for the purpose of joy and fortune and hope, and one for re massive forced transformation of restructuring of society.
In the short term, Jupiter's going to win in the short term in the long term.
Pluto's gonna win every time Pluto's marched through Capricorn is not going to be stopped and when you add to this.
But in two weeks from now, there is a new moon at four degrees off Scorpio Sailor Moon, together at four degrees of Scorpio, opposite Uranus.
Precise were exactly not necessary precisely, but of in half a degree.
So that is going to bring in a period of radical change.
Radical change, I do know with interest.
The Jupiter in the Sky is about to land opposite Donald Trump's son on on Donald Trump's moon.
I've been fingering this time for him for many, many years, thinking if he's ever going to implode, this is when it's going to be.
He does seem to be under a lot off pressure at the moment for impeachment, and he's becoming more more recalcitrance around corporation of anyone who doesn't see the world he does.
Boris Johnson is, is hemorrhaging support more, More people are just sort of looking in and shake in the head to go.
This guy's got no idea at all, Mind you.
The alternative is in Britain is even worse.
I have no time for the left wing antics off Corbin and his left wing Labour associates.
I still think there's going to be a government of national unity in this country, probably before Christmas.
Depends when the election happens, regardless of Brexit.
And I shall do another video on that later today.
But that will be for British viewers only.
Okay, I've got a gun.
Prepare for this workshop I'm doing in two weeks time.