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Hello, friends.
My name is Dante.
And in honor of the last ones to coming out Soon I tried beating the last of us without using any guns.
Now I know there's going to be so of you little Smarties who want to say Well, what about this part where you have to use a gun?
Or how about this part?
I'll be explaining all of that and more throughout the video.
So what do I mean by no guns?
Does that mean I can use the bow?
Does that mean mall tops and bombs air?
Okay, to use I could mean a lot of things by no guns was clear this up by showing you a few rules I stuck to during this run.
Rule number one I'm only allowed to use mealy.
This includes my fists.
Any weapons I find shifts.
Ali's a little switch blade, and I can use all bricks and bottles.
I find rule number two.
No guns Were equipment allowed.
What does this mean?
This means I can't use any guns.
I'm not allowed to use the bow, and I'm not allowed to use any dangerous throw balls like Molotovs.
Nail bombs or smoke bombs and Rule number three.
No using listen mode.
I did use it once or twice through the beginning, but after that I decided to challenge myself and not use it anymore.
For this challenge, I played on the hard difficulty for a grounded mod man.
That's too much.
And finally, I wanted to kill all enemies throughout the run, or at least most of them.
This wasn't necessarily a rule for me, just a general guideline.
So, as always, I want to mention a few interesting key areas in situations throughout this run and, oh, baby, is there ever a lot of them?
I'll be explaining how I handled groups of infected how I handled the groups of human enemies bills traf the first blow to fight the way I handled the hotel basement, protecting Ellie and the boys of the sniper rifle.
A very close call.
It has the at the university, Eli's insane abortion, the seemingly impossible subway tunnel and the hospital.
The hospital part combined.
This challenge made me a very sad boy.
Okay, let's start with how I dealt with infected.
We have four types of infected as any player of the last of us knows, and each type gets progressively more difficult As we go, we have the runners who are easy stalkers who were freaking annoying, just like in real life clickers who are hard and blow Tres who were impossible.
321 Fight are blue.
There are, uh, runners are the easiest enemy to kill him the game and they're really only dangerous and large groups, or when combined with other infected types.
All I did was beat him up.
There's no special tricks or anything, just pure fists.
Next we have stalkers, those cursed things that air halfway between runner and clicker.
You only come across them twice throughout the game.
But holy hacker, they ever annoying they're stronger than runners and attack better meaning the damage you more frequently than runners again.
All you really need to do about these guys is beat them up with whatever you can.
Then we have the clickers, who these bad boys won't let you punch them.
And sometimes when you go to hit him over the head with a weapon, they'll still get you.
Why is this bad?
Unlike the runners and stalkers, clickers kill you instantly and being that This is a mealy only challenge.
Clickers or problematic.
The main ways I dealt with them was to sneak up on them and ship them, which insta kills them to use modern weapons on them that instant killed him, such as the nailed or I guess scissored, baseball, bat pipe or whatever.
Sometimes I'd even get lucky enough to keep their heads in with a brick.
But this was rare.
And finally, my personal favorite using one of my buddies is bait.
And when the clicker grabs them to run up and super punch him to death, yes, this is the only time you can punch clickers as you'll see.
And last but certainly not least the floaters a k a.
The big boys.
I'm not gonna explain how I dealt with these guys.
You're gonna have to watch the whole video for that.
You fell right into my trap.
No, really, though I'll explain it soon.
The first area that I want to talk about is the first time you encounter spores with tests.
There's a poorer poor man lying underneath the rubble of the building, and he's begging you to put a bullet in him.
Usually I'd have no problem doing this.
And I always sacrifice a bullet for this man.
But unfortunately, he was begging on the wrong day.
I just had to look him in those devastated eyes and slowly walk away.
It's okay, though, I'm sure.
Run a rip him apart, so at least he didn't starve to death.
Oh, wait a minute.
Thinking back now, I think he wanted a bullet in the head so runner wouldn't rip him apart.
Oh, shit.
And my first encounter with runners was a little nerve racking.
The first time always is.
Know what I mean?
Luckily, runners air easily dealt with with your fists.
I mean, Tess could have helped me during this whole encounter, but at least I showed her how badass I am.
She even complimented me after then we have our first human enemies.
I'll let you guess what the difference is between infected enemies and human enemies and why humans make the challenge harder for me.
You got it.
That's right.
It's because they have guns while infected.
The first part was honestly so fun.
Just running straight up to the bad guys cover and beating the heck out of them with my fists.
And I think Joel has the strength of the gods or something, because he just completely Superman punch this guy into the brick wall.
Do not tussle with this man.
The second battle, we did it.
The doc was just awesome.
I tried being stealthy, but it didn't work.
Even though tests had a gun, I killed most of the armed men with my fists.
Joel is just an unstoppable force.
Next we meet Allie, and I mean no judgment here, but Joel seemed a little forward with her.
Uh huh.
I do not condone this behavior.
This is bad.
So anyway, let's skip the boring parts like don't matter to this run fast forward and stop.
We get to the first clicker in the game.
Well, second quicker.
But I mean, the 1st 1 we actually fight.
Oh, shoot.
I almost forgot to explain how absolutely critical bricks and bottles are in this game, or at least for the specific, really only run real quick.
Both bricks and bottles are great for swimming enemies throughout the game.
This is especially important when there's more than one enemy.
Let's say there's two enemies wanting to attack me at the same time I could throw my bottle of one, leaving them stunned, giving me a great opportunity to run up and beat up the second enemy.
Not only this, but bricks are merely weapons in themselves and actually worked better than two by fours and pipes.
In my opinion, at least, bricks kill the enemy faster, and there's plenty of them scattered throughout the game.
And that's exactly what I did.
The first clicker.
See, most people would distract the clicker by throwing a bottle, and then they quietly slip away, hoping the poor fungus bag would never notice them.
Not me, not this guy.
What did I D'oh?
I immediately went up behind the clicker and kept its head in with a goddamn brick.
That's right.
We take big risks here on the Don t ravioli channel.
Now, I didn't use this benefit as often as the others, but you can also use bricks and bottles to distract enemies, which makes stealth portions much easier, and it definitely came in handy for me a couple of times.
What I found is that it was always a better option to take out clickers first, before any other enemy.
This is for two reasons.
One, you can fistfight a runner.
And if another runner comes up behind you and attacks you, it's fine because all they do is damage you a little bit, whereas a clicker will grab you and instant kill you.
And two, Unfortunately, this game won't let you cook your fists if you're carrying a weapon.
So if I had a scissored baseball bat and wanted to use it specifically for a clicker since you can't fistfight clickers, I couldn't put my weapon away and save it for later.
I had to use whatever was in my hand at the time.
This isn't the case for bricks and bottles, which is why I like them.
You can equip and unequipped them as you please.
Basically, I wanted to kill clickers first if I had a merely weapon so I wouldn't waste it on a runner that could just as easily doubt of my fists.
We come to the second battle of the infected, which I happen to be it on my first try.
Hell yeah.
And here was the first fight that actually took me a couple of tries.
I call it The Dance of the Clickers.
Yes, I know.
It's a retarded name.
I basically just used ships on the clickers pretty well.
The best thing I could use ships for anyway.
And when I ran out of useful things to use against them, I would throw a bottle at them and then charge of Brooke into their face.
Uh, bricks.
He never let me down.
You know, the story of the three little pigs that last big was onto something.
Guys, the next room with the three runners was interesting because I choked them all out pretty well right next to each other, and none of them got suspicious.
And I do want to say, any time there was a battle to be fought, it was hilarious to be Joel and just start calling everyone and everything with your fists.
I mean, if that was real life, the people around you would be terrified of you because they think you were a crazy person.
My kill count was higher than anyone else with a gun.
And that just makes me happy.
But getting back to it Here's where I really had fun.
Part right after Tess's death against the armored soldiers.
Imagine you're looking for a target with your five armored buddies, and you're all expecting a long search into the dark building ahead of you.
Then all of a sudden, some crazy guy comes charging out of the shadows at you with a two by four starts completely beating the shit out of you and your men cracking heads open on tables, smashing them on walls.
Five armored guys versus one crazy boy who would win.
Now, here comes the first big goof of the game.
Play those trapped.
Oh, boy.
It's like a love hate relationship I have with Bill.
Sometimes he screws me over by making me fail a challenge.
And other times we could be a dream team.
Try whatever you want on this part, but when you're hanging upside down with the fridge tied to your ankle, you have to use your revolver.
There's no question to it.
Elegant Survivor head hitting an explosive trip wire.
Oh, Christ.
She can survive a bite from an infected, but she can't survive a whole mob of zombies wanting to rip her apart.
So here is one of a few times where we need to use our gun to progress.
You can say the challenges failed at this point, if you want.
So far I haven't needed to use any guns for apart because it was too hard to be with muley, which is my main concern.
And don't worry, I've kept count of how many times I've needed to use a gun throat that play through.
It should be amazing enough that we've made it this far into the game with only mealy weapons, while also killing almost every enemy in our path.
I don't ever go to because it's filled with infected.
We're gonna need more guns.
Excuse me, Bill, Do you even know what I'm trying to do here?
We need less guns.
Luckily for us, Billy boy or any partners, for that matter makes great bait.
What do I mean by this?
When a clicker grabs Bill gives me a perfect chance to run up and punch the liquor square in the face.
If you could call that a face.
And yes, it does do damage.
Bill is what makes parts like this possible.
And the nice thing is hell, even kill infected with his shotgun bills.
Almost made up for making us fella challenge almost freaking Bill.
I felt like a god killing clickers.
My bare fists.
We even had this close call that you're watching now.
Wherefore clickers cornered us in a backyard Bill and I were goddamned Dream team.
And together we did a beautiful job.
I love you, Bill.
Not in a gay way, of course, because I know he got those gay magazines in your house.
Bill, you naughty dog.
So we got to the school, which wasn't too bad, thanks to Bill's help.
But then we get to gun usage number two, and it involves the bloat er in the school gym.
I wasn't sure how I'd go about this part, but I knew I would have to do a few attempts.
My first idea was to kill all of the runners in the gym first and then attacked the bloated with mealy Anytime I want to throw a spore pocket out.
Unfortunately, this doesn't work, and the floater will rip your face open immediately upon impact.
So then I trade waiting it out because Bill use shocking on it.
And I thought eventually he would kill it.
That's Noah's.
Well, where At least I wasn't patient enough to see if it would work.
Apparently someone online on Reddit said, that Bill can kill it, but you need to at least shoot it once.
Another person even said the longest he ever saw somebody attempt This part was an hour and build still didn't kill it.
Either way, I didn't have the patience to find out.
And that's a lot coming from me.
This is coming from the guy who did the same boss fight in Resident Evil two for nine hours straight.
But listen, my final strategy was brilliant.
There's a few obstacles around the gym that you can climb on.
And guess what?
Boaters can't climb on to things like other infected can.
Or at least not the bloat er in the school gym.
They just sit there and stare at you every so often, throwing a sport you.
So I had the brilliant idea of jumping up on one of these platforms and kicking the blow to death.
Well, Bill shot it with his shotgun.
I genuinely thought it would work.
But after maybe 10 minutes of just endless kicking and kicking and kicking, I caved and finish it with a nail bomb and a single shock in shot.
My theory is that your partner's can lower blood er's health for you substantially, but can't actually completely kill them.
It's the same story with David and Ellie.
Technically, if I had thrown a Molotov at it and finish it off with a nail bomb, I could have said I killed it without guns.
But again, this is really a mealy only challenge.
So their strike to frig you bloat.
Er now we come across the truck part with Bill.
This part was easy peasy.
All I really had to do was use Bill is bait.
Not only that, but there were plenty of books around which helped me even more.
Then we arrived at the hotel.
Now I have to say this.
I came across so many bathrooms where the toilet paper was put on backwards.
Don't you guys know that's a sin?
Let me just ask who the real monsters are, right?
Anyway, are you guys ready for the scariest part of the game?
Well, I'd say second scariest part and you'll see why in a few minutes we arrive at the hotel basement for this.
All I did was killed as many stalkers as I could before turning on the Generator.
Luckily, you don't have to kill the blow to hear.
So I just narrowly slipped through the door and was good to go.
The fight with Elliot's a sniper wasn't too bad.
In fact, it was really easy.
I thought I was quite the little comedian when a guy was terrified talking about a tourist killing all of the men in mid sentence I threw a brick at him has the little things that count.
And as you know, we end up meeting Henry and Sam.
I waited in the shadows for Ellie to pick up Sam's little toy, but she just wouldn't do it.
It's like she knew I was there.
Eventually, I got far enough away from her that she did the deed.
One moment the toy was there with her standing over it, the next it was gone.
I wonder what happened, guys.
Too bad he doesn't know.
I don't use guns.
Looks like Sam is a very low chance of survival.
Sorry, buddy.
This part was surprisingly hard, and I mean, even with the clickers killed first because, like I said, doctors attack you a lot more often than runners.
And they're all around.
Smart, tricky enemy.
Eventually I got through this part, but it took me a few tries and lots of kids.
It also seemed to take forever, as if the damn things wouldn't stop spawning.
But they eventually did.
With Henry's part, I tried to kill all the infected that came at us, and I just kept dying.
This is because I forgot that salmon Ellie open the door for you at some point.
But of course, I eventually figured it out.
Now the gosh darn sniper part.
I killed about half of the big boys and then booked into the house, taken both to the back along the way.
But that's okay.
It made me a real man.
Sadly, you have to use the sniper rifle here or you can't progress.
So that's gun usage Number three.
All I have to say about Tommy's part is that this is when I noticed a big change with the enemy damaging behavior.
Humans seem to be more dangerous now, and I couldn't just run up in club them with a pipe like I used to.
From here on out.
I'd have to use a lot of stuff.
The part where you need to turn on the generator.
For Elliot, the university initially seems difficult.
But as long as you run up punching, infected in the face once run back and repeat, you'll be fine.
Ellie even helps you by shooting through the gate.
I didn't even have to use one med kit.
Now, here is by far the scariest part of the game for me when I play this game.
Normally I always kill every enemy down in the storm, which makes it easy to open the door.
But obviously there's no way I can kill them all with only mealy weapons, especially the floater.
So I had to use my secret weapon.
Stealth, baby.
It took me probably two minutes to slowly sneak over to the exit door, and I even had to slip by right in front of the bloat.
Er, but I did make it.
Now here comes the scariest part in the game for me, with the blow to just a few feet away, you have to bust through the door, and every infected in here will come after you the second you try it.
So I had to go as fast as I could and I just barely escaped the bloat.
Er, holy hell.
I think Joel needs to change his pants.
I'm glad I didn't have to kill the blow to hear, because before attempting this challenge, I've really thought you'd need to, but Nope.
We've gotten this far in the game and have only had to use guns three times.
And that's only because we were forced to.
I'd say that's pretty good.
Actually, let me ruin what I just said.
When Joel has his little poopsie and starts bleeding out on the floor God damn, he has to use his gun on the two bad guys barging through the door.
I tried not using my gun, but you have to.
Luckily, throughout this whole part, that's the only time you need Thio.
You don't need to shoot the shock and guy or anyone else in your way.
And, uh, by the way, Jolan Ellie here and noise upstairs.
And Joel tells Ellie to stay close.
But what does she do?
She immediately goes up stairs to check it out while I just stand there staring at her.
My joke to you, Ellie.
Right after this, we have the deer hunt with Ellie Technically, we are shooting a bow here.
Not a gun, but also counted.
I did try chasing the deer without shooting it, but it just runs you in circles.
You have to shoot it to progress.
But listen as Ellie, this is the last time I used to quote gun.
Yes, I know Abo isn't a gun.
Okay, Back off.
The part with the infected bursting into the house was insane.
I basically just waited for David to get grabbed.
And when he does, you can insert, kill whatever grabbed him, Whether that's a runner or a clicker.
I don't even think it got injured.
Then David said this about my rifle skills.
You aren't jaded.
You're a better shot with that thing that I have, bro.
I didn't even use a gun.
What are you talking about?
I did have to use a Molotov and no bone on the floater, though I thought that maybe David could kill it with enough revolver shots.
But it's the same story.
Is Bill So?
I had to finish the job that strike six and Christ, I'm just gonna talk about how bad ass I was.
Ellie, I killed dozens of dangerous armed men with a little puny switchblade rifle.
No, no, no.
I choose switchblade, please.
I mean, I was freaking amazing.
This part was 10 times more fun than playing is Joel.
What I would do is sneak up behind a man which would allow me to do a semi stealth kill on them.
I say semi because sometimes other enemies would know immediately where Iwas and other times they wouldn't have a clue what was happening and for any brave souls who found me.
And we're willing to charge me.
I just throw a bottle out them, giving me a perfect opportunity to stab the hell out of him.
Just talking about the apartments.
We want to play it again.
Didn't we have Joel get up on Adam to go looking for Ellie?
Clearly, Joel is very weak.
His courage walk is super slow.
It's just an all around week.
At this point, there were like, six or seven armed men searching through the town for me in a clump group.
I had no choice but to charge them and most of their group of hand away screaming.
I guess I thought I was some crazy psycho.
Only using my fists to disembowel those.
Anyway, we chopped up David and escaped.
You know how it is.
Now we get to the infected tunnel.
At first I thought I had to kill all of the infected and lead the boaters away from the side.
We need to go to so that I could boost Ellie up safely.
I was doing pretty well at this, but this part just took forever.
And I was draining so many resources, right when I thought I had the best chance possible, Ali said that there were too many infected chasing us for a boost.
I guess she's the one calling the shots now on my orders mean nothing.
So I tried to sneak in through the entire tunnel.
I didn't think it would work, but guess what it did.
I boosted Aliyah.
She yelled, Look out below and sent the creek crashing down.
Apparently, none of the infected heard it, bro.
What the heck?
And here's another time where we need to use our guns.
Arresting clicker gets up and grabs Ellie again.
Maybe I could just throw, nail, bomb or even get a good angle and throw a bottle.
I'll just count it anyway, I did try to glitch 1,000,000 through the fence, but it didn't work, so I just used my shotgun.
Finally we get to the Firefly Hospital and Oh, boy, is this part ever hard with only mealy weapons.
And I mean, it's really hard.
Wait, I take that back.
It sounded weird.
Okay, you guys know what I mean?
Here's the situation.
We have dozens of armed military soldiers, all in full body suits with machine guns and military training versus one random guy with cavemen weapons.
I felt this part so many times.
It's not even funny when I first tried was choking everyone out.
But that only got me so far after that, I decided I didn't need to save any more supplies.
So I started using shivs, which made this part 10 times easier.
But it was still very difficult.
I killed the entire first floor of soldiers.
That's how badass I am.
But after that it got sickening.
So I killed about half of the second floor soldiers and just sprinted to the exit.
This one piece of garbage tried to stop me, but luckily I got away just in the nick of time.
Of course.
When I made it toe Ali, I kicked the shit out of the doctors.
Damn, It probably could have gone easier on the poor doctors because they're just doing their jobs, but it just couldn't help it.
Maybe I am a crazy psycho, and you guys know how the rest of the game goes.
I completely destroyed the military with cavemen weapons.
I'm officially the best gamer in the world.
This is a little summary.
Before we continue, I used guns for Bill's trap.
The first blow it, er sniper rifle, part saving Elliot, the university shooting the deer, killing the other bloat er and saving Ellie from the clicker.
A grand total of seven times.
It seems like a lot, but remember, these were all times where I had no choice but to use my guns to progress.
I never used them because apart was too hard or because my supplies were too low.
Just think of all the battles I went through, hundreds of enemies I killed.
It's really amazing that I only use my gun that handful of times.
I was mostly surprised with Eli's part.
I was sure I'd have to use my gun on human enemies, but no.
And don't forget that I never used listen motel myself out either.
So, unfortunately, you can't beat the last of us without using any guns.
But you can get damn close.
I had a blast playing this game again.
Definitely deserves a spot in my top three favorite games of all time.
See, I kind of like failing challenges, because then it makes the content a little more exciting for you guys.
You don't know whether I'll win or lose one extra thing I want to throw in there.
Is that almost no enemies I defeated gave me ammo.
So this just goes to show.
Don't be afraid to use your ammo, guys.
More ammo you have, the less you get, you might as well have fun and use it.
This challenge was so fun.
And if you guys have any other challenge of video ideas for this game, let me know down in the comments below, because I'd definitely be open to playing this game again.
I'm sure like me, you guys can't wait for part two to come out.
Hell, yeah.
If you guys enjoyed this video, all I ask is that you subscribe to me because I make about 2 to 3 new Challenge gaming videos every week.
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It's important you click that belt.
Thanks for watching and I'll see you guys in the next video.